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The link requires sign in, but doesn't surprise me Mouldy is looking to find himself a sugar daddy. Mouldy needs his fridge raiders!!

Obviously ach is bank rolling it urgh Hatzakis has more money than sense, what do we think about creating a joint thread for Mould and Liar ?
He quit his job to do this too! Fucking hell! I can't wait for the obvious signs of Hatzakis not pulling her weight in the Property Couple and him getting pissed off at her!
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Maybe that's why he was apparently looking for a sugar daddy 😂

Odd for Lia, yes. But for Joel, we know he loves playing husband and wife with straight women. Just look at the pickle he's got into with Lucy 🤣
I would feel sorry for Lucy but she’s a grown woman and she knows what she’s got herself in for, that house is the biggest white elephant I have ever seen !
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Oh most definitely, he’s got a considerable following, so most likely he’s only there to bolster listeners, but I deffo think he won’t be there by the end of the season
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That's the thing! I know they are "nobodies". I see their obsession with fame constantly being presented as a passion for acting/entertainment. It's actually sad and I feel more compassion for them than annoyance. I know what causes that sort of behavior and am vehemently against it. I also find them adorable. I also see a man who deep down thinks he's undesirable and never good enough while also thinking he's amazing in such an unstable and varying sense of self. For any fellow nerdy types, look up cluster B personality disorders criteria..

Seriously though, someone just love this guy to death already so he can become someone we want to see succeed! LOL Someone else tell him what a douche he comes across as due to his lack of perspective! Cancel the BS and be honest all fans, haters, and "faters" 😂

It would be amazing to see someone like this develop into someone worth their platform (however large or small) and realize their potential. Either way, someone like him makes an excellent character to demolish and rebuild, even if it's just a fiction writer's fantasy..
Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here too.

I just find your fetishism of him and his relationships with other men really jarring and it makes me quite uncomfortable.

I think it might just be because I see nothing attractive about Joel. Physically, he's just a slightly-above-average looking guy but I can't look past that because of his clearly toxic personality. He has no redeeming qualities. I don't find his short-falls 'adorable' because he has chosen the most narcissistic 'career' path and has chosen to not only monetise his personality (or lack thereof) but the constant struggling to keep his head above the water of relevancy also makes me cringe.

At this point I'm just watching for one of 2 reasons; mainly to come here and see what people are saying because it's hilarious. And secondly because I'm interested in young people buying homes in London/the UK and seeing what they do and how they do it. Obviously there is also an element of car-crash-TV 'can't look away' to it also :eek:

I have no desire to see Joel succeed as his success would validate a lot of things I disagree with. That's not to say I want any harm to come from him, I don't. I don't want that for anyone who has a tattle thread or is an 'influencer' or whatever. I just wholeheartedly believe that 'success' in the field only comes when they pack it all in tbh.
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OMG has anyone seen his latest instagram story where they're saying they don't want some poor girls life story, he really is one horrible S.O.B
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The only chemistry he has is with a mirror, I think the community is the members who are on every live stream, the poor sods,
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Oh he’s disgusting, the fact that he has the gall to claim his job is so hard, quit then if it’s so bad, oh no wait - he won’t, because it’s actually so easy and gets him tons of freebies and feeds his fame hungry ego. Make your mind up mouldy, fame hungry c*nt
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OMG has anyone seen his latest instagram story where they're saying they don't want some poor girls life story, he really is one horrible S.O.B
where was this?! totally missed it, just saw his latest post from soho farmhouse "closest I have come to a holiday.." erm, you are literally in a hotel, pretty sure that is a holiday, the entitlment of influencers is insane and it is making me more angry by the day. Millions of people cannot afford holidays, let alone holidays abroad every year, should we sympathise he can only go to an expensive hotel in the UK?
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Lia's uncle sadly passed away from COVID. What's to bet Mouldy will try and capitalize on her grief!
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My money's on that @LovingIt is actually Lucy 😂 😂
They're either Lucy, which, despite being a member of the God Squad, wouldn't surprise me in the least, or the annoyed comment about being an authorised user of his mum's Tesco card has me thinking LovingIt is Joel's mum and she's sick of his mouldy shit! Buy your own 50 quid flapjacks, Mouldy! Get out of their retirement savings! 😆 😆
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LinkedIn has him down as living in London but only having recently moved.

I am screaming at the thought of Joel telling this man “Protect your Instagram account, just in case” only for me to uncover all of this across the internet in the space of 10 minutes with just a very very common first and surname to go off.
He'll be more careful with this one considering the shit storm that erupted when he dumped and ghosted Yas. Maybe this guy will strike it lucky and move into Mouldton Abbey! He can get the tiny awkward office room that he'll have to walk through Lucy's room to get to! Bet he can't wait for that! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

I'm just howling at the fact he tried his best to keep Yas hidden away on that Virgin cruise vlog and now he's just sharing these stories 😂

hmmm been reading here much Mould ?
View attachment 768363

funny though, that under different lighting, we can all see there's hardly any difference.

I wonder what mouldy wood is going to do in Barcelona then ? Film himself drinking Prosecco again? Taking little rabbit bites out of Cookies ? Who knows !
"I couldn't believe the change!"

You're about the only one who couldn't ya smelly old twat! Next time, save your money and buy a wig from the joke shop! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Holy f*ck! I'm two minutes in speeding through this live stream and of course Mouldy loves a fellow British gay grifter called Michael Petherick and his YouTube channel Doing It Ourselves. Hey, Joel! Here's couple of facts about your beloved Michael:

1. I came to Tattle to expose Michael trying to score some dope on Grindr.
2. I discovered that Michael's current "boyfriend" is a gay escort.

You keep such great role models, Mouldy!

That guy is absolutely repulsive.
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"we are prostitutes of the internet" oh ffs, no, you just solicit free gifts by begging and begging and begging !
then goes on they ran into a famous actress and went back to a party in her hotel room, you can just tell from his face that he was hoping that would be a big break for him and Hatzakis, in your dreams mate, the poor fucker was most probably gutted you agreed to go. He's brought an air cooler which if I remember correctly he already has one from last year so more money on useless tat. Then goes on to say he "won't be moaning" every second word out of your mouth is a complaint you narc.

Then finishes the video by begging for more cameo orders. He's a joke !

The famous actress was Daisy May Cooper of 'This Country' fame. Hatzakis is busy trying to ingratiate herself. They go to the Soho house literally to try and hobnob with actors and hope one of them will do all the work for them and give them an acting break.
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We need to get it to them! Can you imagine how defensive and stroppy he would get if they mentioned it? 😂
He'd probably rant about the thread so much they'd have to edit it, then afterwards cry about it and quit. Ah, well. Don't worry Joel, that starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster is just around the corner!
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Not gonna lie, if I were to switch bodies with Joel overnight, I'd find his job very hard. I'd find it hard to produce such shit, shallow content even though I'd have all the time in the world to do it. I'd find it hard to be such a crap, bland person but make no steps towards personal growth and development. But then again, he is barely even producing anything so I suppose I could just do that and then apologise 2 weeks later.

But that's just me. Clearly for Joel it is very easy 😆
Well 99.9% of everything out of his mouth is bullshit so the content just comes naturally for mouldy minger 🤣
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oh yes most definitely he’ll dye it, he’ll most likely get Hatzakis to do it for him and stream it for all the “LeGeNdS” urgh
😂 😂 😂 You're spot on! They'll rent an expensive hotel room and get dye allover the place.

In the vlog I just watched, it was really weird that he filmed Lia lazing around in bed. I find it really strange that they sleep in the hotel bed together after filming it. We know they broke lockdown rules to meet up indoors, probably with the excuse that it was work but honestly, imagine if you slept at your workplace with your workmates after a long shift. Fucking odd.

ETA: watching another recent vlog and serendipitously paused on this beauty:

Screenshot 2021-06-21 at 01.48.12.png
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