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Love it!! Enjoy the rest of your week, I will check in by everyday for your updates. If I offered a treat to RLF and it wasn’t a blowie he would be livid 🤣

I’ve been drinking tonight as this time 9 years ago I was in a lot of pain while RLF was making cheese and ham bagels ‘in case he had a long night’ 🤯 no birthday drink for the baby tomorrow night as I have work Weds.
Ahh, we have birthdays at the weekend. I have a manic week coming up 😵💫
No, it's too old to run Word so using Docs with no spell check. The Bluetooth keyboard is fiddly too.

If bae is fucking Gaz, who is HK fucking!?

Anyone got a Chrome book? Why are they so cheap?
The kids have chrome books for school, they’re OK but I don’t think are v powerful, only really good for browsing, school work, etc. Would probably be fine for writing on if that’s what you need it for.

Are you still finding the hotel as good as/nearly as good as the Moderates? Have you ever been in May/June and if so what was the weather like?
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Put a TikTok up like 10am and by like 5pm it only had 250ish views … it’s now at over 5k … he practically sells himself 🤣

100% agree to this … maybe we set them up on some weekend retreat when we have our orgy then we don’t have to worry about them burning the house down/attempting DIY/wondering how to live without someone doing everything for them … maybe @cobette cleaner could go with them to keep them entertained?? 🤣
I’d lick that chocolate cake off his body so he didn’t have to eat it

my RLF would definitely be the quietest, but he’d come back and tell me all the gossip so I can you let you all know who did what to the cleaner
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Stop being the voice of reason 😂

RLF is pissing me off being so painfully polite, he lets everyone go in front of him so we're last on bloody everything or can't move anywhere fast. I know bae would be the exact opposite because he's so rude and I can't decide if that would also piss me off after he's let a door slam on some person holding three babies for the fourth time in a day.
If it gets you to a ride or to food quicker let him slam that door 🤣

(not in the face of any of our tattlers with LOS though)
Anyway, it’s well past my bedtime. Night xx

I like the mini Colins because I eat the chocolate on the outside then leave the middles.

I think I am about to be removed from the spa for cell phone use.

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Cell phone?? Who are you
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If your boss wants you to go for the job, he damn well will wait for you to get it. I don't think that he'll choose anyone will less experience.

I understand why you might not want people to not like you, but as a superior, there are decisions you have to take that others might not like or agree with, but that's why you're there to lead them, and go by example. From what I have learned about you in the past three months of being here, I know that you're exactly the right person for this. And you should go for it.

PS: I know such moves up the ladder can be anxiety-inducing - I'm currently right in the middle of it - but you're great, and capable, and obviously respected by your boss, so do it. Get that job. Show them you're super @LurkingAnnie ❤
Thank you x
Should I just move away permanently?!
nooooooooo - your outfits are cute 😍 miss you

I’m so glad you’re going for it! Can you take your laptop on holiday just in case the job is put out in that time? Or can you find a computer to use at the resort to complete the application and upload your cv?
I’m going to see my boss on Friday and maybe have a chat about logistics etc see if he can do something about the closing date if it’s when I’m not here - he’s got the control essentially
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Just sorting out my folders again before having a shower to warm up 🥶

Shorts and hoodie for @LurkingAnnie

Pls just fuck me to death

Why is this black eye attractive?!

Dick looks big here

Baby 🥹
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Just Drive

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Me too.

My ideal RLF would live maybe a 10- minute walk away, and would be a strict adherent to the rule of calling (actually, texting) ahead before you visit. He would visit to feed/cuddle/shag/watch TV/talk and then toddle off to his own life until the next time we both wanted to do one or more of those things together.

He certainly wouldn't be messing everything up by not knowing what to do or having flaws or needing me.

This is one of many reasons I'm single. I want a man I can put on standby and shove in a cupboard.
No seriously, you’re me.

My great aunt and uncle had this arrangement whereby they lived in separate houses near each other. They were very happy together and apart.
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We have no food in and the food shop doesn't come until tomorrow. Have just dropped LO at pre school and now am sitting with a cuppa! RLF is working from home and I might dabble later, but it's rare I get a day to myself that I'm taking it, even if it is to just sit and watch the funeral.
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Morning ladies ❤ I slept in my own bed for about an hour last night, during which time I had a sex dream, but I can't remember who with 🥲 I have a sneaking suspicion it was RLF, which feels like a waste.

Then spent the rest of the night clinging to the edge of LO's bed as every time I moved, he work up and got upset. Safe to say, I am shattered! So many meetings today and then in Manchester tomorrow 😴

Manchester holds less appeal when I know neither of my boys are there. Hope everyone has a good day and hope your migraine passes @mimimithis x
I feel your pain. Little one was in my bed last night and I was clinging to the edge of my own bed 🙈🤣. I’ve got a bit of a stiff neck this morn
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Definitely go and register and make an appointment with the new surgery/GP as soon as you can. And perhaps consider taking some time off work, if you’re struggling to make it out of bed, or with sleep or in general. Work isn’t worth risking your health for.

I know it’s scary to think about a psych referral or going to mental health team, but it might end up working for you, even better than short term meds could.

All the hugs for you. ❤

Handsome fella 😁❤😍
Really don't want to have to take any time off work. The thought of it makes me feel sick. Don't want people knowing, don't want the awkwardness of going back, feeling like everyone thinks/knows I can't cope.

@Gossgossgoss9888 my experience with our crisis is that they can just be a sounding board too. The term “crisis” is very misleading because essentially when people reach that point they may need other interventions.
Just know there’s people to reach out to
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, why does a psych referral worry you? You honestly don’t have to say
This is going to be some garbled nonsense.

I can say it here, to people who don't know me IRL, all casual like "I have bipolar disorder" because it's a useful shorthand for what I'm like or how you might experience me over time.

But that's a 15-year-old diagnosis and I've spent much of the time in those 15 years alternating between pretending and believing there's nothing wrong. There's a big part of me - even now, sitting here, on my sofa in my pyjamas, wrapped in a blanket, tears streaming down my face that haven't really stopped since I woke up this morning - that thinks I'm OK and this is life and everything is normal and fine and there's nothing wrong with me and there's no help to be had because this is just how people feel sometimes.

I'm scared of being referred and having it confirmed again because I don't want to be ill and I don't want to be someone who has to see a psychiatrist and take medication and have the label and never be able to get away from it. And last time it only made things worse, so it wasn't even like a compromise of acknowledging I'm ill in order to feel better, it was the shitshow of the pain of admitting to needing help and then just feeling worse anyway.

I'm also kind of scared I might get referred and they confirm that part of my brain is right, and I am OK and nothing is wrong. Because that would mean there's literally nothing that anyone could ever do to help.

And most of all, I like to be able to run, and hide, and pretend, and the thought of being "in the system" gives me such anxiety because I don't know how I'd be able to escape if I wanted to. Don't like going into things where I can't see the exits.

@Gossgossgoss9888 pls excuse my ignorance … but won’t sad songs just make you feel worse? Can you bring yourself to go out for a walk? Fresh air does the world of good sometimes. I hate the thought of you being so upset and down on your own 😞😞. I would definitely do what mimi says and get signed off for a while? Will that help? There must be a solution for you sweet. Do you have family near by?

@cobette what time is it there. Is it breakfast 🥞 time?
Re: sad songs, yes and no. Hard to engage with anything else though. And sometimes there is a feeling of recognition in it. Like not being the only one.

Am very much doubting my ability to go for a walk. Not dressed yet. And even walking round the house I'm doing tiny tired shuffly steps and feel like stopping to lie down at any minute.

Don't want to miss work. Will keep going unless/until it becomes physically impossible.

Family's not an option. Would make everything worse.
I've struggled with treatment-resistant depression and anxiety for over 20 years and I've tried over a dozen different medications or combinations of multiple medications, from both GPs and psychiatrists. GPs would only prescribe SSRIs and SNRIs and finally a very very good psychiatrist put me on an MAOI and lithium when I was in a very very deep depression and that combo helped a lot.

After finally doing pharmacogenetic testing (Genesight) a couple years ago it turns out that there are only about 6 antidepressants that work with my genetic profile and the way I metabolize drugs. None of them are SSRIs, and only 2 of the drugs I had been on were on the list, which in hindsight explains a lot.

Not sure if the genetic testing is an option for you, but I do think for treatment-resistant depression if you can see a psychiatrist rather than a GP, that's worth a try, unless your GP is pretty knowledgeable about more "advanced" treatments and various types of augmentation. In the US, they are generally not.

And of course, talk therapy has been invaluable but getting on the right medications has made the most difference for me.

I hope you feel better soon. ♥

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Thank you ❤ So sorry to hear you know what it's like.

My problem isn't that my depression is treatment-resistant, it's getting the balance right. Everything that shifts the depression sends me way too far the other way.

Your pup is adorable.

You're all such sweethearts. I'm sorry for the miseryguts thread derail.

Handsome bae will give you thank you kisses.

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VIP Member
Me too.

My ideal RLF would live maybe a 10- minute walk away, and would be a strict adherent to the rule of calling (actually, texting) ahead before you visit. He would visit to feed/cuddle/shag/watch TV/talk and then toddle off to his own life until the next time we both wanted to do one or more of those things together.

He certainly wouldn't be messing everything up by not knowing what to do or having flaws or needing me.

This is one of many reasons I'm single. I want a man I can put on standby and shove in a cupboard.
I feel exactly the same way.
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