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Chatty Member
No wonder she got the sunglasses for free, they are hideous. Who has time to go get sunglasses tightened. I listen to her and I am like is this woman for real. One minute she can’t move and has to be carried and the next minute she is out having sunglasses tightened and doing an ad. It is amazing how the episodes of being unable to move never coincide with a freebie or way to make money.
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Is this fundraising legalised and audited by an independent authority as it should be if holding fundraising activities to this extent. The greed is unbelievable.
Of course it isn’t. Sure when they were selling raffle tickets through PayPal, money was held back as you can’t do that through PayPal as it’s gambling.

Watched her stories this evening and she likes the caravan life then says in the next breath, if only we had money!!!! She’s got well over 200k in donations. She has such a brass neck. I’ve no sympathy for her anymore after watching all the manipulation. She treats bried like dung
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Wow she’s really trying to pull on the heart strings atm isn’t she
She couldn’t have been that light headed if she was up in that attic room on stories as you need to use a pull down ladder to get up there 🤥🤥🤥 Also the attention seeking about allegedly sending out messages in the middle of the night. If you were that annoyed the next day about doing it - you wouldn’t tell over 40k people. Dose
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Moaning about her eyes being sore from the chemo, yet is able to sit in sun and get're told to avoid sunbathing when in chemo!
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The language used has never made sense to me. To be told well over a year ago that it was “aggressive and acting unusually and to get your affairs in order” but to be given a year to live. That doesn’t make sense to me. That doesn’t sound aggressive and get your affairs in order type language. I hope that makes sense.
I would say there is very little of that money left. Sure she said she got the yard tarmaced for Stacey Dooley staying….. who paid for that?
I have said many times to a friend that my heart really does break for her BUT I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be someone in the same situation who isn’t getting all the money and the freebies because they don’t have the followers
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The fact of the matter is we don’t actually give a shit about her sad little life. We want to know what she’s done with all the GFM money. Plus this also means we HOPEFULLY won’t be subjected to her “ads” 🤣🤣🤣
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How does she have the energy for all this?! I don’t have kids or a husband, and when I’m sick I can just about manage the basics to get through the day. How is she keeping up this charade 🤯
I am healthy with a healthy husband and 2 children and i honestly am exhausted watching her.
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Advertising toilet roll 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so appropriate for her due to the amount of shit she talks. You know you’re a greedy clown with no self respect when you accept that!!!
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I don't doubt she was given a years prognosis... Or that she was desperate to try alternative therapy in Mexico... But I believe when the money poured in and exceeded the original amount needed, greed took over. It's even easier to sit back and continue to take donations when you have strangers (Eg. Bried and the hope page) doing it for you so it is not personally yourself constantly on the beg. Sure how could you possibly tell someone NOT to do a fundraiser?!

Then comes the freebies, ads, the agent, the events to meet your fans followers. I mentioned this on another thread also, what starts as a genuine page seeking help becomes a lifestyle that nobody wants to give up

Edited to add: @The original derry girl sorry, I realise I totally rambled & digressed there from the original question you posed to @Grasshopper !!
When greed takes a hold, all morals go out the window. It’s sad
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The second hand embarrassment is through the roof. You're scraping the barrell there jem. No amount of money would pay me to post that to 60k people.
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Tomorrow is Monday so she’ll be sick again after miraculous recovery for the weekend to go on free trips and advertise free shit. Monday is a quiet day so expect healing house, no make up and wee ones with her🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Chatty Member
I'd hate to see the state of the shoes she got rid of if she's describing the ones she kept as the 'good' ones. :sick: And I'm sure the heels on those luminous yellow monstrosities left some holes in the roof of Clive's car on their first date.
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Wow how generous of you Jemma! Putting a link on your page for a kids cancer charity for a few days rather than your business links and your own go fund me. What a saviour! So selfless and giving and caring! 🙄😂
Pull the other one love. Why don’t you actually donate some of your go fund me money from oblivious followers instead of spending it on yourself on spa days and holidays and new cars! That’s not what the money was for and that’s not why people donated! 🤬🤯


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"I don't know who sent this mop & bucket..."

Seriously?! So Jemma McGowan just spent all day rambling about how she needs private stories and lonely weirdos are taking an obsessive interest in her family (that she willing posts online for 50k+ people) ... Yet some random fan person has apparently sent her a mop to her home address & she's delighted??!!

Absolute bullshit. Randomers following her page DO NOT know her address. Given her latest posts, surely if a stranger had sent a mop she would be concerned as to how they got her address? This is the exact same as yer wan that magically sent dresses to Jemma's house without her knowledge when she conveniently had nothing to wear to an event.

Interesting all these posts are interspersed with #ad for Emma mattresses. Gotta fulfill the contract👌
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Chatty Member
She is for sure just living off the money she's raised (that was intended for Mexico) and will just do yet another fundraiser if Mexico actually happens or when she needs more money. The thing is, a lot of people would still have donated to her if she'd just said that the money was to 'make memories' with her kids or even to leave for them in the future...she has so many lies and scams on the go I wonder how she manages to keep track of it all!
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Well-known member
Shes very dismissive about the wee bit of money for mexico that tomorrows event will bring in.
I find it strange that she (or her team!) were not already selling tickets for prizes.
Or was the original plan(same as for the fermanagh event) that the draw was included in ticket price but now she sees a way to get extra funds?
And in case anyone though if she didnt make it back to mexico she wouldnt need any more money....nice that she let us know the protocol will still continue so she will need more.
I wish she would account for all the money raised and where is has gone.
Shannen is under scrutiny for similar.
Its not normal to think you can beg for money and not say what it was used for or how much you have left.
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Oh I can see her being a real evil bully too. Shame on her.

This Garth Brooks thing is a bit weird is it not... If she was doing what she says - simply sharing it for 2 of her followers, then would it not make sense to direct everyone to the followers? Rather than her take the bids? Saying she's so ill and all.
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Why is there yet another fundraiser when she is not even going to Mexico?
Wny is she also going on everyday too about how much she does for others
Had a look at Brid page after Jemma tagged her for the flowers. She has posts up reminding ppl to pay their monthly donation. Donations for what and zero transparency on any of it.
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