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She has always been like that. Her whole life she tried to portray herself as being wealthy and having more than others. Wearing fancy brands and going on exotic holidays (even though she was in a 25k per year job)

Bet she cant believe her luck now having all this handed to her and being able to boast about what she has.

Only for her diagnosis and a few dodgy claims she would have nothing and Clive would be ditched off for someone with a bigger wallet.
Above is what everyone that knows her says! She’s fooled an entire nation but let her if that’s what she wants her kids to remember her for . People have long memories when they’ve been decent and kind. 🤬
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
What's the chances these people reached out to her for help knowing she has thousands sitting in her GFM and that she said she would share it with those in need..instead she's on begging. They want your help Jemma. You know the money you have.
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Why does she never have the kids? And where are they all day? Does Clive look after them or does he work full time?
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Making a big deal about being in for treatment the day the kids start achool
- well maybe iif you hasn’t rescheduled so you could take a free trip abroad you would have been able to sort your dates better.

shows how much the kids matter when she doesn’t include them in any plans
yet if she was offered a wee free trip to some classy hotel she’d soon have on the lippie wig and heels and there wouldn’t be a mention about the kids for the day.
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I know someone who nieavly done a bit of fundraising for her. Was totally unaware of how deceiving she was. My friend has yet to be thanked ! Maybe it's because it was only a small amount raised and not the thousands to fund a lavish lifestyle !
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As a messy crier (face leaking, snot everywhere), I reckon her next hustle should be giving lessons on how to go full pity-party on the gram without shedding any actual tears. Have to give it to her, she's nailed the teary-eyed Bambi look (as she should have given the amount of time she spends admiring herself in the viewfinder).
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Just seen Bried Lynch sharing a post on her Instagram stories that a wee girl is cutting her long hair to raise funds for Jemma
I would be heart broken if a wee girl was cutting her hair to make a few Bob for me if I was in Jemma position . Shocking
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Dubai 🙄🙄 and a charity begging for money. Has she no morality when there are genuine sick people suffering with dignity. Do what you want but in private and not throwing it in the faces of kind people who were taken in. If I was “seriously” sick I would want to spend every waking moment with my children and fake tan wouldn’t separate me from them.
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I'll admit. I had to google. In a nutshell, he's some lad who broke 6 of his back vertebrae in an accident and healed himself using the power of positive thinking and imagining the injuries healing.

Now he charges people for books, seminars and private appointments to heal themselves 🤔
Like the time Jesus walked on water, or turned water into wine. Pull the other one wee man 😂
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Drop in the so kindly gifted trip away for their Anniversary followed by the pity posts. This is why so many people can’t see past her. She just drops in something and keeps going with the stories to pull at heartstrings
But is it gifted? I think she sometimes says that so people think she can't afford it and donate more
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So when she started blogging her journey she tagged him as a laugh and had about 15 now she has about 50 thanks to his generosity

So that’s another 12 grand of freebies from just one source

In terms of value for wear and amount of opportunity to wear them - what person who is apparently dying needs 50 designer dresses.

I’m sure there are lots of cancer warriors who would love the opportunity to be glam for just one day

Maybe a daughters wedding brought forward because of a terminal diagnosis or celebration of just one big event

The charity that gifted her the healing house are as bad as she is - she no more deserved it than the man on the moon

If she has any shame she would not take things for personal use but gift to a charity for treating someone or holding a raffle/auction that would help many

She made a deal about them bags the other week which were simply bits of cheap freebies from several companies. No bargain basement goodie bag for Jem nothing but the best.

And not coming home from a casino until 3am where Clive have been playing roulette with the kids publics money no doubt - GFM cash on tour should be the hashtag for everything they do

She’s a selfish drama raising b*tch


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I’m gutted I was taken in by her act. I feel genuinely sick people are suffering in silence with dignity but this bibe Is just discrediting every sick person by being a cash cow. What a legacy, not 🤬🤬🤬🤑🤑🤑🤑

Can this be investigated. If you donated for a certain treatment plan but now it’s not used for same surely that should be refunded
You can apply for a refund but no one will touch it with a barge pole as she’s the poor wee sick woman
I don’t buy for one second she’s so sick.
full face of makeup, all dressed up.
She’s pulling the sympathy card again. She has a pattern, get something for free, night out, weekend away etc and always follows with the poor me posts.
I don’t have cancer, but if I even had a stomach bug absolutely nothing in this world could get me up to doll up and head away. I’d want my own bed and bathroom.
Exactly and she’s lying as they stayed in Galgorm before Christmas ffs. She needs to go fuck herself. If I’m sick or nauseous I’m curled up on my side on the sofa or in bed with a towel and sick bucket. Clive the enabler is as bad as her
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Chatty Member
So she’s off for a weekend on the lash with “work”. So much for wanting to spend her precious time with her babies!

As always, she perks up for a weekend without them! Tell the next joke Jem love.
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VIP Member
Surely there’s an element of fraud to this carry on. It’s blatant lies and money taken under false pretences in the name of charity.
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Chatty Member
Following on from the fallout with Shannen and the GFM that hasn’t gone away despite her tears and alleged lack of sleep, these moneyraisers and fundraisers would want to start keeping paper trails and be transparent about how money is spent. It’s simply not good enough to continuously beg for donations yet then proclaim that the money is theirs to do what they wish once someone has donated. People give out of the goodness of their hearts Not to be conned. You would be very foolish to think it would’nt happen to you because you are unwell. People are waking up and seeing extravagant lifestyles and no end in sight when the begging bowl appears.
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