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I have followed Jess for a while, and I honestly cannot believe how much she seems to have changed. But as someone who works with the general public, is living in a house where plastering is being done, is constantly preparing food. She doesn’t seem to have even basic hygiene. She comes in, takes her uniform off, literally has sweat running down her face and then is back ‘in her comfier’ 2 minutes later with the same sweaty face. The same clothes on camera for days on end even though she’s clearly so greasy/sweaty.
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Maybe she’s not depressed at all? She blamed the rapid weight gain on having a good time. I think she’s compulsive - she is compulsive with food, clothes, shopping.

Looking at her - no one can say that’s healthy, it’s not and no one is going to change my mind on that.
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Looking at those pictures, of her in her bridge dress made me so sad. She looked so beautiful, and her life seems to have nose dived at speed! I know most people lose weight/gain weight etc... to look their best on their wedding but in 10years she changed so much!
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Chatty Member
I am classed as morbidly obese too but it doesn’t mean we don’t or can’t look good. Fat people can be beautiful too. I may slate Jess but it’s not because she’s fat, I slate her due to hygiene and that she lies about what size she is.
I never said fat people arent beautiful

I said shes disgusting.. not all fat people

Dont get butt hurt by causing an issue that wasnt said by me.. that's your own issue
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What a waste of money to go to Scotland and then sit in all day watching netflix. Surely they could do that at home. It is not even like it is in a beautiful, luxurious house. It looks like someone's gran's house 🤣😂
I wondered why she was excited about the sit in and watch Netflix day when she did the same thing outside yesterday (minus Netflix)
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Oh and now she’s joined the blocking brigade! If she ever finds here it going to be a bingo of
Nothing else better to do
All the usual stuff when an influencer gets called out. Rosie Ramsey will definitely put her two Penneth in as well!
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Chatty Member
I don't think she's promoting others to be obese? She's literally just existing and uploading stuff onto a platform much like millions of others do.
I agree.The shorts saga was horrendous but that isn't to do with her size,its about her treating an item of clothing that wasn't hers like an old rag and stretching it out of shape.Also some of us(not saying Jess is but I am)are big due to health problems and medications and so we dont just want to see people between a size 6 and a size 12 portrayed online
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I can’t believe that she came home from work looking that sweaty and greasy, but has basically just put powder over the top of her make up and away she goes to the pub with that disgusting greasy hair and more than likely a very sweaty minge in the same trousers she had on yesterday! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤢
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I think the plus size influencer group is poison. I saw on Twitter that Bethany Rutter has unfollowed an apparently well known plus size blogger/instagrammer for getting a weight loss surgery. Great unfollow if you feel uncomfortable but don't call them out about their decisions. I think this is one of the main reasons why people like Jess feel trapped...if they say they are unhappy they will get lynched by the so called BoPo community. It's awful.
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Fair play for doing some kind of exercise - even if it was the most low intensity thing I’ve ever seen and her face was sweating.

like someone above said - do some dance workouts, clean your house, have a shower and stand up for longer than 5 minutes
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Why does she need to rest half way through cleaning the dressing room skirting boards 😳 the room isn’t even that big!!
seeing how lazy these two are I can imagine it’s more than just a quick wipe over they need but geez 👀 it wouldn’t take that long.....
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I'm a big supporter of Jess and only started following her about 6 months ago, I love her positivity and the fact she doesn't let much get her down and that she shows us soo much of her life warts and all.

She is has certainly changed physically in the last year or so it would appear from the pics she posted yesterday. Controversially though I just think she has been having a blast living her life ! Food is obviously a big part of that and unlike many people with body positivity issues, I think she just loves food ! I'm an emotional eater so I do have food issues, i don't think that is the case with Jess.

I was a bit puzzled by her post a few weeks back when she said about making changes, which there is no evidence of, but I wondered if that was off the back of comments she had read etc.

Her makeup concerns me though! Wrong colour foundation and plastered on in this heat ! Her poor face !
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I think she’s done a great job today! It’s nice to see her commit to a task and follow it through. Stripping a wall isn’t easy!
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So, so far she’s spend one day outside in the sun like she does at her wheelie Del costa and today nextflix. She’s got one day left to actually leave the property. What a waste of money if you aren’t going to bother going outside of the property. Could have done all this at her own house.
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back to jess......

Wonder if she will continue with her questions tonight. Ie another way to boost engagement
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Why isn't she showered yet? She literally had sweat dripping off her face a couple of hours ago and she's still festering around in the same skanky clothes.
She really is crusty and nasty
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I wonder why she works part time? I think my partner would be really peed off if he worked full time and I was as lazy as her round the house and only worked part time.
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