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Chatty Member
'everyone I know was so surprised' well he was 99 I don't see how they can be that surprised Joel ?! I bet he and Lucy have a good laugh before he goes on the livestream, I can imagine the scene...
Joel : "Luceyyy I'm doing mah livestream now, how much do you reckon I'll get in donations this time"
Lucy : *Painting her walls the same colour as plaster* Don't know Joel if it's a lot we'll get some prosecco !
Joel : *laughing* okay and 3...2...1 Hi GuYs !!! 🤪

Also yes to the 'Yas' Planter might find a dog house for ava
LOL! Ultra-realistic imagination!
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Just watched 'why I'm single' vlog. He's single because he makes himself unable to be liked by the the kind of person he wants. As for 'manifesting' the man he wants.. manifesting only works if ur being aithentic, and the energy of desparation is not positive and doesn't help good things happen (if you're into that kind of thing). @Greenlentils is right, so much to unpack there and so full of contradictions and hypocrisy. Joel should take lessons from his brother on humility and authenticity!
I feel sorry for the poor bloke that ends up with this cretin. I’m gonna watch the vlog later on. You can just tell though he thinks he’s better than everyone else because he goes the gym ! That’s his only personality trait and is just on the beg constantly to get fitness related brand deals
The man's clearly fragile ego is attached to his fitness. Seems like the one thing he is confident that he does better than others at this point. Congratulations joel, you go to the gym and bevame fit. Now could you work on being a good person lol?
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Juicy tea and if true, Joel is shady asf! Wondering why he needed a car in Florida in the first place? I'm surprised his parents didn't bail him out. Since it's Joel's dream to be on TV, you should sue and submit your case to Judge Judy
Lol it's not me but maybe I should make such a recommendation. I would never co-sign an auto loan with anyone never mind someone like him. Supposedly he was going to be spending more time in the US and convinced this person that it would be good if he was able to get around more easily. I guess he didn't even make good on the payments for more than six months and on top of that, drove from Florida to New York in the car to visit his brother and just flew out of JFK back to London and just left the car at a storage in New Jersey!! Mister 'I'm too nervous to drive in the America! Wrong side of the road and an automatic" (from his videos- more playing dumb).
Seems he does 14-hour American road trips just fine
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Chatty Member
I love watching this train wreck as well but I would not go out of my way to install a fake GPS app to find Joel on Tinder. You would of had to sleuth hard to find his location and that just doesn't seem like normal behaviour.
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Chatty Member
Joel and Lia's 5 minutes are up. They live in the one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, yet they are probably the most boring and uncultured Youtube Brits.
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what a narc! she goes mental because she hates it ! if I remember correct the last time she had it she was sick, but nevermind that, as long as you can get money for flogging freebies
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I can't believe it though, I'm single and Mould has a new fella 😭😭

Oh I can guarantee, he's just being used to give this geordie more exposure, They won't be together by christmas 😂
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Well I liked Joel and Lia stuff for a while and then it got to be mostly boring and repetitive. Then I saw that he started his own channel and it was boring. Not trying to sound too much like my supposed doppelgänger but I checked up on his stuff here and there for a while to see when he would finally come out. Thought I would be happy for him and that he would become more interesting but how he handles that issue is atrocious with his very see through fakeness and rudeness and vanity. Occasionally Joel and Lia videos are still nice. His I started watching more often because I became entertained with what a mess he is and seeing how things go for him. I can't stand how he treated and dealt with his ex and that whole shitshow makes me keep watching him for the drama and to see whenever he slips up. I want to see how someone like him really ends up, especially with how he treated his ex. Honestly thats what probably turned my passive interest into a more active one. Like people can just do that to someone that loves them to death and have everyone take their side just because they have a minor youtube presence? Wtf! He could be using his platform to do so much good but instead he poorly entertains obsessive fans and pretends to be a nice man. So gross
So you're Yas or a close friend of Yas? Because to my knowledge there isn't really that much out there about their relationship or their breakup :ROFLMAO:

Bloody hell, I wish Yas would just come on here as himself and spill the beans already.
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Just clicked onto his most recent live stream upload, planned to skim through and just see if there was anything worth watching. My first click in, someone had commented 'So sorry about the death of prince philip' as if Joel, as a british person, is somehow related to him.

And Joel was like 'I know, it's so sad, everyone I know was so surprised'

You're kidding, right Joel? The old geezer has been on deaths door for years now!

I find it hilarious that he is blissfully ignorant of the fact that most of his viewers are just crazed anglophiles who're only interested in him because he's british... He really seems to think people like him but actually people just like his britishness haha
This is so true! I suppose if one can make money by pandering to anglophilic Amerifans, more power to them? Most of the fans seem to be bored lonely middle-aged women and men that have a crush on him. I would love to know his real thoughts and feelings about his fans! Then again, it gives him the attention he so desperately craves, I suppose. 😅

I think he's pretty but I don't understand the whole crush or actual thirst. I know my regarding him as physically attractive has been called "thirst", but I am referring to people that are literally horny for him or would actually want to date him.

The whole Prince Philip response was hilarious @Greenlentils! So performative and pandering, but most Amerifans wouldn't see that, and you're right! They just love that he's British and he plays on it. To me, he actually comes across as one of the most American-like Brits I've ever seen (me me me!).

That livestream was so obviously a cash grab that it was disgusting, to be honest. Why can't people see through it all? I know they're mostly American anglophiles, but still!

I'm dreading the horrid "reclaiming my health after lockdown" type stuff we will no doubt see in the near future. So much fat-shaming, cloying attention seeking from this man! 🤬

Housewarming present for Joel?

This is SO effing perfect!! Thank you! 🤣
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Well, I watched the slog and I am really at a loss for words, to unpack this sh*tshow -
- the office looks like an army barrack and poor Lucy can't even work in peace without him scraping for content !
-'apple fibre to keep me regular' 🤮 Joel your whole channel is bowel movement !
- Poor Avurrrr can't even stand up under those stairs the slope is far too steep, I highly recommend you reconsider Joel !
-I will be boycotting Green and Black chocolate from now on, gifting this narcissistic brat that case 😡
- more over the top droning and groaning when revealing the painted cabinets (which look hideous btw)

in summary ... pathetic !
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A summary of the latest slog, "Buying a new sofa & Why I disappeared for 2 days ..."

- Starts off by touting the podcast and teases that yas one of his exes messaged him asking if their name will be mentioned. Obviously trying to keep that bit of tea alive and then going on about how he is friends with all his exes.
- He was absent for 2 days because he was just so overwhelmed with the vlog challenge ! Bless his little cotton socks, talking bollocks into a camera is just SO much hard work !
- Next, we cut to Hatzakis coming round to his house to film that horrid anti vax video, which at the time was against covid rules because people are only allowed in other's houses from today !
- Next he goes for a walk with Ayvur and is banging on about the greenery and trying to make it seem to his American viewers that he's in the middle of the country side.
-During the walk, moaning about the responsibility of owning a house (well duh what did you think it would be like you ignoramus) and how there is always 'something to do' and needs to be 'perfect'. As always just so extra about everything !
-Goes on about lockdown rules lifting and how we can visit houses, but is too thick to realise he's fessed' up to his own rule breaking. First having Drew and his wife around for a party and secondly, that video with Hatzakis and doubtless countless other's we don't know about! #Gobshite
- Returns home and the house just looks like a bargain basement jumble sale, it is the fugliest living room I've ever seen !
- Next, the whole world is supposed to stand up and take notice because Mr Mouldivator has decided he is not, I repeat NOT going the gym today !!! Perish the thought and he even treated himself to a biscuit !!
- Then, he and Lucy got a second hand blue sofa, which he made Lucy's dad pick up and honestly and inflatable bubble sofa would look better. It looks cheap and nasty and is on wheels as well so is not sturdy at all.
- Says he wants forest green and grey sofa for the living room, South East London mismatched cave. Must think he's Laurence Llleweleyn Bowen ! someone make it make sense !

that's about it guys and gals, what a bore 😂
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Just watched the 'earning money on the internet & free stuff' vlog and @Venom - I don't really have anything to add to your summary. What a bore it was to watch.

The wood panelling thing honestly baffles me. Why is he rushing to make such an ugly addition to his little hovel before ripping out and sorting out the dated built-in wardrobes. Makes no sense. The phrase 'you can't polish a turd' comes to mind.

Maybe it's just me but I don't get the appeal of slapping some wood onto a plastered wall. I remember when I used to watch Elle Darby, she moved into a brand new new-build with perfect walls and put loads of tacky wooden panelling on straight away. It seems like the kind of thing that a few years ago, these same people would have moved into a place and ripped out straight away because of how ugly it was but now it's trendy haha

I suppose it's another project for Joel to milk for content, though, and it's okay because he's got Daddy to help him.
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“I don’t care about football”

Well obviously you care enough make a video of you throwing a strop in your scruffy mini, let your family watch the match whilst you pull weird faces at your camera for tiktok, soft twat. Sorry tattlers, I’m feeling very VENOMous today😂
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wow has she moved without him?! I thought they had moved together? so where is he living now? still the rented flat?!
I think they did move together, but I suspect they may no longer be "together". It's just speculation and feeling. Of course, it would not be beneficial for them to mention it, considering their joint channel efforts.

I'm excited to see whether or not they actually stay together and get a house. He clearly isn't living at the rented flat anymore, as they had to leave so the owner could sell. Maybe they'll end up going for the Joel &Lucy style of cohabitation and just be a "couple" for the advantages! 😅
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Just watched the latest instalment of Mould-vision.

The irony of him saying he's also the kind of person that just wants the perfect instagrammable house (spoiler alert Joel, you're not gonna manage it in the cave) but then preface everything about his house with 'we're changing this', 'those aren't permanent' etc etc. Don't try to preach about authenticity but then contradict yourself Mould!

Also, 'Ava's bedroom' is actually shocking. Joel, just because you love living in a tiny damp crevice, doesn't mean you should force your dog to!
That hole under the stairs he has for Avurr isn't fit for animals! Why doesn't The Mouldivator make it HIS bedroom since he thinks he's Harry Potter??
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Well with all the latest government announcements I really can't see his and Hatzakis' latest trip to Boston going ahead, que meltdowns. Also the apartment tour, theres is no way on this earth I would be paying £1850 a month for that sh*t hole, london or not.
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Just watched their 'Those Two Brits' video at Blenheim Palace. Honestly, why did they even bother creating this channel? It's basically more Joel and Lia crap that could have gone on their main channel! They barely showed the palace itself, it was just them eating and "Being Boojy" and then Lia fucked up pouring tea out of a teapot! Can't they do anything right?
I'll have to give that a watch, has anyone seen his tiktok, it's so cringe 😬,he still has videos of him and Yas on there as well !
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it's funny (the prosecco part 😂 ) but I put the sad reaction because I just feel sorry for poor Ava being shoved under those stairs, I hope his fans pull him up on it
He's too stubborn to ever admit it's cruel. Even if a fan called him out on it and he bothered to address it, we'd get some :poop: story about how one of his parents friends is a vet and they said it's fine :ROFLMAO:

I hope Ava breaks free and scratches his ugly badly painted dark cabinets as revenge.
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Chatty Member
The new office is evidence that Joel has no sense of interior design! Why tf would you paint your walls dark green in a small room like that?

Just watched the Joel and Lia video from a few days ago. Have a few thoughts:

1) Joel, it isn't fun or relatable to admit that you haven't cleaned out your car since you got it. That's a bit grim especially as you have a dog.
2) With the above in mine, I was questioning his overall cleanliness and hygiene and then spotted an unidentified crusty patch on his watch strap...
I realized Joel had some cleanliness issues when he didn't think it was necessary to call the landlord regarding the growing mold in his bedroom.
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