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Chatty Member
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets insanely creepy serial killer vibes of Jim? The way he talks to the camera, it's like children's tv presenter meets sociopathic murderer... It just really weirds me out. I feel like I'm a child being talked down to, and every word out of his mouth feels like a disingenuous act. I definitely feel like there could be quite a sinister side to him.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I used to actually like Jim. Well I mean I didn't actively hate him. But recently I increasingly can't stand him. The fact he gave up on Martha, refuses to say what happened to her, and his smugness levels are going up daily. He has no job or contribution to the world and it makes me cringe when he talks about all the work he's doing. What work? Show me your work because I don't believe there is any! Writing down ideas for a TV show is not work. I could do that right now on a scrap of paper. It's never going to go anywhere! And that comment today that things could be worse... My god what an absolutely awful thing to say. People are dying every single day including a little baby who died at the weekend. Go and do some more work outs Jim you idiot.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Jim is one of the more baffling YTers in that I constantly think - 'how the fuck has this person become quite wealthy based on such a meagre talent?' He is all that is desperately wrong about that world, useless yet smug and entitled at the same time. We all know his 'screenplays' will never see the light of day. His modelling is laughable. Every merch idea risible.
He had one job - to look after a dear little dog who obviously adored him for some wierd reason. And he couldn't even manage that.
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VIP Member
You're so right...I can't see anybody of above average intelligence falling for him. Nah.
Dullard Jim ordered simple Sarah from the ‘not so bright completely average looking but mummy and daddy can pay for my pretend insta model lifestyle whilst I try and up my profile by dating a has been youtuber desperate for attention’ catalogue.
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Chatty Member
He’s really loving stirring the pot ain’t he. That comment about “who is recording”

Regardless of who ended their marriage he should show more respect and grow the hell up. He’s acting like a 14 year old!
People give jim way too much credit, not surprised he's the undignified sad desperate one rather than Tanya.

I bet this dating young instamodels has got Alfie thinking 👀
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Well-known member

Lool Sarah’s face when Jim mentions tanya on his Facebook live🤣 she just can’t hack it! She was ALL OVER HIM in this video, trying so hard to mark her territory. He mentioned he was approached by im a celebrity producers, and Sarah basically said she didn’t want him to go on because she didn’t want to be spoken about. That was a few months into their relationship.. what a bitch
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VIP Member
The fact they're all blocking people is crazy. Of course we're going to ask about Martha, what do they expect? Why can't they just address it? I know it's nothing to do with Sarah so she must be getting annoyed being asked but she must realise this is not going to go away.
It really annoys me how influencers basically make a living broadcasting their whole lives and then get annoyed when fans ask about it, it’s not like people who have become famous for singing /acting etc complaining about intrusion in their private lives as they’ve not earned money from just that %a!
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VIP Member
Someone urgently needs to break ranks and just tell us what happened.

I'm kind of hoping it will be Sarah. It might end up being the most interesting thing she's ever done if she spills the gossip.
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Chatty Member
How can you be so smug and pissed off about this?! It's a programme about the rainforest supported by WWF. WWF have sent him there free to make people start listening to environmental issues. I really haven't understood your issue this one, there's way worse influencers out there benefiting from much more! Bee in bonnet much?! I'm sure he has done worse things! He had a free trip with WWF to raise awareness for something we're all trying to get our older generation to sit up and listen about... I get you have an issue with him but just let this one go? I fpr one am please he's supporting this cause and just don't care if he declared the trip gifted or not. Can we go back to laughing at his selfies and comments on Tarn's posts?!
I'm not smug or pissed off. He just hasn't been declaring an AD properly or following the rules.

It would be easy to follow the CMA rules. Just say from the outset he's on a trip to promote a netflix show, but instead he's not been transparent or honest and tried to hide the netflix AD.

He's a big hypocrite with the amount of flying (along with ~ADs for flying), taxi rides around london during the day, plastic pre-prepared foods and so on he's done after doing this trip. Just because you agree with the cause doesn't mean they're above the law. I'm not giving him any credit, he got a fun trip out of it, probably a juicy fee and it all seems very do as i say not as i do.

If there's worse influencers discuss them on their threads.
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VIP Member
Definitely gifted or he wouldn't have named the hotel they're in. This is the crazy world we live in. The fact he would have had to actually ask them for a free stay if he promises to mention them on Instagram shows what a smug and entitled little man he really is. I can't believe this is how the world works now. Being a millionaire but not having to pay for a single thing. 😐
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VIP Member
Jim is only in love with jim. He needs a woman for validation, any woman would have done. Sarah is a trophy for him as she is tall, thin and conventionally attractive. Bonus points that she had a degree too.

Why she's with him, i guess he was a stepping stone to the influencer lifestyle. She was clearly after a certain type if she was on a celebrity only version of tinder. Bet she applied for love island!!
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VIP Member
They want your money Jim you fucking bellend. About a much muscle as an Aldi chicken drumstick.
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C'mon man. You've been publicly separated for less than 2 months. They are still married unless they started the divorce much sooner than going public. I'm not saying he shouldn't be dating, but all the public stuff etc - it's just grim. It's exactly what a 15 year old with their first girlfriend does on Facebook - does he think we're impressed?

I just can't wrap my head around why he'd want to share except for a big "look at me, look how happy I am, look at my 'model' girlfriend" etc
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Well-known member
Absolutely nothing wrong with the word exotic unless it’s being used in a demeaning or fetishizing way. Nothing that person said was racist.

If that girl is truly only 1/16th Indian, claiming Indian is actually embarrassing for her. It’s not uncommon for people to claim things that have next to no significance in order to appear more exotic and interesting. Just facts. She barely even looks spicy white. Moving on though. These kind of topics are bit too advanced for a some of the people who roam these threads and too off topic. [emoji4]
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
How strange. Being with Jim I would've thought insomnia is the one problem you wouldn't have.
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Well-known member
Does he want to make people ill because he was selfish enough to go on holiday during a pandemic? His replies saying "don't think I'll have to, will be back in time" is selfish beyond words!
So basically Covid knows not to infect people on the Saturday, especially our National Treasure Jimbob.
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Practically Perfect

Chatty Member
Jim’s big problem is he has been in a relationship for so long, since they were teenagers (?) and he became an adult in this relationship, he doesn’t know how to be single. He just sees all these young people on social media being single and thinks that is how to be single, but he is too old and awkward for it to work and thus it all comes across as a bit desperate.
I am done for if I become single, my idea of dating is:
  1. call the bloke's landline, giggle and hang up when his (dead) parents answer
  2. make my friends stand outside his house for hours in the cold, watching him play table snooker through the bedroom window (I being on the street)
  3. dust off my ankle warmers and ra-ra skirt, roll on glitter and Charlie spray, Nike cagoule and Adidas kick trainers
  4. find my Top 40 mix-tape and a tesco 2 stripe wannabe walkman so I can pretend to ignore him at the bus stop
  5. get my mates to tell his mates that i fancy him when i have popped to the shop to buy 10 berkely menthol, a tube of stimorol, a bottle of old english cider.
  6. When he isn't interested we will all go round to mine to watch a betamax video of Grease for the millionth time.
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VIP Member
Lol! She’s so triggered by anything Tanya related! Why can’t she just delete the comment if she’s upset about it? Why constantly reply and act unbothered when she very clearly is bothered!
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To be fair that is a weird, goady and pointlessly bitchy comment. I’d probably be irritated if people took it upon themselves to tell me that my partner was ‘better with their ex’, tbh. We’ve been married for over 20yrs and neither were the other’s first serious relationship so I don’t believe it is solely the domain of ‘first love’. Though, I agree that she would be better off not feeding the trolls.
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