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Considering a large part of his market is the post partum/busy mum brigade he’s made a right balls up here. Would you choose a trainer thats sympathetic and understands the juggle or choose Joe 🤷🏻‍♀️
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When he pulls this face does anyone else get a huge urge to drop kick him in the chin?
"Only just discovering George Michael" - good grief, he's a fucking melt.

I really would shove a golfing umbrella up his nose and gleefully open it.
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I'm really glad he showed us how to mix peanut butter into porridge. I never would have managed that without him showing us all how to do that 🙄
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Why oh why is he hanging that baby from those bars??? He did that with the other two. Stop it Joe!

And don’t even get me started on safety aspects of kids on scooters with nothing to protect their feet. And Indie with that knife!!!!! Kids learn to chop with little children’s knives Joe. Not massive ones.

I honestly despair. Someone needs to oversee their shit parenting before something awful happens - far worse than letting them watch an ipad for an hour to let them relax.

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I wouldn't call a night where your kid vomits twice any sort of win...

Photo of Marley with his sick bucket the poor little chap.

Sorry your Dad is such a twunt and gives you zero privacy, not even when you're sick.
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While I think it's hilarious, it's also weird that everyone has jumped on this rather than, you know, that time he starved his kid all day to force her to eat a 3 bean chilli...
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Thought I would share this again for anyone new who found us after all the ‘look at my wife, aren’t we amazing’ this weekend.

Thread 8, post 1001. That is not Rosie in The background…..🤨

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Wow those children are filthy! I’m all for kids getting messy and playing but in their gardens/suitable places etc. That’s from a dirty city street. No way I’d want to walk through any city in the world barefoot. It’s an excuse just to let them be feral.

Didn’t realise he was an expert in paediatric biology and development now. Wearing shoes on a trip out for a few hours doesn’t hamper their physical development. I’m pretty sure kids spend many hours a day barefoot at home.
Exactly that. Kids spend more time barefoot than any adult so I’m sure protecting their feet from the piss stained, needle strewn streets of Santa Monica won’t harm their development. Unlike their mother who has probably squeezed into high heels and all sorts of restrictive footwear during her “artistic” years. As for Joe..that gam lipped, straw legged piss ant needs to stop eating veggie stir fries and then he might build some actual muscle and be able to bicep curl without pulling a face like he’s cumming to Rosie’s feature in Nuts magazine 😂 sorry not sorry
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He thinks he’s parent of the year yet he’s admitted to starving his newborn and leaving her cry till she complies with his needs. Why has this not been picked up by the press?!
He did the same with Indie if she didn’t eat her dinner he would send her to bed hungry and make her eat her dinner the next day 🤢 she was really little at the time ! I would never take parenting advice from this knob head
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Hands up who's been asking Joe how to make porridge 🙄 Apparently there's so many people asking. We can add it to the parenting basics list I've been kindly keeping for us.
If anyone out there is struggling with how to pre-heat a thermos or what sort of place you should take your child to learn to swim please let me know and I'll re-share the highly informative screenshots from the Messiah.
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I got blocked a while back for calling him out on his bullshit. Still a cunt I see 😆
he blocked me when I asked him how long it took him to research, test the recipes and write his award winning bargain bucket cook books 😂😂
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Can I just say no one gives a shit about your jet lag again Joe !!!!
FFS jet leg is just a state of mind dontchaknow. He just needs to go and set his intention and do a hiit workout. After all, theres no excuses for not doing it are there?!
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So weird, if you're jetlagged and tired it's okay to go to bed a little early - you don't need to fully adjust 100% back to UK time the first day!!! Plus he's said before they normally eat dinner at 5:30. Probably too busy fooling around with his roller skates to make dinner tonight.
These jet-lag stories and it all being a mind set is utter bollox. I've lived in Oz over 12yrs, so travelled back and forth from Ireland and Australia over the years and jet lag is a real thing. Your body clock needs to readjust its not just all in your head.
It's exhaustingvfor the first 5 days when you land. We always let our kids go to bed early the first couple of days. Making his little ones "push through" was a really wankerish thing to do.
He likes to think he's some kind of super human.
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