Kate Garraway #3 No respect for privacy of others, trip to Mexico kept undercovers!

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Unfortunately, from what I've seen of him I don't think Derek would have qualified for CHC.

If you take a look at the framework/checklist assessment tool, you can see that unless you score in the domains with an asterisk (priority domains are breathing issues, altered states of consciousnesses, challenging behaviors etc) it's near impossible to get funding.

Ultimately, CHC doesn't care about preventing things getting worse, in the way social care is meant to. A social care package should be created with the objective of preventing decline and encouraging maintaining or regaining independence, but CHC is designed to step in where the needs are primarily medical not "social" and/or where the decline is already unmanageable.

Social care needs are 'acts of daily living'. So things like eating/drinking, clothing/bathing, mobility, managing your home enviroment, managing money/correspondence etc. Which would have been Derek's primary need, as is the case with 99% of disabled/chronically ill people.

CHC focuses too hard on explicitly medical issues (rightly so, I guess, as it's the NHS after all) and this blocks thousands of people from getting care. Forcing them into endless disputes with their local authorities who will argue the toss over what's covered by social care, in the hopes of palming it all off to CHC. Who ultimately don't want to take anyone on unless they absolutely have to.

Sadly, CHC is a battle for everyone trying to obtain it. They don't want you to have it and unless you have the strength or support to fight tooth and nail, you ain't gonna get it!

It's been a while since I've gone through the CHC assessment with someone, but I've known people in absolute dire straights, needing PEG feeds and having horrendous skin breakdowns due to pressure ulcers and lymphoedema, and they've been denied simply because they didn't get a tick for struggling with breathing or behaviour issues (the priority domains).

Even if you score highly in all other domains, unless you've got at least one in a priority, you will not be given funding. At least not without putting up a massive fight, and potentially putting forward a legal challenge, and most people's cases are not strong enough to come close to winning in a judicial review etc.

Derek clearly didn't have any of the necessary serious issues to qualify for CHC funding, even if Kate had tried. The issues with breathing and challenging behaviour etc have to be consistant, not intermittent or related to transient issues, like a viral infection giving him a bad chest or something. So even though he was in and out of hospital, the very fact he could be discharged and managed with social care, would have worked against him qualifying for CHC.

Also, just because you get CHC one year, doesn't mean they won't rip it out of your hands at any given point. They remove CHC a lot more often and more easily than they do with other packages of care. And it's a Goddamned disgrace, frankly!

He would have qualified for PIP though, and she should have applied for that as it's not means tested and he would have got around £500 a month for his needs which would have helped offset some of the costs. But PIP is a whole other piss take that I'll avoid going into here.

The system is rigged. From the assessment stages, to funding, to even the complaints process. It's all designed to prevent people getting what they need in the name of saving money. Pounds before people all day long!

But it's not helped by the fact that people like Kate are too busy dodging taxes and creating questionable companies to do their creative accounting, so they can keep that little bit more of their wealth for an extra few bottles of champagne or a trip to the Maldives. The fact she's owing £700k to the taxman alone is a joke. That money could fund easily five or six care packages if it had been paid into the system.

She should not be allowed to sit there on national TV, giving it the old sob story and saying how awful it is for people in Derek's situation, when she's part of the fuckin' problem why these services are underfunded, and why vulnerable people are being left without care or fighting to get (and keep) every second of it that they are given.

She needs to understand how privileged she is to be able to afford to fund his care privately, AND to keep working and maintaining an income most of us can only dream of.

She is incredibly lucky that she wasn't left handling him entirely by herself, while waiting 90 weeks for a social care assessment to be done and signed off, and for them to 'get around to' arranging carers. Or to be fed one of the numerous lies social workers spout about what is/isn't funded by social care, getting mugged off by people who are supposed to help and support you. Being forced to provide unpaid care because a social worker has led you to believe that's the only option, etc etc etc etc....

OR more still - to live in constant fear of a care package being reduced or removed entirely due to council's cost cutting, where they use an annual review as an excuse to see what care can be cut and what more can be forced onto family members.

OR worse still - being told "sorry, you're too expensive to keep at home, so let's shove you off into a residential care placement". These are issues I see every single day for disabled/chronically ill people and it absolutely enrages me.

She hasn't got a fuckin' clue about what real people experience in the system, and like I said, she's part of the problem and she definitely has not done anything to help with a solution since she's started banging this drum the second Derek took ill. She's done duck all for real people, and will continue to do duck all for real people, because she's too busy making other people's struggles about her.

And as someone else said - unpaid carers and people in need have been screaming about this mess for DECADES and no one's given a tit. It shouldn't have come to an ITV presenter's husband falling on hard times for people to be aware of how bad the social care system is, and how fucked we all are the second we fall ill (or get old) and need to turn to the government for help just to stay alive and somewhat well.
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I hope that now that documentary (or whingefest) has been shown that the gloves will be off with the media.

The DM have clearly got an agenda with the amount of articles in the last few days.

A second home in London ffs - how dare she stand there and say she represents unpaid carers :mad:
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They even started banging on about the cost of childcare for Kate earlier. Her kids are old enough now to not need childcare. The revelation of the £1.7m second home today has just about finished me off
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That's all irrelevant.

NHS care in this country is free at the point of contact for either millionaires or paupers.
Not really. The NHS is funded by tax and this pair haven't been paying what they should have been, which creates a shortfall. You can't spend what isn't paid in.
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That's all irrelevant.

NHS care in this country is free at the point of contact for either millionaires or paupers.
Not really. The NHS is funded by tax and this pair haven't been paying what they should have been, which creates a shortfall. You can't spend what isn't paid in.
EXACTLY. The NHS is "free at the point of use" which doesn't mean it's free-free. It means we're paying for it indirectly through taxation. Taxation that darling Kate and Derek have clearly being doing their absolute utmost to avoid.
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Why are they making such a big deal about her downsizing to a smaller house. If she has massive debts, it makes sense to sell up. Her house has probably increased in value since she bought it. So sell and move to a 3 bed semi. The kids will probably be leaving home in a few years.

Millions of others have done it
Or sell the main house and move to the 2nd cheaper one!
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Unbelievably selfish and tasteless and tone deaf to be playing the money card. Just fck off, you have more assets than most of us will ever have.

She's also pretty stupid if she thinks this makes her relatable to carers
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did it not say in the News paper report the newer house was bought by remortgaging the other then a further mortgage was taken out?
There was some remortgaging going on, but they didn't have figures. Even so, the value may have gone up since then.

They could move to the smaller one and get more rent on the bigger one, if selling isn't viable?
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EXACTLY. The NHS is "free at the point of use" which doesn't mean it's free-free. It means we're paying for it indirectly through taxation. Taxation that darling Kate and Derek have clearly being doing their absolute utmost to avoid.
THIS! Facts!👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
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There there, let it all out.

I'm not calling anyone a vile troll. I simply don't care what people think of Kate Garroway. I'm far from a fan.

That man should have been CHC funded.
We only know details from what Kate has said. I think she has manipulated and lied about a lot of things. We don’t know any of the real details about what has happened with his care.
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We only know details from what Kate has said. I think she has manipulated and lied about a lot of things. We don’t know any of the real details about what has happened with his care.
I've also wondered are Derek's friends and other family members happy with what Kate is doing?

If Derek was my relative I certainly wouldn't be pleased with what Kate is doing
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Fair enough Dr Hilary (although in my experience even most GP's haven't the foggiest about CHC). Elton John? Lol, comedy gold
You've missed the point about Elton John (and the string of very very VERY high level politicians she knows). The names including Elton are an indicator of the sort of people she has in her address book and in her circle. With direct access to people like all those, I guarantee she also has access to extremely good tax advisors, who will have helped with the schemes that have gotten both her and Derek out of paying HMRC their dues in their string of "failed" (read: plundered) companies. Likely also the finest legal and PR people also just a coffee meet away, and who are probably helping with her current publicity onslaught.
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Had a catch up tonight with a dear friend of mine, who is disabled and relies heavily on carers.

We were discussing Garraway, of course, and he has some very strong opinions about her, and it was interesting to get a perspective from someone in a situation similar to Derek.

We discussed whether or not Derek could have consented to the documentaries and what not, and my friend said that he probably did consent, but purely because he felt he had no choice.

My friend receives care from paid carers and also family members, and he says he often finds himself going along with what they want simply because he knows he's reliant on them and doesn't want drama that follows him saying "no".

He has a lot of ugly stories where he's tried to speak his mind and he's lost carers who just stop showing up, or a member of his family has got the hump and left him high and dry. Sadly, I've heard many stories like this, and I know a lot of people with care needs will just go along just to get along. Which is really sad.

I would bet everything I owned on that being the case with Derek too. Kate does strike me as the type to tread dangerously close to "coercive control".

My friend also said he wouldn't be surprised if she rejected input from social services, as they would be aware of safeguarding and probably would have picked up on any shady/controlling behaviour from her, and that possibly either kept her from getting them involved, or had her nose put out of joint to the point she rejected their involvement.

I think this could also be true, because I remember seeing her on This Morning last year, talking about carer's rights and accessing social care, along side a woman from a carer's organization and Kate did not have a single clue about the process and didn't know how to answer anything put to her about it. So I think it's safe to say social workers never got involved to any relevant degree, and even if he/she was self funding - they can and should be involved!

One point of view that really got me, was that my friend says he's got the impression that Kate has racked up all this debt (which she clearly could have avoided by selling the second house) because she had no intention of paying it back and was hoping to plead poverty with the public/her fans and get donations to clear it.

I did have this suspicion myself, and now with all this info coming out about their dodgy dealings with shell/phoenix companies and tax dodging, she/he clearly have atrocious financial management skills (or very savvy ones, I guess...depending on how you look at it) and they seem like the types who wouldn't pay an invoice for services rendered and have the tradesman chasing them to the small claims court.

It makes total sense to me that she's been throwing cash at the problem, with that narcissistic confidence telling her she'd never have to pay it back....because her track record in other areas shows she's not one to pay her debts and does all she can to avoid paying her dues too....so why would a care debt be any different?

Anyways, just thought I'd share.
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Dr Hilary was apparently the first person Kate called when Derek took not well. An ambulance would be my first port of call but there you go. Dr Hilary was very much involved in this story making sure everyone knew how supposedly serious Covid was. The same person who has shares in one of the Covid vaccines and made a lot of money from the pandemic.

Wondered why he was such a prick at this time, never trusted him anyways, he's seriously weird and no wonder he and Kate are friends :sick:
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Kate is doing the news on GMB today and she's going to be talking about the reponse to the documentary :sleep:
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Kate is doing the news on GMB today and she's going to be talking about the reponse to the documentary :sleep:
She should not be reading the news, when she is part of the news.

I abhor her wanting carers on the NHS, when she and Derek refused to pay their taxes. Several of their companies going bust...owing creditors, including HMRC.

I really cannot stand her, she is going the same way as Captain Tom's family.
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She must be tone deaf if she is moaning about money. Her house and her lifestyle generally is beyond what most of us can afford! Sure-fire way to alienate the public, moaning about money in this situation.
Exactly! poor Kate might have to sell her million pound house while most of the country cant put food on the table. :rolleyes:
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Kate is doing the news on GMB today and she's going to be talking about the reponse to the documentary :sleep:
duck me, she's on AGAIN. This is ridiculous. I refuse to believe the paid-up members of the ITV squad don't roll their eyes off-screen. These people are so bloody superficial it's beyond belief. That 'Ed Vasey' bloke, sorry 'Lord' Ed Vasey ... he don't 'arf fancy himself. Can't see it myself ... :rolleyes:
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