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Well, well, well another House update.

Ava had an accident, (number 2) and he talked at length about his dog's bowel movements, I couldn't think of a better metaphor for the channel. He and Lucy have brought a pantry for the kitchen and controversially they have eggs in there, ordinarily there would be nothing wrong with that but in that kitchen, with all the windows in the summer, they'll be boiled ! Next, Hatzakis came to visit which I am pretty sure is against the Lockdown rules, no social distancing at all and she's goes on about her "slag" days, so make of that what you will (for american readers here, slag is a british word used to describe a promiscuous woman) . Next we hear about how he doesn't want the carpets nor the colour for the office (if you read here Hi Joel ) and we are all supposed to be on the edge of our seats waiting to see what colour him and Lucy have finally decided on :rolleyes: apart from that the whole house is going to be a white washed mess. We also get a glimpse of the new house cards and I'm dubious if these people actually went in, again breaking Lockdown rules. I think that pretty much sums it up Tattlers !
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Just watched the latest video - the tour of their new pit. Did he seriously say he would love to buy a house that someone has died in and they have no family just so he could rummage through the furniture. He is SO obnoxious ! and that kitchen all that glass it is going to be scorching in the summer !
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Well I've watched the new vlog so let's unpack
- starts off with a pt session courtesy of varhar (points out this wan't AD Gifted, but so obviously on the beg for a partnership) and he gets to have a pt session in his smart mirror ! his dream come true ! and he even says " it's important to look at yourself in the mirror" so we've heard it from the horses mouth, self absorbed !
- next he hires a house cleaner. This would be understandable if it was a big house but it's a little tinpot terrace (again nothing against terraces, the vast majority are lovely inside, just Joel's and Lucy's is an awkwardly layed out, dark, dank mess). Well Joel, if you love exercise so much, guess what's a good work out ? Housework ! clean your own house you lazy mare !
- So next we have a little monologue about how his vlogs are going from 'home design and diy' to 'normal' I thought that was the whole channel anyway ? he must think he's the new Laurence Llewellyn Bowen 🙄 Then goes on to mention he has a meeting with his business coach, so another expense and he says she helps him with 'content ideas' well I'd sack that coach if I was you mate. Even Ava started barking when he was talking about the coach, I imagine she said "*bark* *bark* your content's sh*t *bark* *bark*"
- more content about paint drying, this time he painted his Grandad's fence, didn't wear any spf as he boasts "I've caught the sun" well your skin won't be good Joel
- Then on to the office, he says he brought the house 'because of the office' Oh really ? I thought it was because of the downstairs toilet or greenhouse kitchen. Also shows off his electric desk he was "gifted" or as I highly suspect, begged and it reminds me of something that would be in a hospital.

and finally

he's going for a walk with Hatzakis and Christie next week, so all stay on the edge of your seats *sarcasm* Tattlers !


Just watched the latest broadcasts from the South West London cave.
I nominate this for the official tattle name for the Bennett Wood Residence 😂 😂 😂
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Chatty Member
Any details of the tantrum on his IGTV? Starting to wonder if he's actually mentally unstable or an attention whore. He's making Joel look like the 'normal' one.
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Certainly not. I don't think I'd even be able to stand him in person! Things I hear about him and what I see from him are most unappealing. I did get a good chuckle out of imagining how horribly that would go tho!
What makes you think you'd not be able to stand him in person? Presumably you like his videos or did at some point?
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Oh! Just remembered. In the latest vlog, he mentions that his terraced house has an addition that doesn’t comply with building regulations (and that he and Lucy’s dads both surveyed because they both work in property.. of course) but they still bought it. And that ~apparently~ their place is £100k cheaper than comparable properties in the area. Joel you idiot, even if that was true, wouldn’t that be a massive red flag that maybe you were biting off more than you can chew? You can’t just slap some paint on it and call it a cottage and suddenly make it worth over half a mill. It basically needs the entire back extended and a full layout change, not to mention probably new windows throughout. Not cheap.
He also mentioned remortgaging in a few years. Someone make it make sense.
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Just watched the new vlog, jesus, what a bloody bore.

Their whole house cottage cave has that horrible weird lighting that you get on a cold snowy winters day, except it has been really bright in London recently. I would not be happy spending that amount on a place only to have to have the big lights on all day every day.

The 'office' aka Lucy's room 2.0 is tiny, she looks squashed between her desk and the wall. I love how he made out like they were going really bold with the paint colour but picked one of the trendiest tones at the moment...

I saw some 'J' and 'W' coasters and was wondering who the W was but then realised it is Joel Wood, who gets homeware for their shared house with they first and second initials? Self obsessed.

9:30 'I can then put up my bed and stop sleeping on a mattress on the floor like a drug dealer - that's how I imagine drug dealers sleep' - how tone deaf is he?! You'd better be careful saying that with the amount of white powder we can see allover your face, Joel. People in glass houses ;)

Also, see attached photo of his bizarre foot which he included in the video for some reason. This man spends enough time on the internet to know that rarely ends well. Perhaps he's desperate to end up on some weird youtuber foot fetish site. Any publicity is good publicity I guess though, Joel.

Final point; he's bragging about some custom made 'gate' which he plans to add to the under stairs cupboard to be Ava's new home. For what reason? She isn't being puppy crate trained anymore and that space is far too small either way. I'm actually appalled that he would show that online. Seems very cruel.


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I didn't realize that the only way to get into the office space is to go through Lucy's bedroom. This stinks of Joel having the final say on what to do with that room.
The whole layout of the house is awful imo, if I was living with someone else I would never buy somewhere where one room was only accessible through a bedroom
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Theories on Hatzakis and Ach split? I always thought they were a mismatch.
I don't think they've broken up. Even if they had, we wouldn't know about it beause It would be bad for their joint channel. Perhaps they've "consciously uncoupled". 😅

I can easily see them identifying as some sort of alternate type of couple before admitting to a breakup, given their joint ventures.

On the other hand, finding out that Yasin's nudes are on the internet certainly gave me a whole new perspective, and I'm wondering how that pair kept that under wraps for so long! 😮
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I hope Yas lands a good acting role tbh, he’s mentioned he’s been on TV before, it would be so satisfying watching Joel go grovelling back. Honestly if the YouTube channel failed and him and Hatzakis had to get normal jobs, I would have a spring in my step for the rest of the year
This would be great! Yas landing some good acting role, doing it amazingly well, and watching Joel shrivel in envy is a small fantasy of mine. I want to watch Joel see others get what he wants most (being a famous actor). I would even be satisfied to see Leaya/Lia take off and leave him in the dust at this point!

Can you imagine, amazing movie starring Lia Hatzakis, Yasin Dabhelia, and Vanessa Kirby. They do wonderfully well and it wins awards. Joely tries out and maybe gets to be an unpaid extra. The others move on with their lives and Joely decides he's outgrown YouTube and becomes an accent coach.. 😂🤣
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They absolutely are desperate to get in with the 'Hun' crowd. Liar is all over Gemma Collins Insta begging for Gemma to notice her but Liar doesn't follow her it seems. Pathetic hun!
Sorry, but what is this "Hun" crowd?
"I'm self conscious of the bald spot on my hairline at the forehead so this will get rid of it."

It's still there Joel and your hairline has not changed at all. I think it was a failure.
His hairline literally doesn't look any different except for that growing bald spot! Also, why does he always talk about things that he is insecure about or point out the things he does that people don't like, just to try to make a point or clapback? Doesn't he realise that all that does is provoke the many people that already don't like him? If I really didn't care about something, I wouldn't mention it unless it was something that actually mattered.

All that said, I look forward to seeing how he tries to evade the very personal and specifically gay male topics that are talked about on 4 Poofs. I wonder how long they'll even be able to stand him!
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There's a new story up ! he has brought a penguin shaped lamp that cost him £49.99 and he has uploaded a picture of his dinner a miserable looking salad with the caption 'summer is coming' on a cold day like today. But then in his world a dingy terrace is a country cottage 🤪
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Waiting for the inevitable vlog where he gets locked out of his cottage, Lucy isn't home and he's shouting through the letterbox to Ava to let him back in.
Well, we're still due an "I'm so stressed out 😭" video and I can't wait until this lovely neighbor of theirs gets involved! Something tells me he's a handsome dark-featured man Joely can't wait to befriend 😋
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No, you just treat her like a criminal by locking her in that cell all night :mad: the video doesn't lie Mould !!!!