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Whilst I appreciate that it is not the same but my son started reception the September after covid hit. He was ‘home schooled’ for the best part of two terms and his first term of year 1 was messed up too from memory. He missed out on so much socialisation and school experience and a lot of parents that I talk to feel the same about their kids.
School isn’t just about numbers and phonics and homeschooling whilst works for some (all homeschooled kids that I’ve known were fucking weird sorry), it needs to be done for the right reasons and we the reasons that Joe is doing it - because he’s an overbearing selfish prick. I can’t imagine putting myself first and my love of holidays over my kids needs - there are enough halfterms and school holidays, particularly in private school
Jesus what a weapon
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Winning thread title goes to @Lorelei

So it seems after the backlash over his posts about Rosie whist wafting around on a hugely well deserved holiday to Santa Monica over Easter, he's pared back sharing every fart with us. He's currently focused on living in the moment and being present whilst clutching a coin that looks like something from playgroup. His zen skills only go so far though and he's very upset today over a leaf blower that interrupted his filming in his garden of his "good deed" and "inspirational backdrop" for his latest star jump production.

Other highlights from the last thread include:
Gin ton binges
Well deserved holidays
Oversharing of his children
Sleep preaching
General preaching
Depressing thermos lunches for Marley
Revealing that Dozie is in fact very shy in front of the camera

I'm sure there's plenty more hut hopefully that's a good start!
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I ran to this thread after seeing those stories.

Still gross he publicly talks about his love life with his wife. So disrespectful towards her imo.

Homeschooling the kids?! Jesus. Its probably because of the Jesus complex he has and he obviously knows better than everyone else.
To be fair hell probably home school the girls and send Marley off to school as quick as he can.
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In the land of The Body Coach, cutting down to a four day working week is the first step towards redundancy, nothing else.
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I dunno, I think he'll struggle anyway for a week's family meals with low/no UPF for £100. He wasn't clear if that was evening meals only, but if £100 is the weekly budget that will need to cover all meals.
No sliced bread, no ready made sauces, no BBQ sauce in your grim spag bol FFS, and no using expensive items you already have in your pantry only what the £100 got you.
No margarine or spreads, the butter and low processed oil alone will set you back £5+.
It's yet another band wagon he's jumped on, remember his 5 minute fad with menopause, then gut health? Now it's UPF. Reckon he's desperate to try and stay relevant.
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Yeah lovely touching private letter to your daughter 🤔 oh I know what I will share it for the world to see !
He literally has no control !
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When she was pregnant with Indie they were really private about it and didn't say anything until really late. Then Indie was born and it was like he'd had a personality transplant. He turned into a dreadful, preachy, oversharing twat overnight!
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Urgh makes me think of dairy cows and how they’re regularly inseminated to keep reproducing because that is all they’re worthy of (in some peoples opinion), just like dear old Dozie - Joe has to keep her reproducing 🤢
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Chatty Member
He doesn't half romanticise his childhood, my god.

Screaming and shouting and a parent using heroin is not normal Joe. It's definitely not inspirational. It's great that he has a relationship with his parents now and they are obviously in a better place but it's not a great idea to keep going on about it like it was normal. It would warrant a child protection referral.
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I vaguely remember years back, a woman coming out and saying that back when Joe first started his plan, pre his big fame, he stole her before and after pictures from Instagram and pretended they were from doing his plan. When she confronted him via DM, he sent her a load of abuse calling her a fat bitch etc.

Does anyone else remember this, or did I dream it?!
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I’m irrationally irritated by the way he holds a fork.
He pulls a weird lip thing when he knows he's being filmed or photographed which gives me the major ickadoodle. Not that everything he does, doesn't, but still.

Like the top lip out over the bottom, he's doing it here and it's just rank. He fancies himself ridiculously.

And yes, the fork holding is manic, why are all his fingers all over the shop?!
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I'd forgotten to click watch on the new thread and I've just found you all. Laughing my tits off, you lot are funny 🤣

Joe is looking rougher by the day, and I've missed about 30 days so he's really taken a nosedive! He was also giving proper Jimmy Saville energy on that schools tour.
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He's such a sanctimonious prick isn't he😳😳😳 banging on about having time away from social media, well Joe I manage just fine thanks. I don't even need to delete apps off my phone to do it either. He's sooo awful and those two kids need a hairbrush through their hair🫤🫤🫤
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Jesus, he's really pushing himself to stay relevant, isn't he?!

I have a podcast - here it is.
I did a BBC documentary. BBC, if you didn't know. The documentary I did was with the BBC.

Its really sad and desperate. As a lot of you have said - there are a lot more trainers out there now, and good ones. Ones that know how daily life gets in the way, how unexpected things crop up and how it's about progress, not perfection.

The guy is a massive twat & is slowly fading into obscurity.
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Ummmmmmmm. After all that preaching he got a baguette, stuffed with crisps & chocolate almonds from Pret AND went to Nero to get two cookies (and he definitely got some krispie kremes because he’s basic AF). That’s loads of food! Last time I checked, Pret sold salads & nuts - it’s really not that hard to not eat shit when you’re outside the house, just a question of motivation and discipline
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Very new to this thread. Never really liked the guy. This may be old news but thought I'd share anyway. Lagomchef, a chef on tiktok, said in a live that he wrote all the recipes in all of the books Joe put out. Including macro tracking etc. And he was made redundant. He seemed a bit bitter so I don't think they ended on good terms. He said that Joe was basically just a fitness guy and had no clue about food 😅 was only talking about it for a couple of minutes but it made me laugh as I had no clue!
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