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Everything’s just superficial isn’t it..u wanna see what he’s doing next he does this he does that..he farts and it sounds it like one of my favourite songs 🤣🤣🤣 I have a husband who is lovely to me too but don’t need to shout it from the roof one is arsed!! And when you have to tell people how boss ya fella is it’s game over..🙈
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those trousers are fucking horrendous😭 like babe your minge can’t breathe, just throw on a pair of leggings and be comfy, it looks like a yeast infection waiting to happen 💀
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just throwing it out there, but have we speculated that she's not actually pregnant and she's doing a Kimmy K with a surrogate? saw her in person today and it's put doubts in my head. she's used someone else's scan, is notorious for photoshopping, has delusional thoughts on the reg, doesn't have a round photoshopped it rounder?
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That 14 bar and grill sushi looks lovely but given they’ve gifted it to every whopper in Liverpool, I won’t be supporting them 🤷🏽‍♀️
Totally agree, I've seen it on every Liverpool wannabe's accounts in the last few days, that really doesn't draw me in, it turns me off.
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it’s like she’s responding to this thread by her story/Instagram🤦🏼‍♀️ For someone who is winning and doesn’t read here.. embarrassing hahah 😂😫
She's deffo responding from here, the roots being done, the bedding, trying to prove a point that DIY daddy luvs her more than escorts! She definitely reads here everyday 😂 I'm glad she does though and she doesn't just ignore it like she says on insta the big burger chonging meff
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Uh oh cringing for her this morning 😣 she hasn’t clocked on that Lauren has unfollowed her over promoting drinking whilst pregnant
Someone please send her that screenshot of her response after watching KHM full rant story before she deleted it 😂

it’s made me cringe so much her stories this morning.
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I’ve got a headache from reading her latest story.
1. you didn’t win Kate cos you took the video down
2. if you have to tell people everyday you’re over it, you’re clearly not over it
3. those screenshots just prove your followers are as thick as you
4. people that describe people as scum are generally the scummy ones
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I’m surprised she’s had any time for ‘exciting meetings since 9:30’ given the phone calls to the police, trips to Starbucks and answering all those DM’s 🤥🤥
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What fat rolls? She was a size 8 before pregnancy, had a perfectly round baby bump from 6 weeks and will be back in a size 8 once the baby is born?

also her mums crying to be back at Oh Snarlin? Yeah tears of happiness that she can finally afford her own food shopping seeing as our THM was dropping food parcels off for her when lockdown began
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What a disgusting unhealthy image to be portraying to all her young followers. The size she is un- edited isn't the issue it's the cat fishing impressionable people who will aspiring to look like the photoshopped version by dieting or starving themselves and getting an eating disorder in the process when she doesn't even look like that herself!
That’s 100% my problem with it as well. It’s like when the Kardashians start advertising diet pills and waist trainers but they’ve all had ass implants. Any young girl watching that would think it’s achievable through the shit their peddling and it’s not. It’s not fair on people’s mental health to make out that it’s all real because when people can’t look like that themselves they’ll think something is wrong with them. They should be made to declare that their photos are edited or that they’ve had surgery when they’re advertising shit they wouldn’t use
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Oh wait sorry, she’s already about to be #gifted new ones so it seems 🙄
Can this girl seriously not buy anything herself . No wondeer DJ crusty cock is with her all these freebies leaves extra cash for escorts and columbias finest
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Longgggg time lurker, I've literally followed every thread since day one, but I can't keep quiet on this one, earlier today she posted a question box, about how fellow "momma" have found scans, appointments etc, she then went on to screen record replies from her "army" where one woman had replied saying she was due her 12 week scan, now I've got children myself and am aware it's not the done thing to do, announcing your pregnancy before 12 weeks, our "KHM" kindly shared the poor woman's message to her 150K followers, with her full insta name, like how insensitive, that woman probably hasn't even told her family or friends yet, it's now been deleted, sorry for the rant, I just found it so insensitive!
I kind of feel like, more fool that person for telling someone like THM if it’s meant to be a secret? She’s hardly a model for discretion is she? Yet people fall over themselves to message her, it’s cringey.
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I just don’t get how anyone can actually believe that if you comment on a influencers life can you can be taken to court, sued & then have to pay them 😂 they can’t really believe that can be done???
The only way anyone can be arrested, taken to court, sued etc is if they had made direct threats to kill or seriously harm?
Even then they it would take months if not years to find the usernames, email addresses, ip addresses, arrest the person, wait for the court case!
The team who deals with online activity have better things to be doing like looking into dirty peados computers!
Its blatant scaremongering but surely they can’t believe that anyone will fall for it??
It’s called freedom of speech! If you chose to live your life in the public eye your going to face criticism and be judged for making bizarre & ridiculous comments!
I enjoyed that one of her army said ‘these people think it’s their god given right to comment on what you do’
Yes hun, it literally is 😂
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That furniture shop she’s in, that belongs to her “very good friends”, that she’s shopped in for years and half her house is stocked from, the one she keeps calling Coco... isn’t it called CC Co? As in the “Creative Curtain Company”?

She can’t be that good of a friend if she can’t even get the name right. I mean it’s right there on the tag.

I hope they aren’t paying her for the promotion.
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Sorry but has she just googled ‘most inappropriate places to go whilst pregnant’ and visited there amongst the social distancing problems they have?! It’s like she wants to selfishly break every shielding rule there is! And for the sake of a cheap designer bag - obvs short of cash 😫
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Loves her king doesn’t she.....defo doesn’t read here
Yeah affects your mental health when you have to go drag him out of some afters in a random gaff at 9am Sunday morning, screaming the street down 🤣

Also I’m absolutely shook at those videos about the drinking. I initially only saw her stories claiming that the “trolls” were sending her death threats over non-alcoholic Prosecco but knew there was more to it.

Those stories are actually shocking - is she genuinely that unintelligent or misinformed that she thinks drinking during pregnancy is a personal preference or up for debate ?? Imagine some young, impressionable pregnant girl following her seeing that and taking it as gospel. Does she even know what FAS is?? Never known someone have such disregard for a “rainbow” baby.

Probably the most irresponsible she’s posted to days (and there’s been a lot). Well done to whoever sent it to Lauryn Goodman, I hope all the brands she works with see these clips and realise that she is giving out dangerous “advice” to her 150k followers. Absolutely disgraceful!

Also love how shes done her best to cover up what she actually said but the screen records don’t lie hun. 🙌🏼
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I know, it wouldn’t suprise me if Cheryl was on here!!!! I think Kate’s that naive and all wrapped up in herself she doesn’t see it. I don’t think anyone’s a fan of Matt anyway. It makes me sick all the falseness
Matt sounds as much fun as fucking thrush to be around 😑
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