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Jim looks about as shy as a 15 year old boy, who took off his clothes for the first time ever in front of a much older woman and is about to lose his virginity. [emoji85][emoji85]
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Oh god, Jim’s pathetic pretence of being a screenwriter is just as deluded as tanyas about being an actor, it should get more attention. Posted this in the other thread, but I just watched his video from a few weeks ago and he says his screenplay was totally going to be made but then was passed over last minute for “another more urgent one.” I had to question whether this other film contained a cure for corona virus or something as have never heard a film production be described as “urgent” - sounds like the laziest excuse in the world from some yes man he knows who was never going to get his film made to me.

How much coke were these two doing when they both decided they were too talented and important for YouTube so seemingly randomly picked two more glamorous careers?
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So Jim and Tanya are the next idiots to swan off to Spain whilst the coronavirus rate is going up there!

LMAO I meant Sarah.. we’re not in 2015 anymore 🤣🤣
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Iconic Member
Both of them seem desperate to not be called YouTubers or influencers and pretend they have a skill set beyond being a basic shill for corporations.
The Logan Paul effect.
You’re not an actor, you’re not a presenter, you’re a bit of a prat with an inflated ego and your fingers in a few pies.
The only pie that really earned you money was youtube and you pulled your finger out of that one because it was an Aldi own brand basic and you wanted that Waitrose 🤨 you ain’t no Waitrose Jim and Tanya.

I don’t know if I’d shag Jim to be honest, but you know he’d have a biscuit and some herbal tea ready after and probably check you have a safe way home and enough change for the taxi.
And he probably would call if he says he would.
Or send a text that night saying “thank you”

Nope.... I’m out, I’m shuddering just thinking of it 😂
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Really thirsty Sarah?
he looks like someone just told him his dog died....
Oh, scrap that.
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Yup, it's gone. Scumbag!
Just wait and see what this waste of space tries to pull...
Why delete it though?

They’ve not technically (at this point) done anything wrong.

Makes you think they have no intention of self isolating once back in London.

Jim’s Day in a nutshell ..

- Show off about coffee and juices
- Literally sticks two fingers up to his audience
- Sit next to Snora 😴 whilst she declares “this is so fun.”
- Swim
- Pose
- Drink

Spends the rest of his entire holiday being permanently glued to Instagram furiously deleting comments about quarantine.
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The fact that Jim got into a serious relationship with the first woman he went on a date with is very telling IMO. He's the type that can't be single and has to ALWAYS be part of a couple. I doubt he even knows who he is outside of that.

I think he and Sarah basically just tick each others boxes. Jim wants a pretty, family-oriented wife that he can post "couple goals" pics with. Sarah doesn't want to get a proper job and is being bank-rolled by her parents. She is clearly NOT making a living from modelling, from looking at her insta she seems to have only had one paid job and everything else is test shoots. Being with Jim allows her to have the type of lifestyle she wants.

Either one of them could have been with literally any other person who fulfils those needs. I imagine they're quite happy with their life but it seems like a pretty boring and shallow existence.
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I used to actually like Jim. Well I mean I didn't actively hate him. But recently I increasingly can't stand him. The fact he gave up on Martha, refuses to say what happened to her, and his smugness levels are going up daily. He has no job or contribution to the world and it makes me cringe when he talks about all the work he's doing. What work? Show me your work because I don't believe there is any! Writing down ideas for a TV show is not work. I could do that right now on a scrap of paper. It's never going to go anywhere! And that comment today that things could be worse... My god what an absolutely awful thing to say. People are dying every single day including a little baby who died at the weekend. Go and do some more work outs Jim you idiot.
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I’ve said many a time that I think Jim is perfectly entitled to be dating and to be moving on from Tanya, even if it is a bit quick, and he’s perfectly entitled to be sharing it on social media. And I stand by all that.

However, the sheer amount of posts between the pair is pretty vomit inducing and cringeworthy. And that’s what I’m sick of now. Just chill out Jim, we know you’ve found someone new, just stop with the endless cringe posts, you’ve been together (publicly) five minutes.
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Just got blocked by simple Sarah, all I did was ask what her favourite Ozzy osbourne song was! #gutted #sadtimes
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Tbh his post just solidifies that he can’t be just him, he has to be part of a pair. It’s quite sad that he only seems to be looking forward to 2020 specifically because of Sarah and nothing else :/
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comment on life

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Jim Chapman #2 - Martha has vanished, Jim doesnt give a damn. Time to swing his knob around on Instagram.

I'm sorry. The insta vid really bothered me 🤯
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Each to their own, but it baffles me how some ladies on here find Jim incredibly attractive. He looks like such a delicate flower! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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