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VIP Member
One person I will never take make up recommendations from is jess. I think her skin looks so much better without all the make up caked on. It really accentuates her bad skin even more
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Urgh 🤢🤮 that’s just too much isn’t it🤣 he used to be a good looking man. Now hes become a slob like her and piled the weight on. It’s weird how it changes your facial features so much. He’s lost all his looks because of his fatty face. His eyes are also turning little cause of the fat in his face
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I don't think anyone "should" feel embarrassed after breaking a chair, if they're going to use it as a catalyst for change.
It made me sad how jovial she was about it, I don't think I'm being too dramatic in saying we're watching someone die in slow motion.
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VIP Member
Why doesn’t she work full time? It seems very indulgent considering the kind of money she spends on hair, beauty, holidays, clothes, re decoration.

Those affiliates and ads pay well clearly
I'm following a lovely blogger who is donating all the money from gifted makeup AL to the Yemen appeal, so far it's over £500 ! I'm not suggesting Jess earns anywhere near that but it's very apparent the AL are lucrative hence the quantity of them that are added to everything!! The ones that annoy me are the ones added to items they haven't even bought FFFB is a repeat offender of this !!
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VIP Member
She does nothing but sunbathe. I’m sorry but she’s so lazy. It’s only her and Paul and she only works part time. There is no need for her house to be such a shit tip or for her to have that much washing to do. Every day a little bit. That’s how I do it. And I have ( had ) a full time job and went gym 3 times a week too
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Scrolling the gram

Active member
For Jess who is a naturally greasy and sweaty person who works in a bank with the public she really should take more care with her hygiene! She must stink so fusty and probably has bad BO 🤢🤮 surely her head must start to itch after a week of not washing it! So gross
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Well-known member
There is so much body shaming on here it’s unreal. It’s one thing to not like Jess and her hygiene but talking about her weight feels wrong. There will be people on here who are the same size, if not bigger and comments regarding body size could really have a negative effect.
By all means comment on her lack of showering, washing hair and general being a slob but seriously posting pictures about being the size she is and some of the remarks on here are just plain nasty.
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Active member
Her recent stories slating the host of the cottage for being helpful is insanely rude! I’ve done some internet lurking and found the cottage and I’m so glad they have good reviews for being amazing hosts.

Common courtesy if she didn’t enjoy herself would have been to not disclose where she went to her 64k followers! Just disgusting behaviour - the poor bloke was being friendly, helpful and trying to make sure his business succeeds in a time where hospitality and leisure is in pieces. So ungrateful. I’m so angry with her for that 😂
I’m angry about this too! If she had actually read the description properly she would have known that the hosts lived on site, but she does seem like the kind of person to just jump in no questions asked 🙄 if she could be bothered her lazy arse to research she would have found loads of properties that are more isolated etc. She’s really annoying me lately though with her general lazy and ignorant attitude! 😂😂
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Nancy & Donald

Chatty Member
I am going glamping with my husband, kids, my parents and another couple, their kids and her parents. My friend is pretty large a size 26 and her husband would also be pretty heavy but they are health. They cycle, go to the gym, go hiking most weekends. Pretty much put me to shame.
They have come up with a itinerary for our trip. A mountain hike, paddle boats, surfing, beach walk and picnic, cycling this is all coming from them. I am half excited and also dreading it. You can be fat and fit and while I am pretty slim I am not fit.
So jess could be doing a hike in the beautiful countryside in the morning and then have a lazy afternoon, next day go visit the local town, see some sites, have lunch and a lazy afternoon. 3rd day pick a historical site to explore or a museum and check it it. Have a bite to eat and then her lazy afternoon. Not just bed to sofa to fridge to sunbathe to fridge to hot tub to fridge to sofa to bed. That's gross
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I don't want to sound as if I'm nit picking she's got the friday feeling but only works mon tues & weds. The prancing about was getting on my nerves too
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VIP Member
I was just thinking the same. His gut is huge. He must be at least 25 stone.
He’s never 25 stone 😂! She’s more likely to be that weight. He’s about 20 stone max. It’s a shame because I think he’s very attractive when he’s carrying less weight.
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I think she would have been better off not mentioning she was going to eat healthier as there has been no sign of that whatsoever.
The thing is, at her size she wouldn’t even need to cut back that much at all to lose some weight every week. She’s completely given up
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Well-known member
She is literally tired because of the rubbish food and excess weight! If she changes a few things she will see and feel a difference.

Think she's forget about her stories where she admitted she wants to make a few changes 🤦‍♀️
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