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VIP Member
Yeah it was something along those lines! She couldn’t afford it and they haven’t been on holiday for ages!
Can anyone remember if there were any donations? I’m sure there were a couple but not many?
OMG yes I remember too
Was it like the first holiday before she then started booking them like fucking crazy


VIP Member
Is gigantor really trying to make me feel sorry for her with her behind the scene bullshit on her TikTok stories?

Cry me a river ya giant.


VIP Member
Who did it first: her and or her best mate Jodie Lynn. She came up on my FYP a couple times yesterday and her mannerisms/personality are very like Jo… or Jo is very like her


VIP Member
And logan is starting year 7. Imagine missing the first few weeks of school at that age. Especially as she said he's quite shy. Worse time to go away. Selfish
I think Logan is only year 6, sure he’s just turned 10


VIP Member
Imagine supporting a racist tho.
yeah I agree death threats are so unnecessary, but according to Eden harvz, she’s had them since she started TikTok. Why start supporting her since she was outed as a racist eh Jo?


Chatty Member
Why link a product that you aren't satisfied with? It seems pretty cheeky to me.
It was sent for free, so she has to or she’d lose her TikTok shop account basically it’s a bit stupid bc it does lead to a large amount of people chatting shit bc they have very little choice


VIP Member
So she reckons the school is okay with her taking the boys out of school again for a holiday. She would have filled out a form, the school would decline it but accept that she’ll take them anyway.
There’s a difference Jo, it’s just another fine to pay. Hunters just started school and although reception isn’t compulsory it’ll start becoming an important time for him school as they’ll be just playing and having fun like the first week settling in. She has no care for the boys education.
i get every other year or something but she took them out June/July and now!!
I missed the last week of school every year in primary (bar the last one, although that year my eldest sister looked after me and I ended up with some banging food poisoning and didn’t go to school anyway 🥴) and the first couple years of secondary - and I HATED IT. We had to come back to the UK for my sisters’ speech days/end of year and, although now I know that we had to do it because it was a big thing for my sisters I do think my parents could have handled it differently. And that’s not just a jolly to Greece that I’d already been on that summer 😅


VIP Member
Did anyone see her video on p Louise and she called herself a voice for charities or something!!
only thing I’ve seen her do is donate gifted stuff she doesn’t want
And now she’s telling people to donate to their p Louise stuff instead of chucking it cos places are desperate for it


VIP Member
Guys can I ask something about child labor laws here. If it upsets people I apologize in advance

If she is taking the kids to events, which we know she not promoting them as either gifted or a paid advertisements, which we know she is being paid for. Which she been to 3 in the pass three days, does she need in notified her local council authority, that the kids are doing paid work?
I remember when my dad had a shop in the late 90's, we had to register with the local council that we had under 16's working for us aka Saturday job or paper boy /girl, they where limited to a number of hours work including travel to and from home per week, I remember it being under 14 it being limited to 10 hours per week 14 to 16 being 12 hours per week. But if the school reported issues with it the job had to stop.

Does this still apply nowadays.
They kids aren’t working.