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I know I wonder how long he’s going to last on the podcast ? 😂 he’ll bore them all to tears I’m sure.

is Hatzakis really All over Gemma Collins Instagram ? Oh my god she needs to get a grip, what’s wrong with her honestly ?!?!?

as per mouldy Instagram stories, the 4 poofs YouTube channel has launched, it’s going to be so cringe when he tries to evade the personal questions / conversations 😬
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I don’t get why he wouldn’t watch the interview beforehand ? Especially if you’re going to make a video ! I think the new neighbour’s definitely a hot guy I could tell the thirst when he was gushing over him

Also on the subject of the hair, I really don't want to criticize but I can't tell the difference before or after the hair transplant !
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Drew is one of Joels friends from church his church. he's only been in a few vlogs, there was a whole saga were Joels car got hit when they were on their way to Drew's wedding, or I think it was Joel that hit the neighbour's car ? there's a clickbaity title for the video anyway

I know what you mean about the green room
in the style of mean girls,

that is fugliest office I've ever seen
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Self absorbed
Dull as dishwater

the list goes on
I know! It's becoming more and more apparent the more I look into it. While it's fascinating, it's also infuriating. I really hope Yas finds someone that's better to him. I hope his "career" plummets and that he gets a dose of reality soon. At this point, I can't even like him anymore. He is outright villainous to me, and I am now just hate-watching to see him fail.
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Well with all the latest government announcements I really can't see his and Hatzakis' latest trip to Boston going ahead, que meltdowns. Also the apartment tour, theres is no way on this earth I would be paying £1850 a month for that sh*t hole, london or not.
Yeah, and with Hatzakis' moving further away (back in with her parents apparently did Ach lose his job??) I can't see anything else happening on Joel and Lia beyond the boring crap they're already doing.
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ohh the scandal deepens ! I wonder when he'll get another bf, will they do another nodpodcast ?
He probably won't broadcast his next BF. He'll most likely be dating and banging on the DL for fear of any drama. There have been some comments on Joel's IG from Yas that are only like 6 weeks old. Casual stuff, yet they don't seem to follow each other. I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating/banging on the DL. I'm just craving more of that guy's dating drama since it's far more interesting than his artificial persona.
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So, him and Hatzakis have uploaded a new video about "toxic relationships " Joel is cryptic as ever even though we all know the drama with Yas.

new account btw but I am @JoeyYanks
I really just don't get how their channel can continue in this way, if I was them I would be focussing on both of their renovation/house project things and comparing notes/experiences etc
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You mean Yasin "Be in the background of as much of the cruise footage as I can so it's impossible for Joel to edit me out and then his fans will ask about me" Dhabelia?
Yep! Yasin "make sure my nudes are leaked and posted in forums
so that I'm talked about" Dabhelia.
LOL I thought he was one of the cruise's 'help' - perhaps one of the employees that gave Joel a tour of the ship. But little did we know... Joel was banging that short little mofo
"Little did we know"?! LOL After that video, I'm sure EVERYONE knew! 😅
That guy did everything he could to make sure people knew. Now that Joel is friendly with him again, I wonder how it will play out and if we'll realize they're secretly seeing each other again. I highly suspect Joel being single right now is for show, especially since he's made it clear how out of his control things got last time everyone knew he was in a relationship. Joel's biggest fear is being left, feeling alone, and being unwanted or unlovable. He clearly goes to great lengths to make sure he's wanted and not alone, but has learned to not let his love live interfere with his fauxlebrity image, since he ends up unable to control the narrative surrounding it.

Poor guy is so internally homophobic that he can't give room for any public opinions on his relationships! If people mention that to him, he'll even directly quote your comment on a video and act as if you're being rotten for pointing it out- even in a compassionate way simply expressing concern! 🤬
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oh yes most definitely he’ll dye it, he’ll most likely get Hatzakis to do it for him and stream it for all the “LeGeNdS” urgh
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Just watching 'What I Spend in a Week £££ & Signing to an Acting Agent!' and wow - there is a lot to unpack.

I absolutely hate when he draws attention to his negative comments with disclaimers like (talking about him purchasing excessive quantities of bottled water) 'I know it's killing the planet but I'm trying to save the planet in other ways, like my diet'

He then proceeds to show a plethora of plastic wrapped foods, including snacking meat yet then goes on to say he hasn't purchased any meat 'except for ready meals' - so you bought meat then!?

I'm not vegan and I honestly couldn't care less what anyone wants to buy or eat. Just don't try and pretend you care, Mouldy and just admit that you're lazy and like convenience food.
this almost sounds ridiculous enough for me to bother watching :ROFLMAO:
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Well, He's uploaded a new insta story 'can't wait for the gyms to reopen and annoy you all with self indulgent posts' or something like that, Ok Joel continue proving you read here. Also,, done some detective work 🕵️‍♂️ and Yasin's profile pic on facebook is of him with Ayvurr and a shirt saying 'no place for ex lovers' 😂😂 you could just tell Ayvur preferred him to Joel 🙄

Will have to check Hatzakis' thread, she is so deadpan and dull, urgh 🙄 ach works away doesn't he ? wonder what he's doing whilst he's away ...
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Yes it wouldn't bother him though, he would just do a livestream and get all his thirsty viewers to cough up, or failing that get his "not rich" parents (who just happen to have a holiday home in Florida) to foot the bill
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I see on IG he has another little skit where he brags about being rude and a spoiled brat because he's the youngest. That's not something to be proud of Joel.
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Omg I know right ? wtf was the new jersery thing for when they were staying in new york city, that made no sense at all !!

the best mate from orange theory Vero hasn't been mentioned in AGESSSS and you know what, since it's been brought up here I bet Mouldy will mention in her in his next vlog !

"Going to Londis for something to eat is peak Mould and Liar!"
Who goes on a two day walking holiday in the country and leaves their dog at home?
Well he leaves her locked under the stairs in a jail cell the poor thing can't even stand up in !! it's so cruel !
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I really don't know what to make of it if they do indeed read here, one half of me thinks there would be a clickbaity video, the other hald thinks that he would keep schtum because any critics that they've just blocked in the past who didn't kiss their ass*s would have a place to vent.

Also new insta story, he's getting inspo for the house from magazines, saying now he wants a bold wallpaper, funny I just thought he wanted bricks ? and he likes fireplaces in bathrooms, well good luck with that one, you couldn't swing a cat in that broom closet of a bathroom you and lucy have in your terrace cottage
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That hairline, getting thinner than his views 🤣

"I'm self conscious of the bald spot on my hairline at the forehead so this will get rid of it."

It's still there Joel and your hairline has not changed at all. I think it was a failure.
He said his middle brother was thinking of getting one as well if I remember correctly. God know what procedure joel will have done next, he already has his armpits botoxed regularly because he’s a sweaty mouldy minger. Get some on those crows feet whilst your at it mouldy
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The toxic relationships video they posted is purely clickbait and to see who will watch for tea on the Yas drama, plus Hatzakis is probably looking to fuel the rumours her and Ach have split up for more views on her videos. I'd think if they HAD split up, she'd instantly do a video crying about it! "I've already told my patrons all about it so if you want to know more, BECOME A PATRON AND GIVE ME MONEY!" 🤣 🤣
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