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*Puts on Poirot moustache*

You claim someone said they "saw Yas leaving Joel's house in the early hours of the morning" and have since deleted that comment. Then you claimed you went to London to visit a friend, but used a fake GPS app to trick Tinder into believing you were still at home, but yet managed to find Joel on the app despite this? I don't know much about Tinder, but isn't the appeal of it something to do with finding people in your area? You being in London sounds dubious, I don't think you ever were in London, but doing something to search for Joel through other means.

Then you claim a PR company hired you to write an erotic fan fiction about Joel and Yas, and you get paid requests to do this about others too, when any teenager worth their pimples and with access to a laptop write fan fiction for free? Another suspicious claim. I believe you wanted to write fan fiction about Joel because it's something that interests you greatly.

You claim Joel is fascinating. This is clearly and absolutely false. To the jury, I present Exhibit A: The Joel Wood YouTube Channel. Did you know he has moved into a cottage?? ;)🤣🤣

The fact that you're singling holden and "others in this thread" (I assume you include me) out as potential Joel accounts makes you even more suspicious. I believe your rebuttals and explanations about why you like Joel and why you don't like him do not add up. You seem to be trying to, in the worst way I've ever seen, control the narrative on Joel that he's this sexy guy whom people love to hate when he's absolutely nothing of the sort to anyone in this thread

You're either Joel, Yas, or someone whom Joel knows that is posting with Joel's consent to drum up interest in him.

But I digress.....

Who saw his latest video?! 😂
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It doesn’t make sense though for 2 friends to buy a house together though let’s be honest, when they both meet partners and want to move in, they’ll have the London cave as a mill stone around their necks
I honestly think McMouldy was running out of content and then saw ✨ReNoVaTiOn✨ content popping up from similar (/more successful) 'influencers' and wanted to jump on the band wagon fast. It would explain why they've settled for such a horrible little dwelling. For the money they spent on it (and we've seen the listing and we all know how much it was :ROFLMAO:) he could've had something exponentially better in different areas but he got lazy and stuck to roundabout where they were before. With them both having cars and relishing every opportunity to use them, there is no reason to be in a semi-posh area like Roehampton, especially with there being a uni there which pushes prices up a bit.

ETA; I know I've made this disclaimer before but I only know where he lives because he was stupid enough to give it away in an early vlog. I'd never post your full address mouldy, as much as I'm not your biggest far, I wish you no harm.
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Also, just buy some fucking actual clothes!! I see that he used to dress like a normal person back when he was a (self-proclaimed) "gross fatty". Feels like he decided one day to be like "I'm going to become one of those gym bunny studs I always wanted! Can't get one? Become one!" All downhill from there.
The saddest thing is that he barely has muscles. He's never gonna be a proper muscle gay because he lacks the disclipine (and steroids). If you want to be ripped, you can't be drinking coke and a bottle of wine every night in your moldy cave.

On a different note, I know there was some weird chatter earlier on the thread about someone writing fanfiction with Joel and Yas in it. I hadn't seen the fanfiction itself until I accidentally run into it. Did Yas write this sh!t?

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Yea Joel isn't very smart.. Exhibit A:

"there's mold growing on one side of my wall, no big deal, my landlord doesn't need to know."
🤣 🤣

Exhibit B : Booking Boston in the middle of a pandemic when Travel certainty is tenuous at best
Exhibit C: Buying the South East London Dive without a survey
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Just watched his 'One Year After Coming Out...' video and whilst I'm not keen on the guy, I was hopeful at the start that he looked like he might be getting to a point where he had overcome some of his very clear internalised homophobia. But then he kind of missed the point and inadvertently validated some similar points.

Like saying he's been attracted to women but not wanting to admit that really or label himself as 'bi' as it feeds into toxic christian ideas, apparently.

Joel! Just do some work on yourself and realise that people can do what they want and love who they love regardless of gender. If your christian peers can't handle that, then I think you need to ditch them/the religious group and no limit yourself or hide yourself.

Also, I usually couldn't care less about the Yas drama, but I found it a bit disrespectful that he was so clearly purposefully just not saying Yas' name. Just 'my ex' this and 'my ex' that.

He also admitted that he's basically drained the emotional labour of his exes to help him with himself (helping him to come out and love himself etc) and then wonders why he can't make it past the 6 month mark of his relationships. That's why Joel. Relationships are give and take. You build eachother up, you don't just take take take and use the other person to 'better' yourself. Urgh.
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Mould seems like the type to be a sissy bottom

"Ouch! Staaaahp. Can you bloody go slower? Okay now play with my armpits. mmm.. I got botox there, can you tell?"
Okay this made me laugh so fucking hard! I have been passively working on a compilation video of him saying things like "Ew!" "Ow!" "Staahhhp!" and "Nooohr!" for a bit, but obviously there's a lot of footage and definitely time-consuming. He's just always so very cringey in his exclamations that a compilation would be amazing. If anyone wants to start listing the time stamps and videos of them as they come across them, it would definitely be helpful and hilarious.
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same he deserves a a massive tattle thread because he’s such a terrible person and a boring YouTuber I want to have a good few laughs reading everyone’s comments 😂
He really does! He’s so much more infuriating than some people on here who have bigger threads!
think it’s partly due to him being a man, sadly. But also likely due to the fact that his main ‘fan base’ is 40+ year old American mums who wouldn’t say a bad word about him.
Actually tbh I used to think that, judging by his comments but honestly, the speed at which my comment about him breaking lockdown was replied to and then deleted makes me think he is just obsessively monitoring the comments and deleting anything remotely negative.
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Omg Hatzakis the woman who claims she ‘was never a hag’ 🤣 I hope the ‘legends’ have a scroll through this thread, it’d open their eyes !!

mouldy, the fan who you’ve blasted on Twitter was paying you your wages, don’t act all high and mighty, it’s only £3.99 a month, and tbh, I wouldn’t even pay that to live in the south east London cave.

honestly, if we ever get to thread 10 on this loser, I’m keeping my promise and doing a wiki, the video of poor Ava under the stairs and his vaccine lies will be featured front and centre !! Mouldy minger.
Is there specific requirements for a wiki? If not, I think he needs one just so we can immortalise it all there, in plain view!

Clearly the comments about people being obsessed with them being sugar babies is directed towards Tattle.

Log off Tattle and go to therapy, Joel. That'll help. Also, let your dog out of prison!
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This is hysterical. Joel literally doesn’t say a word in this entire video. Imagine joining a podcast and… not speaking?!?!

As soon as Myles says “sex has really dried up”, Joel’s face DROPPED!

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Yes ! I am loving the fact that Joel and Hatzakis are barely getting 10k a video now 😁😁📉
did yous hear him in the latest vlog, "I'll keep future relationships off my channel" you've got more chance of actually landing an acting role than that happening mate, you're so desperate for content you literally post about paint drying 🙄 notice no more had been mentioned about Ayvurrs under the stairs chokey room, I hope he's reconsidered
Tbh I think the kind of person who'd want to be with Joel will be desperate to get in-front of his audience (well, what's left of it...)
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He's done an insta story of a workout with his PT, apparently 'not sponsored but working with valha for the next month' urgh, ALWAYS on the beg, should change their channel to ' Joel AD Lia'
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eurgh his latest video "I turned down a celebrity dating video" he really does think he's the be all and end all doesn't he !! he's not even on the z list he needs to get a fucking grip, I've seen houseplants that are more interesting than that loser. Think he's also trying to continue stoking the flames of the Yas drama as well.
Then goes on to Brag about how much exercise he does, sorry bud, but writing begging letters to brands / acting jobs doesn't count 💁‍♂️
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I hope Yas finds this forum if you read here feel free to dish the dirt 😂 He'd never quit youtube I don't think, he just loves himself too much and it's his little last ditch attempt to try and get famous
I actually first learned about Joel because I write fanfiction sometimes (often for a fee- it's easy money and I enjoy writing anything mild to wild). I was commissioned to write an erotic piece about a YouTuber named Joel Wood and his ex by a regular fan of my erotic writing. I did some quick research to find out more about them and ended up becoming somewhat of a Joel & Lia fan because of it.

Anyway, Yas was somehow made aware of it and commented on the pilot story I had ended up anonymously posting on Reddit so that I could see whether or not there was an actual demand for stories about them ($$$). He was not pleased and I ended up feeling bad and questioning the ethics of writing RPF (real person fiction). It was not my intention for either of them to end up seeing it and I actually feel bad about it. Either way, it was an interesting interaction and now it's totally awkward because I ended up being a fan of Joel.. 😐

Per his request, I ended up deleting the post and apologizing. How awkward!


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Yas has probably read this thread. I'm willing to bet Joel and Lia have too. They'd only make a video about it if someone came in here with some private information about them and started telling us. They can't delete what's on here! haha
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Barcelona with the boyfriend, is it Joel? Aww. There's nice. Probably won't film any of it, will you? "I DidNt FiLM it COZ it WoZ A HOLIDAAAAY!"
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I can't believe it though, I'm single and Mould has a new fella 😭😭

Oh I can guarantee, he's just being used to give this geordie more exposure, They won't be together by christmas 😂
yup, 100% - they’ll throw in a few undisclosed protein ADs and call it a day in no time
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Just watched their 'Those Two Brits' video at Blenheim Palace. Honestly, why did they even bother creating this channel? It's basically more Joel and Lia crap that could have gone on their main channel! They barely showed the palace itself, it was just them eating and "Being Boojy" and then Lia fucked up pouring tea out of a teapot! Can't they do anything right?
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