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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Poor Sarah 😥
Jim just steamrollers everything she says.
How many more times in that video could he say 'it is the kitchen of MY dreams'.
He also has an incredibly impatient look on his face every time she speaks.
I genuinely don't know how she tolerates him.
He really reminds me of my ex husband tbh 😬 So many similarities. Scary.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I'm scared there is something wrong with me. Hold me guys. I think Jim looks quite handsome here 😬

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It is wierd isn't it?
It probably isn't Tanya per se - but his nose is still out of joint that she probably ended it. He seems to be living in the past generally with his Brit Crew nostalgia and he and Tanya were a part of that.
If I were to advise him and Sarah I would say sell up and move out of London. Get a nice house with a big garden. NOT Brighton where every second person is an ex YTer.
Well good luck to them selling it with that back ‘garden’
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Does Jim even pretend to be a screenwriter anymore? What happened to the show that was supposedly getting made?

Also, I've seen his bare chest more times than I've seen my husband's recently. Put it away Jim.
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The sad thing about Sarah's article is that it reads to me like 'I was criticised online but when I started to share pictures of my child people liked me and I felt less alone.' As others have said, parents who share their children online do so for the sole benefit of themselves mainly, perhaps also for family and friends and to show solidarity with other parents, but it doesn't benefit the child whose identity is being shown at all. It's a great thing to talk about the challenges of parenthood, but many influencers have shown that's possible to do without sharing the child's identity (Melanie Murphy, for example). The video Sarah recorded talking about her birth experience was what many connected with — not pictures of Margot herself. In fact all the positives she lists in the article (how talking honestly about her Hyperemesis Gravidarum, hormonal acne, etc has helped both herself and other women) did not involve sharing pictures of Margot, so it seems a little strange that they are included under the title 'Why I'm Happy To Share Pictures of My Child Online.' It's so unnecessary and I really wish there was some kind of regulation around this.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
His post asking for dirty secrets actually made me feel physically sick, he us so creepy
I know. A grown man, a married father, asking strangers for dirty secrets :sick:
Shouldn't he be working on his screenplay or something instead? Anything to avoid Margot having to be the sole breadwinner in that family?
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Alfie’s recent video of Ottie she is walking, pointing and saying words. Are her and Margot same age? Or is Ottie older? I remember them being pregnant at a similar time
Both are adorable!
find it interesting Tanya from her first photos has opted for privacy for her child as has covered his face, I definitely her respect her more for it and she has gone up in my estimations
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Genuinely can’t believe the ‘first harvest of Sage’ comment 🤯
He 100% knows Tanya’s baby name, so how can he not think it weird to not only mention it but even capitalise the letter?!

If he genuinely wanted to just post his boring story he could have easily just said ‘the first harvest’ or ‘first harvest of the herbs’ 🤔
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It was talked about on here before and at the time I was on the opposite side of the fence but the more stories I see the more I notice it.

I must say I find Sarah and Jim’s stories with Margot really odd because she is just silent. No babbling or noises in the way you would usually expect a 1 year old to interact with her mum when she is talking to her and her expression is generally blank. Usually when you talk to a toddler they try to communicate back in some way even with eye contact, smiles or screeching, even if they can’t say words yet.

Hopefully in real life she’s babbling away, trying to communicate with them but if not I would hope they have spoken to the health visitor and had her hearing checked just to rule out any issues.

I will say though they if they read this and don’t like it when people mention these thing, they should be considering the way they are choosing to expose their baby to anyone on the Internet. We can only discuss her because you choose to use her as content.

And this is why parents shouldn't invade their children's privacy in order to fund their lifestyle
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That garden is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.

Also: All the money in the world but Sarah buys clothes like its still 2011.
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If anyone is interested in their house renovation, go to their builders page so you don’t have to wait for his EXCLUSIVE LOOK YT VID 🤢 to see what they’ve done.

this man better not EVER speak on the environment or climate change because how the hell with the knowledge he so proudly proclaims to have, has he gone for a concrete, tiled garden??!!!!
Absolutely hideous!!
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I get the feeling that Sarah is quite vulnerable. She has mentioned before that she had issues as a teenager that meant she had to go in somewhere for some support, didn't she?

With Jim being her first proper boyfriend and very quickly fiance then husband, and with his personality type, I feel like she does not have a lot of control or respect in that relationship. He's now even getting meals brought to him and says "Sarah knows how I forget to eat and makes meals without me asking because she loves me very much". The underlying message here is he now has the expectation of being cooked for and will be in bad mood if she doesn't do it.
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Chatty Member
They are getting “a house sort of fragrance experience” at Joe Malone. What does that mean ? Gifted of course. Even though it is gifted Sarah has
to write on her post that they are Christmas shopping. Don’t they know that they are not fooling anymore with this ?
Honestly just comes across so smug and out of touch. People are struggling to choose between being warm or being fed, are at risk of losing their homes, whilst they’re being gifted £100s worth of candles despite living in a house that cost over a million pounds.
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Omg watched it 😬
Jim loves himself so much and is completely humourless. How the hell Sarah puts up with him I've no idea. She thinks he's very deep 😂
And the question 'how comfortable are you putting Margot on SM' (or whatever it was). His answer - (in essence) 'it's up to you guys. The responses I get when I show her are lovely. If that changes and I ever thought she was unsafe I'd stop showing her at once'.
Moron. He didn't address in the slightest her lack of autonomy in the whole thing, and that without her permission she is having her monetised childhood paraded in front of thousands of people.
The second he started showing her she was unsafe. He has no idea what kind of people are seeing his videos and pictures, he has no idea if some not right is screenshotting and editing those pictures into something unsavoury. Come on Jim, your life has been on the internet for most of your adult life. If you don’t know that your kid is unsafe by now then I don’t know what to say to you, other than two words - Saccone-Joly’s!
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They must be fuming, a coordinated drop of wedding pictures for the Bride magazine reveal, probably hoping to get picked up more widely across tabloid and social media, and then…the Queen dies. No longer appropriate to drag the picture/video reveal out either, as they were probably planning to do.
And by the time the Queen issue is over Tanya will be giving birth, I wonder if they regret not just having the big wedding in America 😁
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I really dislike Jim but that day in the life reel and what he eats. How damaging to his audience. He’s basically eating fuck all without explaining his actual workout/weight loss plan.
Is anyone asking either? also a WHOLE undercooked onion in that omlette? :sick: The whole "forgetting to eat" thing for me just screams disordered eating, I have seen so many people use this as an excuse for weightloss/not eating, and what on earth is he so busy doing that he does forget? where's the screenplay Jim? :ROFLMAO:
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