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VIP Member
I mean ffs it was weird as f*ck, how out of touch can “just buy me the horse actually be” I bet all the other hosts were thinking who the F* is this guy, he’s also just posted a new Instagram post about his virgin cruise freebie, he took his older brother on the trip with him
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Just watched his 'One Year After Coming Out...' video and whilst I'm not keen on the guy, I was hopeful at the start that he looked like he might be getting to a point where he had overcome some of his very clear internalised homophobia. But then he kind of missed the point and inadvertently validated some similar points.

Like saying he's been attracted to women but not wanting to admit that really or label himself as 'bi' as it feeds into toxic christian ideas, apparently.

Joel! Just do some work on yourself and realise that people can do what they want and love who they love regardless of gender. If your christian peers can't handle that, then I think you need to ditch them/the religious group and no limit yourself or hide yourself.

Also, I usually couldn't care less about the Yas drama, but I found it a bit disrespectful that he was so clearly purposefully just not saying Yas' name. Just 'my ex' this and 'my ex' that.

He also admitted that he's basically drained the emotional labour of his exes to help him with himself (helping him to come out and love himself etc) and then wonders why he can't make it past the 6 month mark of his relationships. That's why Joel. Relationships are give and take. You build eachother up, you don't just take take take and use the other person to 'better' yourself. Urgh.

Yes, his religiousness is played down hugely but he obviously struggles with it. He keeps SAYING he's attracted to women but I don't think he is in the slightest, otherwise he'd have very probably been with Lia or Christianne at some point. Though, saying that, he may have been and we just don't know!
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I haven't seen the slog yet but I'm going to have a look. I mean let's face it I don't think any of his fans seriously thought he was straight, not to feed into stereotypes etc. but you could just get an inkling like the way he'd avoid using pronouns etc. it is a pity though he can't reconcile his religiousness with his sexuality. But typical obnoxious Joel style again using Yas to get views, honestly not even surprised that he's a social vampire take take taking from his exes, he really is so selfish !
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Yes and you just know he’s pulled the strings to palm her off with that room , I’m part way though the new vlog and he’s done a podcast so far and made 4 new friends who he’s going to brunch with 🙄 oh tattlers, I don’t even know why we watch this shit show but I just can’t seem to stop 😂
yeah definitely, even without being effectively a corridor her room is awful and so cramped
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He’s recording his latest “4 poofs” episode according to ig story, I can imagine his parents will be seething at this
I have to say, I am torn between amusement and horror at the thought of his parents seeing that "fanfiction", nevermind his brother! 🤢😬 Eww!
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I just watched the latest Joel & Lia video.. another "reading mean comments" video. It was SO poorly done, and in the whole 21-minute long video, I think they maybe read around 10 comments, if that. SO little effort and it was really a shame. I wish they still cared as much about that channel as they used to. On to bigger and better things, I suppose. 😔
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I actually can’t believe he’s popular enough for this to be his full time job ! Talk sh*t at the camera there was no mention of the lockdown lifting either ,that’s because he’s been break it it anyway !
I am of the opinion his parents help him out a lot, plus he does seem to get a bit of VO work.
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I think the Joel and Lia channel is dead and they know it but don't want to admit it for fear of money drying up from sponsorships. I watched Lia's vlog (she only sporadically does them now, god knows what she's doing to pay the bills because it isn't YouTube) and she seemed off/depressed in it. Her and the boyfriend are moving somewhere (apparently they don't know where) for his job. So, that will mean further away from Joel so little to no chance of them meeting up and doing Joel and Lia videos anymore, which to be honest is a good thing. They've run out of content and have moved on, so why don't they just say they're putting the channel on hiatus?! They started 'Those Two Brits' which was supposed to be them going around Britain being travel vloggers. If the pandemic hadn't happened, I can say the videos on that channel would have been as crap as their content when they went to Texas.
Well, the Joel and Lia channel isn't going to last forever, and Those Two Brits probably won't see much of a revival. Eventually Joel will be a lot more independent but J&L still has some life left in it, and sponsorships pay well. He'll use this time to further his individual image and let's face it- he's gay and gorgeous.

His new SugarScape job is going to give him a lot of exposure, and as he gets more comfortable diving into gay guy issues, he'll become even more marketable to the thirsty crowd. If he lands anything major as far as acting goes, J&L will be done for sure and his YouTube presence otherwise will decline. I feel kind of bad for Lucy's unrequited love of him and I hope she lands some super sexy bi or straight guy!
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VIP Member
Next he'll be thinking he's a novelist. "Guuuys I'm currently writing, well, I'm not writing it but Lucy is because I DON'T HAVE TIME AND I'M SO OVERWHELMED WITH VLOGGING! But guys....I'm writing a novel and it's called 'Mister Mouldivator and the Half A Million Pound Hovel!' Leave a comment below if you're going to pay the 75 quid to buy it!"
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Well we don't need our actual noses to sense the stench of narcissism vanity and entitlement. I suspect actual smells are likely contributed to by his constantly mentioned flatulence though. 🤢
god his poor housemate
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So you're from the US but popped to London recently to visit a friend and happened to find Joel on Tinder whilst you visited? 😉

And you were hired by a PR firm to write a fan fiction about Joel?
😂 Not quite. I was there for work (not in PR) but yes I have a few friends and some extended family there. Erotica is more of a hobby I engage with anonymously, like gossip, and the paid requests can be fun, but they're usually more along the lines of "Can you write a story about John Stamos having a threesome with me and my wife?" and shit like that as far as fantasies about real people usually go. I hadn't actually written anything particularly fanfiction erotica before though (as in a story completely about other people and not involving whoever requested it).

Joel was literally just the first one to pop up one time that I was checking Tinder and I found it hilarious enough to be worth mentioning here. That's all. He wouldn't even need Tinder if he had a personality transplant.

I've had a lot of unusual requests, but the particular niche of those two was a little curious. Anyway, neither of them were supposed to see it and that obviously got weird, but getting small bits of money for pumping out random shorts that take maybe 10 minutes to write was okay, especially since it ended up being fun to do and easy to get into. I first thought someone making sure they knew about it was to get his/their attention, but I have thought about whether or not it could have been a publicity stunt. The only reason I doubt it is because no flack or decent manager would attempt to cause the illusion of attention to be drawn to a client's negative reaction to fan content. A good one would advise them to ignore such clear attempts to force a reaction by anyone, nevermind try to cause such attention. Also, the only story posted online was on Reddit, blocked from being able to appear on search-engine results, etc. Yas didn't just stumble upon it.

At this point though, this thread is just flat out entertaining, especially since I'm pretty suspicious holden9 and other users are actually just Joel or closely connected to him. Whether they are or not, this whole conversation (or fake conversation?) has been absolutely entertaining to watch and engage with. 😉

That being said, I'll tone it down now. It's all gotten way to serious, so my apologies. 😬
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Active member
Oh my god thank you for watching you’re doing the lords work. Joel wash that dressing gown and your pillow while you’re at it you minger ! What the hell is he on if he thinks that house is a cottage, it’s an extremely over priced terrace. And 🤢 no wonder the allergies are bad take the blind down, it baffles me how someone so senseless can have a such a big following ! take the wallpaper down what the hell 🤯 also, the only time his voice sounds alright is when he talks normal it’s all the over the top reactions to everything and the droney whine it’s just bleurgh 🤮
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VIP Member
that's exactly what I think, he must of been too preoccupied thinking about all the extra content he'll be able to get now

😂 😂 😂 his asthma isn't too bad when he's going for it at orange theory though is it !?!

also he admitted that Vero was coming to visit so once again breaking the lockdown rules !!
He's obsessed with Vero. Maybe if Lucy gets a bloke, he'll convince her to move in! 😂

I think the long and short of it is that Joel and Lia have all but split up as YouTubers and are too scared to admit it because the channel is the shaky foundation on which they get work. They apparently were dropped by their management a couple of years back because they weren't growing fast enough then they had a falling out with their current management about the same thing, which is why they started their separate channels.
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VIP Member
it's fitting that the voice he puts on for these VO's isn't his authentic voice, nothing about him is real ! at least he doesn't have 'actor' in his bio unlike Hatzakis 😂 but has VO as if he's doing Voice overs on hollywood blockbusters, don't think so mate, you have to beg to get wrigleys to give you a radio advert,
I just had a look at the membership levels, for £0.99 you have the privilege of having an emoji next to your name and for £3.99 you get access to the members only livestream, where I'm sure you'll be able to donate if you so wish. 🙄
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It's difficult to know for absolute certainty but the profile was active for over two months and it was deleted very soon after I posted the link here. Also, has that picture what I call look-I-have-muscles-and-here's-my-nipple-photo ever been published anywhere else? I couldn't find it on insta.
I am actually quite impressed by this find! Shame it was "coincidentally" taken down right after being posted here. 😏 Either it was actually Joel, or some crazy fan-hatet hybrid like J&Lfan running a deep psy-op trolling mission.. either way it's just as interesting and reeks of Joel IMO. Seeing him be either exposed or eventually forced to respond is so fucking satisfying I can't believe it! He will get what is coming to him either way, be it this sort of exposé type stuff or the emotional pressure of having people slowly realize how disingenuous, using, and emotionally manipulative he is. I am sure more than one of his exes is deeply satisfied to see this. 😁
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I hope Yas finds this forum if you read here feel free to dish the dirt 😂 He'd never quit youtube I don't think, he just loves himself too much and it's his little last ditch attempt to try and get famous
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Chatty Member
You're not missing out. Vlog was SOOO boring. He basically installed a new door for the jail cell and struggled to fit it in properly.
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Chatty Member
Yas deleted his 30 minute rant around the same time J&LFan was caught red-handed trolling the boards of Tattle :unsure: hmmm
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VIP Member
since this thread is moving faster now I thought I'd submit a tile for the next thread

Joel Wood #2 House is a tip, channel on the dip, J&L aren't making their Boston trip
Seconded! haha

To be honest I'm always shocked this thread doesn't move a lot quicker. I find the man honestly insufferable and so fake but then I check the comments of his videos and can only assume his viewership is loads of Americans who love the novelty of watching such a 🇬🇧 Quirky British Man Living His Quirky British Life in London UK 🇬🇧

If he had more of a british audience I think he'd be ripped to shreds on here and in the comments :ROFLMAO:
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