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Chatty Member
Is he taking the piss? If you ask a 5/6 year old whether they get enough sleep and they put their hand up to say they don’t think they do, chances are they’ve just put their hand up because their friends did the same. Not because they’ve analysed their evening habits and think ‘actually Joe is right, I need to put the tablet down at 7pm’
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Is he really patting himself on the back for eating a fucking Apple? He’s definitely downplaying his issues with food if this warrants an insta story
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There’s a HUGE difference between ‘grounding’ your bare feet at an outdoor yoga class to letting your feral children run around the streets of California with no shoes on!
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Joe is what happens when a chav man child becomes a millionaire. Doesn’t know what to do with himself. It’s sad really. Imagine being one of his kids in years to come and coming to the realisation that your whole life has been filmed for millions of strangers to see. Honestly just think of that for a sec….horrific
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If Rosie were to be diagnosed with a medical condition causing her weight to spike Joe would be gone in an instant and publicly it would be due to “life timings” or “different wants from the future” when really it’s because she has gained a ton of weight.
Imagine marrying someone that arrogant and shallow.
My mum has been fat shamed by doctors, strangers & family. But she’s birthed 4 babies, battled with medical conditions & depression yet is still here living life and actually HAPPY, not just ‘happy’ because she’s a size 8 & put on portion control by my dad.
Shame on Joe AND Rosie for even allowing bullshit posts like that !!!! When will papers wake up and see this fucking fraud for what he is.
Enjoy your many homes, motorbikes & date nights with your hot wife whilst the money lasts.
Did any papers ever report on that picture of him in bed with another woman? That was whilst Rosie was pregnant wasn’t it?
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They're definitely practicing some sort of earth mother, feral kid shit. Don't brush their hair (marleys hair looks like it's been cut with blunt scissors), don't wear shoes and have filthy feet, can't be arsed to clean the house. They're dirtbags.

And don't even get me started on the house decoration. Never in my life have I known anyone spend money on a house and not do a single thing to it. At the very least you'd do the kids bedrooms. Not like they're short of money.
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Chatty Member
Should you never use the phrase you are beautiful? I’m just interested in your thoughts, not wishing to argue, I just wonder why compliments are wrong. I’ll happily tell someone they look beautiful - not in a sexual way as I’m a homo - is that wrong?
I think it's more that its all he ever says to Rosie / Indie / Leni. There is nothing wrong with saying someone is beautiful - but it's all Joe ever does. Reduces women to their looks. Rosie could have a PhD but we wouldn't ever know because Joe isn't interested in anything other than her looks.
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They are one of those families you would see in the airport with the kids screaming and climbing and hanging off things and pray to God they aren't on your 14 hour flight...
Do we know if he's travelling business class. I'm sure that will take the sting out of 14 hours with three kids.
But not if you’re a fellow business class passenger 🤣 can you imagine booking a special trip and paying out to treat yourself for the journey and that fucking family swans on to the flight (late, because he’s already said they aim to be the last ones on the plane) and your hopes of a lovely tranquil, pleasant flight are utterly shattered.
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People will probably disagree with how I’ve reacted to Rosie there, but whether it’s right or wrong, that’s how his post has made me feel!
Your feelings are justified, as above says, it pits women against women for no reason. Rosie looks great, that’s her doing & not her fault, the blame doesn’t lie with her but him for putting her up on a pedestal. She’s fit, healthy and a “super mum” - well that’s great for her but would he love her as much if she was a size 16. Would she still be super mum then? Because she lifts weights she’s a supermum? Absolutely no no no. No shame either way, as women we do what we want to be the best mums/humans we can with what we have available. Push yourself to be a lean machine or push yourself to learn a new hobby or go back to university or both but none is better than the other.
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If I’d just been shown those recent pics of Dosie and someone told me she’d transitioned… I wouldn’t question it!
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Nothing quite like starving your newborn until she’ll accept the bottle 😳 rather than a ‘’nice warm boob’’ 🥴
Omg yes, I was coming here to see who spotted that! Got her hungry enough she'd take a bottle. I presume this was at 6 weeks old since his other story said they started mixed feeding then. What a pair of prize cunts! Kept that quiet didn't he, made out Rosie was mum of the year with all the breast feeding while exercising.


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Imagine having jet lag just getting home from a long trip with 3 kids and your husband dons a pair of Rollerblades at 6.30pm
Atleast he's wearing a helmet. We wouldn't want one of the top brains of Britain getting injured
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So did the kids get no dinner? 7.45 seems so late to eat for kids that age, especially when they are exhausted! Surely 7pm is a perfectly normal bedtime for 2-4 year olds so why didn't they eat earlier and get the kids off to bed?! What a pair of bellends those two are.
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VIP Member
Poor Marley, his father sharing his sister saying horrid things about him on Insta. His little voice saying "no I'm not" off camera when he repeats what she said.
What a cretin of a parent.
ETA - I very much think Marley is a mummy's boy and Indie can do no wrong in Joe's eyes.
Totally agree she is going to become hard work when older, she's already a bit precocious at 4.
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What did you ask?!? Man I was soooooo tempted to be a smart ass but don’t want to give him any attention. I’m just watching Euphoria and noticed that a COIN was given out for sobriety and it made me think of nicky’s ‘gift’…….
I asked he why he didn’t mention the kings coronation as he’s an MBE and clearly licking arse for a knighthood…..BLOCKED LOL 😂
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