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Just watched the latest broadcasts from the South West London cave.

He's got some weird dystopian mirror to work out in. Sure Lucy appreciates that and a hot and sweaty Joel in her living room :sick: (of course she actually will, though...)

They've hired a cleaner. They've only lived there a few weeks! Nothing like admitting to the world that you're an absolute minging scrat, Joel.

Joel has been gifted a standing desk for Lucy's cupboard, I mean their shared home-office. It takes up half the room and clashes horribly with their ✨trendy✨ dark green walls.
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How do you know he interacts with these threads? Tbh I'm still so sus of you! You definitely know him or have connections to him :ROFLMAO:
I don't have definitive proof that Joel or Yasin interacts with these threads, just a strong suspicion (not to mention of Leaya!). I have no connections to Joel and have only ever briefly interacted with Yas. I've suspected a few accounts on here to really just be Joel/Lia/Yasin-connected.

Writing the J&Y fanfiction just ended up being a lot more fun than I thought it would be! Even though I've agreed to stop writing it, I'm now kind of hooked on seeing how this sort of life plays out for someone like him.. He's literally just a very interesting main character. That's all 💁
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What's the bet Mouldy will quit 4 Poofs after a month because his parents didn't like him being on it??
I was thinking this, they seemed a bit frosty on the last vlog, eurgh, Hatzakis so desperate for a break, liking all of the GC's posts, they make me sick
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Yes you're right, on their q & a together Lucy mentioned she found him attractive as her first impression, she's bound to meet someone sooner or later and it would be annoying to have a third wheel there who's only interesting personality trait is going to the gym :rolleyes: doubtless he'll have a good whine to his MeMbErS on a livestream
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From his latest video I realised that I'm familiar with the house and the area (don't worry, I won't be posting the address!) and the asking price was over £560k for the little mouldy cave house I think.
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It doesn’t make sense though for 2 friends to buy a house together though let’s be honest, when they both meet partners and want to move in, they’ll have the London cave as a mill stone around their necks
I just hope they got a properly drawn up contract so each of their rights are protected
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You hit the nail on the head you can just tell that they are out to get as much as they can ! I think it was mentioned earlier on in the thread that one of their old acting coaches landed a role and him and hatzakis went on the beg thinking they could ingratiate themselves 😂 he is so ott did you see that video where hatzakis cut his hair and he sounded like he was going into labour !
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Is Joel going slightly grey on the sides of his hair? Not that there is anything wrong with that! I just wonder if he'll dye it...
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what would he know about "promotions at work" all he does is beg brand deals for a living. Such a liar !
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Just watched the new vlog: 'Transforming a Cupboard into My Dog's Bedroom!'

Jesus christ. I can't believe he thinks it's acceptable to force AYVURRRHHHH to sleep in there. The poor little woofer will be a nervous wreck hearing him stomp up and down the stairs!

Also, I cannot believe that it took him 4 months passively and over a month actively trying to complete this 'DIY project'. All he had to do was clean it out and put a door on. That's it.

Can't wait to see the tacky decorations he does for Ava's bedroom. Nice to hear that Lucy put her foot down and objected to his decor idea but seems like he is going to do it anyway. Can't say I'm surprised.
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Whattt she has her own thread?!? Didn’t realise she had enough followers etc. She seems blander than Joel and Lia and that’s saying something!!!
she does but it is going nowhere :LOL: I haven't seen any posts on it for ages
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@Greenlentils you legend ! I haven't seen " ignoring ALL my responsibilities and brunching in London " yet but I'm going to in a min, the other 2 there's nothing else to add to your summary. That jumper looked awful. I think he's getting the smallest possible size to make him look slimmer but all it's doing is making it look like he's shrunk everything in the wash, sleeves too short, shoulders too narrow ! Poor Ayvur being sick because Mouldy is beg beg begging for freebies and shoveling that butternut crap down her mouth. The only thing the soft get cares about is going to orange theory !

ETA I'm watching now and...

ew ew ew are those mingers really having peas AND beans on the same meal, that's gross is it just me that thinks this tattlers ?

eta (again)

and how the fuck does this clown have such a sizeable following, considering they've been doing this for years those vlogs were really amateurish, and when he was talking on the bridge in london, couldn't hear a word the wind was so loud ! what a pathetic channel and bore
I wouldn't personally have peas and beans tbh but I know people that do. I mainly cringed at the whole 'we're millenials who own a house and are hashtag adulting yet we're having a kiddies dinner LOL' vibes.

So I'm new to posting here but I've been following this thread and the Lia Hatz one for a while without an account for about a month now. First off hilarious and love the Mould and Liar nicknames. Too perfect! Second, I've always quickly gotten to the threads by googling ' joel wood' and today when I did so to get here the second result is a new reddit thread dedicated to the man! It has no followers and onky a few posts in it. I guess it's finally time to become an official tattle because this shit was hilarious and I suspect joel may have even made it himself! Any thoughts? Says stupid thing like "he is passionate about being famous and looking handsome" omg guys who did this? The most cringeworthy piece of free advertising I've ever seen
Wouldn't be surprised if it was J&LFan who was posting a lot here until recently 🤦‍♀️
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I can't listen to this cringefest so thanks to all for the updates.

On Twitter, when they announced that Joel was the new poof:

"He’s a self-proclaimed prude and a total newbie to the gay scene as he only came out publicly last year, he’s got plenty of catching up to do but the poofs are here to show him the ropes."

I guess they didn't know that Joel is a sex worker trying to bag an older rich guy. His pure-minded, innocent schtick is so fake
His little holier than thou image, and innocent routine won’t last, that profile that was shared could have been fake, and I personally can’t see him doing that, but with Mouldy anything is possible. He tells so many lies he can’t keep up
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She's just moved back in with her parents and probably has broken up with him. I've never even looked at Ach's social media before, but why else would she move back in with her parents quite far away from him?

Ava probably isn't feeling to well considering the office color probably reminds her of the vomit she's prone to have being shoved under the stairs in such a tiny space.

@Venom Yas does follow Joel and now they both follow each other again. I'm pretty sure Yas made his claim if you know what I mean. 😉

It's kind of sad considering Joel is likely keeping him out of the spotlight to protect his image but still wants something from him.. Also, Yas reportedly being seen walking away from Joel's new house in the wee hours of the morning just the other day is pretty telling.. just saying 🤫
wow has she moved without him?! I thought they had moved together? so where is he living now? still the rented flat?!
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I know ! and it’s just so transparent ! They must take people for idiots, I can’t believe anyone would become members of the channel ? I’m pretty sure they mentioned once ‘you don’t need to send us money in the live streams guyzzz’ but making sure they do their best over reaction to every donation 🙄 Yas if you’re reading here you can really do so much better !
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Just watched their 'Those Two Brits' video at Blenheim Palace. Honestly, why did they even bother creating this channel? It's basically more Joel and Lia crap that could have gone on their main channel! They barely showed the palace itself, it was just them eating and "Being Boojy" and then Lia fucked up pouring tea out of a teapot! Can't they do anything right?
I can't believe Lia has no other job besides her channel, she barely even posts on instagram, yet somehow her and the bf have managed to buy another property to do up!
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the weird thing is though, he's kept it quiet, even from his friends. One of the four poofs done a q&a and said Joel was single and then literally hours later, Mouldy uploads a story "Oh by the way here's my new man and we're off to Barcelona" 😂 😂

I bet Mouldy's paid for them both to go aswell.

Spain is on the amber list, so if he isn't vaccinated (which I'm betting is a no, because Hatzakis' nail technician said it's bad) he will have to quarantine for 10 days, who wants to bet the Mouldy Liar will be at orange theory as soon as the plane wheels hit the runway !! 🤬
Well I think that is the point though, clearly the other Poofs aren’t his friends, are they?!
They’re colleagues and nothing more.
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I really hope that hotel hasn't gifted to him that stay, there are key workers who deserve it more and the little rich boy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth gets to stay there 🤬

Also going on about Harry Potter, he's acting like a gatekeeper to HP, surprised you even know what it is, considering you've never seen X-Men and your only grasp of pop culture is gemma collins 😬
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