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I think you’re all VJBs and I think that Jodie’s commitment to transparency is extraordinary and creative! I would never have thought about making an infographic of the farm dead pool - I hear they come with fabric pens so you can mark them off as it happens
Just wait until you see this year's advent calendar they're launching. Every time you open a door an animals shelter blows away.
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We do comment any criticism we get blocked and deleted but more to the point why are you on tattle? Come here and say it to me. I'm sure you could get an invite code from somewhere. Sad tattle troll 😂
Tattles a more positive animal loving community than Fripps Farm funeral home😂
If tattle is that bad of a website just don't read here.
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Original SoulMate Kyle

Well-known member
Life on an animal rescue farm: yesterday was probably our most manic day so far. We dealt with two wildlife animal emergencies, we had the vet out to change Ernie’s splints and also to look at the alpacas willy 🤦🏼‍♀️ we had about 30 separate deliveries of gates, fencing and all sorts. Jack and Vicki went to my old house and filled a lorry with all my stuff to bring over to the new house which I then had to find room for and try to put away (in between everything else), we’ve got Mark building two new enclosures which MUST be finished by tomorrow morning as we have emergency animals coming in. We had a giant lorry bring 3 tonnes of ballast for the new enclosures, we had a neighbour bring her grandchildren over to meet all the animals, we had to fix a load of fencing that Gerald the giant goat had smashed down and we also had to make about 100 calls to find someone to take away our muck heap and to find a farrier and to have our skip removed and a new one brought. Honestly I have never felt so mentally exhausted. Because of all this we missed going to our best friends birthday party and we are gutted. We are going to make it up to him and we hope he forgives us. Running an animal rescue means you can never truly commit to anything socially. We have accepted this. The other week we had tickets to an outdoor cinema which we had to cancel. We’ve actually given up on showering and going out now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we are so tired but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Video of Ron because he’s so cute 🥰🥰

Posted by Jodie this morning (and taken from iganony). Two wildlife emergencies, emergency animals coming in, no time to commit to anything socially (except all the Elvis nights out Jodie, yeah?), and given up showering (which we knew about since the days of Dave Doyle).

I wonder what the emergency animals are and how long it'll take Jodie to start scamming more money. Sound for a pound is going to be sound for twenty pound soon, with a lot of insults for anyone that doesn't donate because Jodie's an ungrateful cow who's in way over her head.
This is almost as good as her old blogs, I swear. She's giving us ALL the classics: multiple superlatives: "most manic... giant lorry... giant goat, 100s of calls, BEST FWEND", getting the 2nd tier soulmates to do house stuff. Jodie skipping an event so she can captivate her new maaaaan with p0rn0shags and The Greatest Showman playing on infinite loop. If she wanted to go, they would have gone. When she could afford cleaners 20 years ago, they became Best Mates too.
Jodie's rubbish management somehow always becomes everyone else's problem. She'll never see it like that though. She probably thinks she is being an epic #GirlBoss (who needs Claire anyway, such a spoilsport boooo). I think she is in another one of her high-energy manic phases. She'll crash again eventually except this time these animals will be affected. :(
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The stories about Gerald being tied, sorry tethered have really upset me. Threatening to withhold food and water unless behaves.
His buckets being kicked over and him screaming had me in tears. He certainly is NOT living his best life.
She’s not fit to have animals.
That metal fencing must be cheap tat surely? I’ve never seen zoos or security fencing destroyed like that.
Stop taking in animals you can’t look after! I fear for the ones who arrive and are admitted in to enclosures knocked up in just a few hours.
When her horse gets stuck on a fence and the goat kicks over the flimsy fencing they have. If it was a one off you could laugh but it seems like a daily occurrence. What if no one was in?


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trouble is she actually think she deserves these expensive items
she was bought up to be a spoilt brat and now she is a spoilt adult

Verrucca salt i call her privately
she has NO idea how most people live she has been indulged all her life

i will never forget the vegan straws she ordered a month or so back 12 straws for £14 and delivery on top that sums up her budget yes beggs for chicken feed,she could of got 2 chick feeds for them straws it's not as if she needs them

what gets my "ron" is that her cult followers dont seem to mind,more fool them
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I think I worded mine wrong too because I think we are in agreement. Does anyone have time to get through her video diarrhoea? Even Steph must be whacking the next button.
I watched the stories on the dog. She claimed they screened the potential owners and had them over weekly to walk Paxton and they were told how tricky he is and promised not to give up on him but they then gave him away as was too difficult (can’t remember to who - think it was to other animal rescue). She implied that they abused him too and he was very thin when he was given to the rescue. He has since been homed with an extremely experienced dog trainer who can cope with him.
She ranted about how much she hated people and really slagged Paxton first rehomers off saying they lied and said they wouldn’t give up on him etc etc.
The truth seems to be he should never have gone to a regular home and needed a trainer. But of course that would mean jodie made a mistake and she never does that so actually those dog adopters were just the worst, most evil people EVAH.

Also, was paxton this difficult when he was given to Jodie? I didn’t think so. And if he was, why did she accept him knowing he wasn’t suitable? I think she is playing with fire, messing around with these big, strong, high needs dogs.
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Said it before and say it again. I'm getting Lucy Letby vibes from her.
Definitely an element of that. Filming herself crying and all the comments praising her. Also, as someone said before, her Fripps page is getting boring. Same animals, same kissing videos, then the beggy videos, then the death videos, rinse repeat.

I was looking at a few other sanctuary pages the other day. The owner's rarely make an appearance. Jodie is in practically every post. She posts scores of videos just eye fucking the camera and molesting animals. Without her even saying anything sometimes. It just feels creepy tbh, like I'm interrupting an intimate moment.

But mostly I feel like she's in over her head and can't cope with the amount of animals she has.
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Thank you for all your kind words. I appreciate it ❤
hugs and love, Lucy xx

i am certain Jodie initially wanted more of a documentary on the OF stuff like ”after hanging up her thong (pwarrw fishy) and swapping the high life of a supermodel for animal rescue, a beautiful young vegan is once again forced into glamour work to pay for the upkeep of her conservation park.“ with a movie to follow starring Machine Gun kelly, Parge would be Robert de Nero and Margo Robbie could be the one tit.
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I can’t believe she is keeping Maximus. He needs careful ongoing care. Not to be one of 16 ponies. Can they really not find a better home for him? She can barely cope with what she has.

All her current favourites will fall out of favour now
All her followers act as though she was the one to give him the life saving care. 🙄
It’s the vets, you clowns.
And all her followers paid the bills. Not her.
But somehow she is elevated to sainthood.
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Stripper Vicar

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I bet Claire feels like her right tit now for going along with the OF content for Jodie now thwy aren’t mates anymore. I bet she cringes 24/7
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imagine if it was Jodie he left you for instead!

I would dump my fella even if it was a dream. Highest level of jnsult 🤣
They was leaving lovey dovey comments on fb so I was commenting back abuse and my fella and Claire was liking em and I was just going bezerk. Waiting for him to wake up so I can confront him about it 😳😂
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
I am a huge animal lover and advocate, this woman drives me insane. Stop humanising them ffs. Yes maximus is a baby, yes he has had a terrible start but he doesn't stand in his stable thinking about how he hasn't had the chance to be free in a field, loved or cared for by saint Marsh. I personally feel he won't have a good quality of life, not with her and 400 other animals. Maybe on a 121 he could, with an experienced, dedicated owner but not there.
Poor little pony.
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A comment under the new episode. I wonder how long it'll stay up.

ETA: Which Tattle member is this? 🤣

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