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I wonder if that comment may have been genuine as in a “fan” actually had a go at her for not filming. If so, that’s bleaker than her recent content! Why anyone would want to see her in WDW yet again I don’t know.

I do wonder who her demo is now. When she had the second channel the Disney people were segregated from the people who folllowed her lifestyle channel. She now gets more views on packing videos than travel videos. I’m not sure the wine mom types who want to see her Swedish death clean (🙄) care about Disney content and the hardcore Disney addicts who want to see the same videos over and over surely don’t want to see her roll her $100 T-shirts into her Tumi case. And did anyone want to see her on a river cruise with a bunch of 85 years olds? Her whole schtick is a bit odd and unfocused now.
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Ugh, I found this response from Jen so rude and unnecessary. When will these influencers learn they’re not above receiving feedback about their “jobs”?

View attachment 2959071
Wow, I'd unsubscribe and tell anyone I knew who watched her to as well.
I'm sure she'd say some BS like, "I started doing this so I didn't have to answer to a boss except myself".
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So because she has 3 sons, a 58 year old husband and an elderly mum there is always some sort of crisis and has been for 10 years

I'm sorry, what?!

That is a very normal family, if anything it's on the small side.

Either she is over dramatising what a crisis is, or her family have issues. Every day for a decade? Sorry I don't buy it.
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This hag just needs to remove herself from the internet. She hates everyone and especially hates when they try to speak to her. Fuck off!
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If the company seriously puts this on her meet and greet sign just another example of self importance. Definitely not using them now!

It’s not like Meryl Streep’s sign says 5 time Oscar nominee or some other nonsense. Fuck way to shoot yourself in the foot Mike’s Transportation.
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What is the context of this? What medication is she going on about?
She’s complaining that her insurance company won’t pay for her menopause medication. I do agree that it’s misogynistic. Insurance companies have no problem paying for men’s erectile dysfunction medications. But like others have said. If you don’t want your followers to talk to you about it, don’t mention it on Instagram. She’s such a bitch.
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Now she’s making fun of a family at the airport at 5 am for a 9:30 am flight. After just saying the other day that she would give other travellers grace. Maybe they’re flying internationally. Maybe they have additional needs and wanted to allow lots of time.

We don’t all waltz into the TSA line an hour ahead because we have pre check and a husband who works for the airline so we can get on any number of other flights if something goes wrong.

I hope she arrives home early to find Scottie banging the cleaning lady on her favourite silk pillow case and sheets.
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She literally has nothing else. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Her whole persona at the moment is this hair nonsense and being the mom of a gay child.

As I’ve said before, I really wish she would find a hobby or some purpose. Go volunteer with voter registration, driving to the polls or working election day. Seek out the LGBTQ+ organizations in ATL and see what you can do to help. That sort of thing. Hell even the group, the name escapes me now, that helps women re-entering the workforce after retraining and provides business clothes, interview prep, etc.

She just comes off as bored housewife ranting on social media most days.
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Look where we were today and not begging for freebies, Jen:

View attachment 2901778

Why does she speak so unpleasantly to strangers (her viewers)? Imagine if someone *actually* spoke to you like this. You catch more flies with honey. And the photo is so weird, she's got a thousand yard stare going on.

Like just fuck off on your vacay hun 😂 attention seeker.
Not "content created"? Hopefully she's going to a course about how to use the English language.
And, which is it - a vacation or work? Her whole life is taking vacations.
Also, nobody gives a shit where she's going. Sounds like it's on her own?
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Looks like she was a sales assistant, took on a temporary management role to open a new store but wasn’t kept on as a manager despite being “fully equipped to lead the sales floor”. They tried her out but she didn’t work out. People probably hated working for her. She speaks to paying subscribers like shit, imagine what she was like with team members.
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To discuss some family stuff…

Like what? Where you’re spending thanksgiving this year?!

No wonder her kids ask to not be included in trips or on the socials very often. Mommy overshares way too much of their business.
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Chatty Member
I lost my dad last summer to Alzheimer’s. He suffered for 6 years before he passed. It was horrible. I can honestly say that it was nothing I felt the need to share on social media.
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Exactly this! Or even better, she’s the annoying sibling calling the child who is local and actually doing the caring and leg work and wants a full debrief and then tells that sibling how they could do better.
She is precisely that person. #helpingbybitching
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Fuck sake, she can't not lecture can she. Takes a well meaning comment that didn't need to be shared and turns it into a sanctimonious rant (and humble brag as she still manages to ensure the praise for going grey is out there). Manages to make herself seem humble and make one of her followers feel shit.

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So I’m not sure what medication or the dog wanting to lay out on the deck has to do with anything…

Max the Westie loves to sunbake on the deck or in the yard. I just make his ass come in when it’s super hot out. Not really that deep or difficult as a dog owner. 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️
Lmao she must have removed her original post about the menopause meds… I don’t remember seeing it yesterday or today.
Actually I’m not seeing the one posted above either so she must have really got her knickers in a twist! People offering suggestions for her med coverage problem and then messaging when she said she didn’t want anymore advice. Lmao

Ah yes, the middle aged white lady can’t get her hormone replacement so stop the presses! Come talk to us Jen when you’re one of the millions going bankrupt for life saving treatment. Like actual life saving, not just something that helps you sleep better at night.

And yes it’s shitty that the US insurance industry doesn’t cover it but this has been going on for decades. Much like her only caring about gay rights when one of her kids came out. It’s so disingenuous and something that is often spoken about when it comes to white female suburban voters.They’re an embarrassment to other females with how they only latch onto issues when it affects them personally.

I shall now get off my lunch break soap box lol
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