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The fact she was getting all that food out and the boy was touching everything and putting it to his mouth 🤢🤢
And the fact she drove to two different places to get two good to go bags. I know it helps stop food wastage but too is greedy I got a bakery one once I got loads it’s not needed

3 videos on the shoulder…who has time or wants to do a video on it when your in pain god she’s such an attention seeker…the comments make me die ‘oh was so worried’ she’s not been diagnosed with serious illness she’s hurt her shoulder get a grip ffs
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I’m quite neutral to jo in all honesty. I do follow Jo but not actively and by no means do I keep up with any of her content but I saw her video today and thought I’d jump over here to see what’s going on.
I’m not gonna argue on the finer points of why you guys don’t like her, everyone’s entitled to their opinion and all that.. I personally hate Eden harvz and don’t get me started on snapshot lol!
But one thing I will say that isn’t quite ringing true to me, if she’s as shit as a mum as is said on here and palms off her kids to anyone why wouldn’t she want her sons father in his life? It’s another childcare arrangement? I just don’t believe she would have badmouthed him so much so that the kid didn’t wanna see him if that was another free babysitter for her? I feel like if she was that crap of a mom she’d of wanted her son to have seen him despite all of their personal drama so she had her free time? So surely it is/was his decision?

Also, it seems a calculated move for the birchfamily to have come on here. I’ve read that it’s the only she can get a message to Jo but if their mums live opposite one another why not go and have a word about her talking about them? Rather than write it on a public forum about Jo? It seems abit vindictive if I’m honest cuz it’s igniting the situation not solving the issue. And looks where it’s got to now, blown up even more. Jo shouldn’t have released this woman’s name but i doubt it would’ve reached this point if they’d of gone round and asked them to stop, threatening some legal action or something like that.
Jo mentioned this first, she said that her ex had hit her and also mentioned about him not seeing his son. Jo shouldn’t have put this on a PUBLIC tik tok for anyone to see should she really? Also please watch her past videos and see her kids are round their grandparents most of the time, which again is PUBLIC on her tik tok. I mean her son didn’t even want to spend his birthday at home with her, why is that? Do you not think that is totally odd too. He wasn’t going anywhere special just round his grandparents.
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Why does her youngest son go to nursery until 6pm? Did you see her video the other day? She had picked the elder kid up from school, said they had gone round to her mums and she just sat there doing nothing until 6pm when it was time to pick him up. My kids have all gone to nursery, until 3pm. I get the option to keep them there until 6pm is if you are working, but she doesn’t so why the need for him to be there so late?
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What a fucking shame on her boys! He would have been so hungry, that’s just cruel! Who the fuck would want to eat soggy chips/dish fingers at 7am 🤢 I understand as a parent, you have to stand your ground, but you have the responsibility to meet basic needs, like feeding them ffs!!!!
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She takes the absolute piss as for the fake tan why can’t we buy a bottle n do it herself much cheaper she completely flaunts everything she does and buys now she’s not working! I just couldn’t I wouldn’t have the nerve!! As for the bikini pics I’m all for body positivity I’m not small myself but put it away love
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She is a massive liar!! Someone asked her last week why she didn't sleep on the sofa when her son wet the bed. She said it was because there was no curtains in the living room.well I'm pretty sure in the reflection of the mirror in her video this morning I can see curtains up at the window?!
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Not only did she tell every single one of them in her live birchfamilys name but she sat there and let them take the piss out of it! And us lot are the bullies???? Make it make sense 😵💫
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On her live she blames HER parents for the fizz!
Surely she should have raised this with them rather than being a complete and utter biatch on tik tok!
So many ppl are agreeing with her, I thought she had a good relationship with them?!?! I wonder if they have seen this video??

She really winds me the "duck" up!!! 😡
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Chatty Member
Rip my tiktok account. I just couldn't help myself.

I honestly think she believes she is relatable, but I don’t know how many people her age can relate to her when it comes to her clear incapability to care for a toddler. 2/3 year olds are arses but that’s because they are sponges and attempting to learn what’s right from wrong. She’s not teaching that, she isn’t teaching emotional regulation 1. Because she has none herself and 2. Because she’s rather use his “tantrums” as content in order to make money off her kids. Her followers are young and most are not parents she is setting incredibly unrealistic expectations for those following her that they shouldn’t need to raise their kids if they’re ill. I was bed bound my entire 3rd trimester while also having an under 1 year old, I made the effort every day to wake up dress him (rarely dressed myself) and to get down to floor and play with him until I physically couldn’t anymore, my parents did not have my child one night a week or whatever her parents have hers my child was still my responsibility whether I was ill or not. 🙄 I have such a hate for lazy parents (more so because I’m young and I get told I’m lazy just for having kids young) care for your kids turn your fucking phone off, get off live while your kids are home and spend the quality time your able to spend with your partner with your poor kids
I suffered crippling depression for a lot of my kids early years and I made so many mistakes. And one of them was complaining about them in front of them. But I learnt the hard way and I've worked my arse off to make up to them. I was erractic and shouty and I put us in dangerous situations. I'm not proud and I certainly wouldn't brag like it's something to be proud of. Depression is a killer, not an excuse to be a lazy mum. I still took them to the park even when I wanted to die. If I can force my fat arse to get through it as a single mum with no support, so can she.
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I think this her way of trying to get some kind of extra money for him and to claim carers. When he’s on her tik toks he’s just sitting there quiet usually. And if he’s so terrible why’s she letting her parents have him so much when her mom has MS?
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DWP need to start looking at peoples social media! They flaunt everything on their pages for everyone to see I bet soooo many people would get caught out
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I think it’s all well and good having a support system but at 30 years old you surely shouldn’t be relying on your parents caring for your children as much as they do. I’m 21 and have Irish twins, it’s hard yes everyday is a struggle but I don’t drop my kids here there and everywhere as most peoples parents work or have a life of their own. My parents have raised their kids and I wouldn’t dream on having them raise mine, my eldest may go to my mums for the day but I’m her relief from him not the other way I wouldn’t expect my mum (also has a medical issue) to discipline my child or take him away when he’s misbehaving🤷🏼‍♀️ I also would not slag my mum off online and then expect her to pull my weight in caring for my kids. My eldest is a hand full but I set boundaries, I have BPD, PND & PNA but don’t let my mental health issues take over my kids lives. There is no wonder her kids are always mardy she spends her time in bed, avoiding them or on her phone, Logan is perhaps old enough to do his own thing but H isn’t he needs his mum still he’s still a baby he will pick up on her lack of interest it’s sad no 2 year old should hear “I’m on live” when asking their mum anything it’s unfair I feel for him
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I hope to god the school say something to her. Vile vile woman x

She's got so many words filtered on her comments. She much know she's a shitty person.
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Why not just ask your kids what they actually want to eat? Simple, they get what they fancy and no food is wasted, some nights I have a different meal to the rest of my family because I just don’t fancy eating what I’ve cooked, I can’t imagine being made to eat it!!!🤮🤮🤮
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Her newest video lol she's definitely been reading this thread and she's so dramatic🙄😂 we know she's made it clear she cant cope but as I said previously, to sit infront of your child and call him a demon child and let him know how he's a night mare and have a bitch and a moan about him while he sits there visibly upset - doesn't sit right with me. By all means have a moan to your "support system" or whoever you want, as most parents would, but don't drag that poor boy down.
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Chatty Member
She is so thoughtless - her most recent video "you've kids are alive" or whatever shit she said, what about mother's, like me, who have lost children. Are we of less worth or not mother's?
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Literally all the comments say how amazing she looks and that the dress was made for her, she doesn’t and it wasn’t ! I’m really not being mean as like I said a lot of her outfits are really nice but that one is just simply not ! If my friend asks my opinion on something she’s wearing I’ll always give an honest opinion, and vice versa, as that’s what friends do-be truthful !
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I'm not Putin

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Her son isn't naughty. He's emotionally abused. He lashes out because he knows mummy will give him attention. Any attention is good attention to a child. He'll get worse as he gets older. I just hope she can pull her head out of her arse and give him the love and attention he deserves x
Its gotta be confusing mummy constantly coming and going hearing mummy bad mouth you hearing your mum call you another name just for content on tt
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Jo is dangerous 🤣🤣

Guuuuys come on for God sake this thread has turned into fairy land.

And this new member came up with the title 🙆🏻‍♀️
Doxxing is literally illegal, it's a fact. If someone did this to her, she'd be raging & crying on TikTok live. People have every right to be upset.

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