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VIP Member
Is it not quite dangerous for him to be dishing out advice in some of these areas? He's choosing quite contentious areas. Topics like infant nutrition, breastfeeding, depression, anxiety, are all things you should really steer clear of if you're not properly trained. And while it's fine to raise awareness and encourage people to talk to their families etc, usually when other 'celebs' stray into these areas they provide links to support services where people can get proper help. He seems to be too thick to appreciate that he's not actually qualified to offer advice on any of this stuff.
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Chatty Member
If Joe truly is having mental health issues, he should seek professional health and not exercise at 11.30 pm to "cure it" then give that out as advice for his followers with depression.
I think it’s really dangerous. If anyone watched Freddy flintoffs documentary about bulimia then there are clear comparisons with joe. Bulimia is not just about binging and being sick, it’s about the relationship with food and exercise. Binging and then over exercising to compensate. Exercising at 11:30pm is not helping mental health. It’s setting a dangerous example of cramming exercise in whenever you’re feeling a bit down regardless of the time of day. He’s not a mental health advocate.
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He's always had an eating disorder and is being rewarded for it on a massive scale. He's also controlling what those around him eat which is very dangerous.
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Active member
What is wrong with this man and more importantly the people around him?! They had 8 pasta pieces between 4 of them with just tomatoes as the veg. That's not a healthy portion size for a meal.

Then he eats toast and 6 weetabix. He is disordered, he has food issues and someone needs to take control of the situation as impressionable vulnerable people will view this content and reduce what they eat in a bid to achieve what he "sells" and it's not right.

Joe get help.
The sooner these dangerous narcissists are de-platformed, the better! How shallow, fake and self serving it all is.
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I'm so pleased everyone is calling them out on Instagram. I have been annoyed for ages that (aside from his questionable parenting advice and the shitty way he regularly starved his daughter for hours in order to force her to eat his 3 bean chilli) he just doesn't bother with the lockdown rules. Thinks he can do half an hour's online exercise class every morning and that exempts him from any of the rules. And the sycophantic comments he usually gets on his Instagram posts are ridiculous. But now there's a bloody photo of him up there, with his arms round a load of other people, and finally everyone else is getting angry too. Come on newspapers, what are you doing?
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New member
He's back again amending his habits.
You know, if his "plan" and his "lifestyle" really worked, he wouldn't have to keep promising to overhaul himself like this every few weeks.
He's a bloody broken record.
It's the definitive yo-yo diet.
Genuinely he is the poster boy of disordered eating and exercising as penance for food.

At least he's not blaming the kids for his sleeplessness this time. His sleep hygiene promises lasted a long time didn't they 🙄
Can’t wait for the midnight marmalade on toast and ‘Marley cried in the night and now I’m tired so I ate a box of weetabix’ stories to start again in about a month 🥰
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VIP Member
Definitely more than 6 people staying there.

Also, am I supposed to be impressed that you spent all day filming six 15 minute workouts when you were 'supposed to be relaxing'? Am I supposed to be in awe of your 'drive and motivation'? What a Prince amongst men you are Joe, you work so hard!

Can't believe how self congratulatory he is over absolutely fuck all, literally zero self awareness.
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VIP Member
He’s such an insufferable twat. They’ve been in the mega mansion for what? 3 months? and have now fucked off to the very expensive Wilderness under the guise of “work” (Seriously Joe, just how many videos of you getting out of breath after 7 squats do we need).

But hey, next week he’ll be asking the furloughed, recently made redundant and the underpaid key workers to donate to Children in Need. Which they will because they are not twats and he’ll scuttle off back to his £3.5 million third home.

Read the fucking room Joe, read the fucking room. He is so socially unaware and self absorbed it’s unbelievable.
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Do you know what fair play to him, I really can’t stand the man but even just physically moving your body for 24 hours is hard core (I’m a fat bastard so even doing it for like 30 mins is hard for me 😕😂) and he had no one in the studio to help him out it like the other years was literally just him on his own so fairrr play ...also he’s going to ache for like the next 5 years (deffo don’t agree with the “superhero” comments though, he’s been a total dickhead during lockdown with rules etc, but he’s raised a good amount of money for a brilliant cause too)
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Tammy flu

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More photos of Indie and none of poor Marley. Makes you wonder how the favouritism plays out at home if he’s this blatant to millions of people.
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VIP Member
He is such a TIT. Why don’t more people see through his stinking BS. He has another book out soon and he’s conveniently jumped massively on the MH bandwagon. Give us a break Joe, we’re not all dumb. Your latest “advice” is so transparent and fake. Your whole business is based on social media; there’s no way on earth you can back off it. What happened to the early night routine or the exercising at 10pm or the weaning routine or any other 2second routine you have recently implemented...phoney
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Colly Wobble

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So, at the end of a load of promo for his new app he’s just added a story about the best ways to support small businesses. He doesn’t really make an effort to champion small business that frequently so am I to assume that he thinks that Body Coach is a small business?
I’m fortunate enough to know a few very hard working small business owners and none have them have been on the telly, published multiple books, licensed their brand to a cookware range, moved to a multi million pound house in the middle of a pandemic and got a MBE for doing their job. He lives in a very strange bubble that man.
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