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VIP Member
I don’t even have kids and I would find that exhausting. She says she’s doing this to show people what it’s really like living with her illness but in all honestly why? Unless she’s looking for something in return we don’t need to see. There are plenty of people out there in the same situation that don’t need to document it to her extent.
She offers no support comfort empathy or reassurance for anyone of any age battling cancer.

Her cancer journey is a thing of fantasy, reeling in the freebies and the cash not to mention all the fundraising.

Shes a lifestyle blogger and self entitled bitch not a true cancer warrior like she tries to make out.

I bet if Stacey Dooley had took a walk around that unit when she was in for chemo her and the public would have had an opportunity to meet real people going through a really difficult time in their own way - not expecting the nhs to bow in their presence, kiss Their feet, give them preferential treatment and the general public to fund their lifestyle.
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
I have no doubt in my mind she's being a snaky bitch and raising the money for her family to make sure they are sorted when she's gone. If the moneys being used genuinely let us know Jemma. Where has it all gone? Kids savings accounts?? Sorry but that's not what it was for.
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She needs to start being transparent about all the money raised as its gonna come back and bite them on the ass.
Looking at pics it seems the house and garden has had a lot of work done
It's very obvious at this point the donations are going to fund her lifestyle and not mexico?
When was the last time we heard of Mexico? 🧐 Seems it's down the drain now.
I'm sure she'll be on talking about Mexico now it's been asked on here.
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I just can’t…
Sounds about right - tight but entitlement- never went to Galgorm before in all her life .. but then I went last year that was most likely gifted or a PR stay too

Now instead of doing what other people do, work hard and buy a break shes away on another freebie

sickening cunt

And if you were nauseated you wouldn’t be able to tolerate a journey from omagh to Ballymena

Only nausea here girl is amongst the people who have seen through and are fed up with your bull shit
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No way did that kid ask about that song. She didn’t even know the words when she was being filmed. How the mother of the year exposes all her kids and their private chats tells how much she uses then just for public sympathy and money.
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Chatty Member
That reply stinks of defensiveness! Question should be why do you continue to profit from your cancer diagnosis. She truly believes that she is entitled to deceive people. Legitimate Cancer charities who do Amazing work Are, not an individual to fund her “business” and lifestyle choices continuously.
Also WHO in their right minds want to “buy a dress” that a “terminally” ill stranger collaborated on it’s grotesque
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Chatty Member
Somebody's getting desperate...she should get herself an OnlyFans and film herself doing her coffee enemas. I'm sure there's a market for that somewhere! :p
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My uncle is sick but thankfully not the same prognosis as she claims to be 🤥🤥🤥🤥 His consultant could not give him the go ahead to fly to his daughters wedding so they went by rail etc. the oxygen levels were not enough to support a sick person so she’s exaggerating majorly
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And then she goes into town with Sadie and leaves wee louie who was so traumatised at school today, at home.
Those children have no proper bedtime routine. Her on saying he’s tired, sure they’re up to all hours and the wee one is put to sleep in her buggy then lifted out!

Set up a proper bedtime routine, prepare your children for the changes that are in front of them I.e. nursery rather than taking videos and photos for the gram. People don’t actually care that he drew on his face. Sit down with them and help them rather than chastising him. Children will be children
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Chatty Member
A lot of what Jemma does make me wonder… When she comes on with her sad story I feel so so guilty. But then things seems to go back to normal with the shilling, days away and modelling clothes and I start to question her all over again.
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Well-known member
I really hope she gets a lot of people unfollowing the way she is going on being a complete diva . I know she is stressed etc but she really believes that she’s doing the general public a favour by sharing her story . No Jemma we are doing you a favour by following , allowing u the people to sell to for your ‘part time job ‘ and the ppl who donate due to the sob story . I intend to unfollow soon . Her attitude stinks
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I'd suggest anyone who's on here not to sign up to the private stories, she's probably going to try to weed out who's saying the stuff on here to then publicly call out or doxx.
But Jemma, if the rumours aren't true about Clive stealing cars from Donnelly's, surely you'd want to clear your families name and not run under a rock? 🤔
It'll all come crashing down Jemma, can't actually believe Stacey never questioned the amount of GFMs.
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How does she have the energy for all this?! I don’t have kids or a husband, and when I’m sick I can just about manage the basics to get through the day. How is she keeping up this charade 🤯
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New member
I thought the same thing... Of course a Dr who was expecting you to come in August and spend 25k+ is ringing to see what the craic is 🙄

Also, as others have mentioned re: funds, she has been quite clear (for once) that this chemo is being provided by NHS. Not so clear on a return to Mexico... Or what the funds for Mexico will be used on.

There are alot of new posters on the thread (welcome!) so I will elaborate. To date, there have been 12 GFMs which are still showing on the GFM website. Her original GFM was for 70k which was obviously what was required for Mexico. The GFM (which I might add is still open, receiving recent donations) topped 170k!! Where did the excess 100k go?

This is on top of the Lunds raffle and recent "events"... If you tot them all up, the ones we can confirm donations, it comes to approx 250k. Thats not including other raffles the last 18 months, fundraisers like yer wan selling tattoos, merchandise (hoodies, mugs, phone holders) and of course the option to give a monthly payment 😳

Mexico is expensive and she has gone twice but there is absolutely no way her medical bills are totalling 250k+. If you are not using the money for treatment abroad, donate it to other GFMs. Help another family. Donate to charity.

Apologies for the rambling & ranting post but SO many people struggle with medical conditions and finances... And yes, Jemma is terminal & at one point needed funding. She received almost twice what she needed at that time. She is now receiving NHS treatment. She is also receiving plenty of freebies and money from #ads and #collabs. Of course she wants to keep her Instagram running, she is making a fortune from it and loving the Instahun attention & lifestyle.

I do feel sorry for her predicament but the situation just infuriates me. There are many others in the same boat & not getting a single penny that she is raking in cause they don't promote themselves on social media.
Let’s not forget the hot tub which appeared in the back garden within two weeks of the first gofundme 🙈
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She got a new bed not long ago from a local business so where is this bed going?
We treated ourselves to an Emma mattress after 10 years and honestly I’m tempted to send it back (still in the 200 days trial) because I am fed up of seeing them being given away

It’s a joke to name but a few who has got them

Mrs houseproud got one a while back within a matter of weeks promoting the DFI ones and then another brand too - all the beds in the house new mattresses in a short space of time

All that’s Pretty - professed how brilliant they are … oh so comfy … hers went in the guest room. How often is she sleeping there to know

LMD got one too - if they were supposed to be so good why are none of them actually buying them - tight entitled bastards the lot of them.
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As predicted she’s mentioning the company she ordered from apparently and coincidentally won their prize out of the thousand of entries 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Just think if it was me in that situation I would want my family around me and their support, especially if there are children to consider. Sad for the kids more than anything, they may lose their mother when they are very young, and also don’t have their grandmother in their lives. Whatever has caused the fallout Gemma should swallow her pride, apologise for her wrongdoings, and make amends. At least that’s what I would do if I was in her situation anyways…
Very true but with her it seems unless she can benefit from you financially she’s not interested . Her mother did so much for her but she still wasn’t grateful.
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VIP Member
Sorry but if I was in her situation and had kids I would want to be making memories with them, things you can’t put a price on. Not being on the beg constantly for gifted items. What a sad vacuous life. Just shows how shallow she is and where her priorities lie.
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Well-known member
I don't believe that the Mexico clinic (or 'protocol' :rolleyes:) offers anything more than a placebo effect at best, but if anyone here has a medical background I'm curious as to how any of her existing tumours could have shrunk/disappeared given that she hasn't been on any conventional treatment for many months. If she's being offered even palliative chemo again, then her NI medical team must think that putting her through the treatment with all its side effects will be worth it in terms of buying her more time. It all seems to be a really odd situation.
My thought for what its worth is....NHS said at the start her cancer was aggressive and behaving unusually.
And isnt that now what the scan has shown? Unusual that tumours shrink yes...they got that right.
Would things have been different if she never did the protocol? Probably not in my opinion.
Where she wasnt eligible for the chemo before.. that doesnt mean the decision was wrong at that time. Shes now got different tumours that the medics now think the chemo could help with.
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