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lol this is hilarious! No one, and I mean NO ONE is creating a "Joel Wood subreddit" unless it was J&LFan, Yas or Joel Wood himself.
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LOL, I've also been so suspicious of accounts posting here really just being Joel or Yas! 🤣 As I mentioned before, it would be an excellent way to gauge reception, be informed of gossip, and sway the narrative. Especially so when the "gossip" is so benign, speculative, and only mildly self-deprecating at most.

I'm definitely not either of them or connected to either of them, but they are both so transparent and fun to talk about! Again, I'm fascinated by Joel's ability to gather such a fandom and monetize it (inadvertently making me a fan, I suppose). His relationship with Yas is fascinating to me.

Yes, I think they're both good looking (especially Joel- gorgeous IMO), so I can't throw shade at their looks, but how concerned and insecure Joel is about his looks is sad and fascinating because I just can't understand it.
I went and looked and Joel is indeed following Yas again on Instagram. I suspect Yas and he are just acquaintances now and no 'secret boyfriend' stuff is happening. I grant that it IS odd that Joel follows him again, especially when Yas is such a blatant attention seeker.
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I hope Yas finds this forum if you read here feel free to dish the dirt 😂 He'd never quit youtube I don't think, he just loves himself too much and it's his little last ditch attempt to try and get famous
Oh my goodness yes, that would be brilliant. I love it when people that claim to know the person the thread is about pop up with some insider goss!

Yeah I think you're right, I don't think he'd quit, unless he got a minor acting roll in a semi-major show and he'd do a Tanya Burr and say that he'd outgrown youtube and he was going to focus on his acting career haha
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He really has to scrape at the bottom of the barrel and I agree @Greenlentils its really not on what he’s done to the dog, it’s like the way the Dursley’s treated Harry Potter shoved under the stairs ! I didn’t even know Hatzakis had a home account 😅 hey at least she can show off her parents house now since ach is nowhere to be seen 😂
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I don’t get why he wouldn’t watch the interview beforehand ? Especially if you’re going to make a video ! I think the new neighbour’s definitely a hot guy I could tell the thirst when he was gushing over him

Also on the subject of the hair, I really don't want to criticize but I can't tell the difference before or after the hair transplant !
To be honest, I'm not really sure he even had any hair loss. I think he was just insecure about how far back his hairline was on the sides. I think a few people commented on it and it really broke his heart. For how much she probably spent on it (Who am I kidding? Probably mostly got other people to pay for..), it's not a significant improvement.

I guess he only watched part of it, but they didn't really seem to retain too much of it or care much about it, which I understand. however, a little effort will go a long way with your primarily American fan base that seems to be obsessed with this story. Especially the anglophiles that literally watch J&L just because they're entertaining "average" Brits.

Can't wait to hear more about this neighbor guy though! I hope it ends up being interesting!

Question: I don't watch all of his videos, so I don't know, but have we seen this Vero girl at all yet? Or has she only been mentioned?
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He just throws on any small t-shirt with a huge logo on and thinks he's hot, doesn't he. ADIDAS for the win!
Oh Moldy, it doesn't work when you dress like a chav but act like a flower girl.
@Jikki2 this is is actually the best! 🤣
The saddest thing is that he barely has muscles. He's never gonna be a proper muscle gay because he lacks the disclipine (and steroids). If you want to be ripped, you can't be drinking coke and a bottle of wine every night in your moldy cave.

On a different note, I know there was some weird chatter earlier on the thread about someone writing fanfiction with Joel and Yas in it. I hadn't seen the fanfiction itself until I accidentally run into it. Did Yas write this sh!t?

I can't believe anyone would write this!! It has to be some sort of a joke or mean prank on Joel. I don't believe for a second that it was ever meant to be erotica unless whoever wrote it (J&LFan?) is literally mentally ill. Or it is someone very oddly trying to drum up hype about him in the gay community or something. This isn't even the same one I stumbled across a while back so how many are there?! I just don't think someone just wrote these for fun and getting jollies off. Something doesn't smell right about it.

Omg I just had the most nauseating visual of Joel doing a "reacting to fanfiction about me" video or talking about it on 4 Poofs. That's another thing! I actually got kind of into 4 Poofs and now Joel Wood is going to be on it regularly?! That means it probably won't be any good anymore. Ugh 😣
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I understand and can't blame you for your suspicion at this point. I guess it only bothers me if people think I wrote porn about them for money! Since this picture isn't unpaid for content or explicit or involuntary pornography, I don't have an issue sharing it. So yes, it is clearly the hallway of Mole's old flat and here it is. Any theories, though? Admittedly, once I saw this had been posted I was curious about what my fellow gossips would think since it goes against Mould's holier-than-thou good chris-chun boy image?
Do we reckon Joel is the bottom? Bet he’s into some right kinky shit. The god squad ones always are
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Oh Moldy, it doesn't work when you dress like a chav but act like a flower girl.
don’t think I’ve seen mouldy wood described so perfectly! And you’d think with all those stitch fix boxes he’s begged he’d have more fashion sense but no, just looks like a basic chav
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Hey Joel! Why did you delete your Seeking profile so fast? It's difficult to find a sugar daddy if you don't have a profile. But don't worry, the internet doesn't forget. I took screenshots.
Hahaha the titles of these photos!

However, as much as I'd love to believe that Joel Wood (the world renounced Voice Over Artist, Actor, Influencer and part of famous Youtube duo Joel and Lia) himself is looking for a sugar daddy, how do we know that someone hasn't just made a fake profile for him?
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Right, just finished the clickbait 2016 Buzzfeed Video, I mean, Joel Wood's latest vlog and I really don't have much to say. He's conflating people saying 'man up' with people calling things 'gay' - I get where he's coming from but it's slightly different but all with the same root of mocking 'femininity' I suppose. His opinions on it are so weakly developed though and he's definitely just read other posts online and made it his opinion. He has no original thoughts. I feel like constantly just comparing gay vs straight is a very immature mindset - I thought we left that kinda thing back on early tumblr haha

It seemed like after every point he'd say 'again, nobody has said it to me' - THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS VIDEO MOULDY?! We all know what the point is though 💰🤑💸

I feel like he's just learned the word 'ally' because he keeps throwing it around. Apparently our good friend Lia is a brilliant ally of the LGBTQ+ community. Which brings me onto the point that again, in a very narrowminded way, all of Joel's examples are 'gay' or 'straight' or at a push 'bisexual' and he just says 'girls' and 'boys' (which makes me cringe anyway, you're a grown man, Joel). We get it Joel, you just support LG and a little bit of B rights - who cares about the TQ+?

Onto the 'generic home renovations vlog', man, he's not even trying at this point, is he.

Actually, it was so boring I don't have much to say. I agree with everything you've said @JoelFizz and @Venom - the carpet is vile and I don't know what Joel is talking about when he says it matches the pink and green walls. It looks TERRIBLE against them both. Also, can someone tell him and Lucy that you can't just what wall emulsion over every surface in their house? Especially radiators?

BUT the bit at the end about mothers day in the US coming up maybe being a rumour? What Joel?? Have you been at some of Avas butternut box crack cocaine? The white powder on your nose earlier in the vlog might answer that for me... Anyway, why doesn't he just look up the date if he's not sure?! I also find it hilarious that he is trying to flog his cameo to american mothers. Least he knows his target audience.

This post is so long and oh my god he's got another video. about making money and getting free stuff online. My brain can't handle that shitshow yet.


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So, the latest "those 2 nits" videos

- Ate a pub lunch
- Went into an antiques shop
- Brought some sweets
- Both had a good moan that the high street was "ToO lOuD" - so what ? no one else is allowed to explore anywhere apart from you two cretins ?
-Both saying they'd only recommend only stopping for a little bit, so why would you do a whole vlog on what is effectively a pitstop ? Both so desperate for views and AD revenue, obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel for content !

Burton- On - The - Water
- Making nasty, bitchy remarks to Hatzakis when she's choosing a hat "makes you look like someone who rows a boat" you're not sassy you prick, just a horrible Twunt
-Vlogging through residential areas, not sure what the appeal is there ?
-Says people who have porch furniture have it to "judge people" No, Mould. It's only your Bitchy Narcissistic self that judges everyone
- Apparently "The Bakery on the water" sells bakery items, I'm so happy we have expert travel vlogger Mouldy Wood to give such useful insights :giggle:
-Called Hatzakis a "Malicious Midget" in his faux joking tone but we all know it's his horrible way on insult people. Then made another nasty sarcastic remark saying there isn't any one as "thick" as Hatzakis
- Instead of all the lovely restaurants or cafés they could go to they went to Londis for a bite to eat ...
His hatred of Hatzakis grows all the time. I'm pretty sure she probably feels the same way towards him though.

They, of course, didn't disappoint with their drudge on Those Two Nits. Going to Londis for something to eat is peak Mould and Liar!
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I think there may be some truth in the breakup rumours with ach, he has more pictures of ice cream than her on his insta !
Also Joel says Ayyyvur isn't feeling too well in his latest story, most probably because of that god awful office and being shoved under the stairs !
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Oh definitely @Greenlentils! Most of the things you said are the largest parts of the reason I find him and the toxic culture he helps sustain to be so infuriating. It's a large theme that I am actually trying to address in my own work right now.

I just also know where a lot this type of behavior comes from and why it matters. I'm not simply a hater and do really feel some compassion towards people like him that still seem so empty inside. It's a total mess that I can't do help but stare at. You actually took words right out of my mouth when you mentioned the whole "involuntarily gawking at a bad car accident" effect. It's just amazing how people can end up like this and contribute to such a problematic culture.
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Chatty Member
how do we know that someone hasn't just made a fake profile for him?
It's difficult to know for absolute certainty but the profile was active for over two months and it was deleted very soon after I posted the link here. Also, has that picture what I call look-I-have-muscles-and-here's-my-nipple-photo ever been published anywhere else? I couldn't find it on insta.
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I apologise. In all honesty, there are reasons I have been anonymously trolling him like this and no, it's not okay. I'll stop posting. He's hurtful and toxic in ways people probably don't understand, but I shouldn't stoop to that myself. I'm sorry the relationship gossip has been creepy or if you're simply put off because it's gay. And yes, the comments are overly objectifying because it's one of the ways I have chosen to poke fun at him for his toxic internalized homophobia, but also at myself for being into such a ridiculous person.

It's probably the American in me (been here and Canada more than there at this point), but a "gossip site" is exactly where I would think to go for juicy scandal, but to be honest, I don't usually participate in either, so IDK.

I'll stop. It isn't about fanfiction, either. It was a method of poking at him in a way that I knew would upset him. Yes, he reads these kinds of threads and has mentioned tattle life to someone we both know, so I knew where to go (I thought). No, he probably doesn't actually post and if so, it would be so inconspicuous you'd never know, so I've been sus of most people posting since it seems to be such bland benign topics that I'm like "This is gossip..?" which would be very his style to control the spin of conversation about him by posting things he doesn't actually care if people pick on him about anyway.

No, we no longer speak and he is hopefully out of my life for good. He'll know who I am when he sees this. I'll likely regret posting this, but people should know that he wasn't and isn't always such a bastard.. I'm done now. It's not fun anymore. Sorry everyone.. and yeah, sorry Joel.

It doesn't feel good to be seen as an objectifying creep just for the sake of provoking him. This isn't like me and I apologise everyone.
So now you’re claiming that you do know him and that you have friends in common?

If that truly is the case, I suggest that you stop posting here in this manner so that it doesn’t have any real life implications for you. Although I suspect that you want it to, if I’m honest.
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Just watched the latest Joel vlog. The fact that he says he doesn't want to bring his book collection to London because they need to be stored in a non-damp place - at least he knows he's mouldy ol' Joel :sick:
why in gods name would you buy somewhere so mouldy you can't keep all your possessions there!?
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Is there specific requirements for a wiki? If not, I think he needs one just so we can immortalise it all there, in plain view!

Clearly the comments about people being obsessed with them being sugar babies is directed towards Tattle.

Log off Tattle and go to therapy, Joel. That'll help. Also, let your dog out of prison!
I’ve looked but can’t seem to find the link to create a new one ? I think mods need to approve it ?

omg yeah, I hadn’t pieced that together, he thinks he’s being sassy but just proves he reads here, get a life minger, go chase £3.99 and be vile to your poor fans
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