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Me too I initially thought of a budget destination in Southern Europe, like Greece or Portugal. Eastern Europe is more budget-friendly, but I don't think that's where they are going.
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I don't think Jasmine will return to Instagram until after her family have left Bali and her birthday. She couldn't take time off like a normal person noooo, she had to make it into an enlightening hiatus which ofc will spawn dozens of courses 🙄

Also if anyone can help me with the wiki that would be great! the mods have made a new page which I have dedicated to compiling resources. Please check it out and contribute as and when you feel like it. If you can't personally add to us, write it here and I'll copy and paste it. Thank you!
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Looks like they’re fighting (again) **surprise surprise** and Jasmine putting all their relationship + issues on social media that should be kept between them, but instead decide to share it all out in on IG… instead of actually solving their issues together privately (and also seek professional help / marriage counseling)
Why in a f*ck does the world need to know this?

$700 for 1 hour????

I know we've been through this before but who is seriously stupid and rich enough to pay for this?

Like what is that description actually saying? It's just a bunch of buzzwords to saying "Find yourself"

All the "advice" she gives you can learn for free on the internet or better yet, actually living life, making mistakes and learning from them rather than listen to a stupid sheltered girl on the internet. If you must take advice from someone else, make sure it's from a trusted professional or experienced person who has genuine proof of their success, not fake ig comments, bought followers and inflated numbers like her.
I would say to Jasmine, no thanks find your shit instead.

I get if she would respond like that to a stranger but to a family member who is showing concern for her scamming, immoral ways? She really is a robot jeez.

Anyway to that family member, we are sorry you are related to such an insufferable person, if they would like to contribute anonymously, they are welcome here! We won't block you or be rude to you (jk...unless)😅
How delusional does she (Jasmine) get?
What purpose and impact Jasmine????
All you do on the internet these days is posting sh*t, things that should be left in the bedroom or behind closed doors and scam vulnerable girls.
Tell us how is that “purposeful” or “impactful”?
That family member is right and you did not have to post that sh*t on the internet all you have done was give us opportunities to talk about you in this forum that’s been growing like crazy for some time.
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Anyone new who wishes to express themselves here is unable to do so because is full. I'm not sure how long that has been going on, but they tell new people who wish to make an account on to try again later.
So that's another reason there's less new gossip here.

If you have a problem with Jasmine Lipska Campbell for any reason, please report her using the guidelines provided before:
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Didn’t a former client of hers mention in this forum that she would miss group client calls repeatedly with no heads up or refund? Of course Jasmine would push the blame onto her clients over taking responsibility of her error. I highly doubt any of her clients give her a hard time. They all seem like they were fans or doting on her. You can see based on the ppl who comment on her posts. If anything I feel like Jasmine takes advantage of them. Wonder if this is her trying to block negative client testimonials that put her in a real light?
"Someone in your community or client" damn she's even coming for her own fans now?? Hating on us I can understand but this??

At first glance I thought the post was aimed at us so imagine my shock when she flipped the script and decided to shit on her own "beautiful community"!

She's been doing this for a while now. If people don't support her in the exact way she would prefer they support her (with money) then she throws a hissy fit about dream clients and aligned values. I actually have a section on the wiki about this issue so I think I'll add this too.

How do you expect to increase your sales when you're alienating the very people who support you? This would really turn me away if I was thinking about buying her course. What if she decided you're not her dream client anymore and you became the subject of a condescending Instagram post 😬

I think you're right about her trying to drown out negative experiences because just today, she posted about how happy her clients are, client comments, their transformations and how they work with her long term. Definitely looks like damage control to me as she never posted about this before.

If Jas is truly earning what she claims, in Australian dollars and not in the local currency of whatever SEA country she is at in that moment, she can afford to live in a first world country rental and not have to worry about bugs, reptiles or vermin infiltrating her "sacred space." She could afford higher quality plastic surgery and treatments to address her skin and hair issues. It's a cruel lie if she is only earning high figures in the local currency since her fans likely assume it's in Australia or American dollars.
She's chatting shit. They're all chatting shit. Those comedians based in Bali like markodelovic or whatever his name is has more experience and intel on these life coach parasites and it's pretty clear it's all smoke and mirrors with most if not all of them when it comes to their so called achievements.

I actually believe someone like Katie Wilkinson is making money because she lives in Australia and actually posts solid proof and evidence (aka bragging) of her clients, luxury purchases such as cars, bags etc.

Meanwhile our little miss six figures over here still has an old model MacBook (not turning my nose up, just not consistent with someone who is apparently rich), poor quality market stall clothes and a rat infested palace.

It's interesting she only ever says six figures. I can't remember where she's ever said dollars. She might have and I just missed it


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Babe, you can be humble AND badass! ;)
And unfortunately Jasmine lipska is neither.

She’s a kid who in a woman body who has not developed past age 15.
Whenever I watch her stories all I can focus on is her bald spot right smack in the middle of her hairline. I feel bad for her. I wonder why she hasn’t manifested her hair back if she’s such a magical soul.


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aaaaaaand they've got construction work right next to their new home 😂
The good thing about Josh is that he sometimes shows the real stuff. Meanwhile on planet Jas it's "this view 😍" and blessed magical fake shit.
It looks like the villa they last stayed in over at Bali is doing construction and not their new place Thailand. So I guess they felt lucky that they were leaving just at the right time.
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Searched up Kelly Morita out of curiosity. She's a white woman with an Asian husband (mixed race couple like Jas and Josh) and get this... She just announced her pregnancy. Definitely in line with how Jasmine always wants to copy her latest muse and becomes obsessed with "embodying" them. This definitely explains the baby overdrive she's been in recently. She's in competition with all her "friends" and other coaches. So weird.
Ok, all the best to Kelly in her future chapter.
I can smell jealousy and competition from Jasmine.

I have known cases of women that have children from previous relationships/marriages then they find someone and want to start anew have more children with this new man try month in, month out nothing happens and then they got pregnant at 45+.

I know the last paragraph is irrelevant and I could say way more things but since we know Jasmine reads this I just want to show her that there’s no need to be jealous and feel the need to compete with others, she will have her children ideally when the right time comes.
I wrote this but if Jasmine gets pregnant now I can see very well where this is going.

Yes, she’s been trying to throw away her Asian side ever since she started dating Josh. She’s for sure trying to just be a basic white girl.

I guess her dad didn’t expose her to any Polish. I’m honestly not surprised since I know a good portion of those who are biracial that only speaks one of the languages and not the other. This can be due to the parent not having time to teach them, just don’t bother to do so or the other parent don’t want them to learn due to them not understanding it etc. I don’t think she ever tried to learn Polish despite trying to learn other languages though.
According to Jasmine her father speaks Chinese Mandarin fluently and he won a scholarship at university to study in China and that’s how he met Jingjing and she got pregnant and had her in Australia, she also said that her mother chose the name Jasmine because she didn’t know much English at the time and was not very familiar with Western names but she liked Jasmine from Aladin so that was the name she chose.
She also lived in China till age of 4 and dad did not feel it was necessary to focus on Polish but thought them a little.

I can’t speak for all the Polish parents living outside of Poland but from what I see when both parents are Polish it’s VERY important for them to raise their children speaking Polish to the best of their ability when they mix with other nationalities it can be “complicated

As I mentioned before I was once fostered by Polish Jews at one point and I did want to learn the language but sadly there were not many resources available to me at the time as time passed they started to appear and I did make efforts to learn and took Polish lessons during covid, I am nowhere near fluent fluent like C1-C2 level but I tried and will continue.

JellyJam is right about European American people and there are lots of American people in general leaving the USA and a lot of those people are not even going back to the country of their ancestors I see for example British+Irish+German or Native American, African American and so on moving to cheap parts of Portugal, Spain, Czechia, Poland and so on for different reasons could be affordable/ economic life while working remotely from a US company, mental health, better environment (no violence, guns) or better acceptance for their skin colour.
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You guys, I can't shake this feeling that she might have enticed more people to join the retreat then we know. She is so cocky about it! I wouldn't be surprised if she gave people discounts or turned to other influencers to join just so she can save face.

I wanted to see her and Josh preech to just two people and make it as awkward as possible but I feel like we might be robbed of that 🥲
she has lost so much weight. what is happening to her?
does she say anywhere that she has more people joining her retreat? might be just the two people.
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Lol JingJing making it clear it’s not her in the family who told Jasmine to get offline.

When JingJing writes like this, it further proves my theory that her immediate family is always supportive. Think her “harsh upbringing” is a lie. If I see Jasmine throw her family aka mom under the bus on socials again to sell a course…:rolleyes:


No way she can get an increase in followers number all of a sudden (although it’s still a pathetic increase) Is she finally desperate enough to buy followers on a daily basis?
I think I saw one of her posts as a promoted post before. Which means she’s been putting some money behind paid ads to appear on random people’s feeds. That would explain the increase in followers
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This whole retreat nonsense was basically one big elaborate role play event for Jasmine to feel what it's like to have friends 😂

Once the retreat is over, I would actually love for the girls to give a REAL review over here on tattle 😂
And on that note, anyone who has used Jasmines "services", we're very interested to hear unbiased testimonials

You know the retreat is shit when the only thing she can talk about is the food 😂😭

They were literally eating in silence before jasmine started filming. Honestly Emmy is the MVP here for single handedly attempting to raise the vibes at this sad cult meeting, honestly her crackheaded behaviour cuts through the silence I wouldn't even mind it if I was there 😭

It's so incredibly sterile and cold feeling. She hasn't posted herself interacting with the girls, she barely posts the girls themselves. I feel like JOSH has featured more in this retreat than the focus being on the girls.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what footage king josh conjures up. Even the pictures she's posted so far just look like a business meeting
100% but I have a question what was this retreat about?
Yoga, meditation, spiritual awakening, Detox or what???????
All I saw was her saying that it would be in a “luxurious villa” my ass that villa is not luxurious even by the Asian standards and that there would be a chef.
Why is it that the retreat was for women only?
Men go y to retreats too!

Apparently today was the last day of the “retreat”?? Also agree that Josh seem to have interacted more with the girls than Jasmine….

based on her stories… definitely not worth spending 3k on 🥴
A retreat about what????? Intimacy? why to learn how to m*****bate?
I think there are sex therapists in my local area no need to go to Bali for the most basic retreat in the world and listen to this scammer.

Hey peeps, long time no see, as I’ve been busy enjoying life and I almost forgot about scammy Jasmine!!! A lot of you liked my post of 9 July 2022, those 2017/2018 videos were still up then, but guess what? She made them private! The internet is forever. I could still find the thumbnails of those now-deleted videos:

View attachment 1607960

View attachment 1607961

This was an older post of mine putting it here as well for anyone who didn’t know. This was all before Josh.
She is ridiculous, she also put a lot of her language videos private.

Welcome back! Yes guys here's a reddit thread about the video. She's basically promoting an MLM and also pretending her mum is all natural when she's had suspected V line jaw surgery, blethroplasty and plenty of other treatments. There's old pictures of Jingjing on the internet where it's blatant she's had work. Nothing wrong with having work but lying about it and promoting self love and unattainable beauty standards to young girls? All kinds of wrong. Discoball is right, we all think Jasmine was a cutie and a sweetheart but she just hid it better then, now by her own admission, she's unapologetically her true scammy bitchy self.

Controversial opinion but same for her family, we all put them on a pedestal and think they're nice but what sort of loving parents would let their kid get fillers, Botox and suffer through an eating disorder, force her through pageants and later support their unethical, borderline illegal business? The entire Lipscam family are POS's.

I don’t know, I can’t say the same thing about the Lipskis as a whole I think it’s more JingJing and Jacek (the father) doesn’t seem to say or do much maybe he thinks it’s normal for girls to have insecurities but it’s not!
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I just noticed on socialblade that she deleted a bunch of old content from her instagram.

I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she deleted all her 'sexual' content from the past or how she is a 6-figure boss babe. Simply because that persona doesn't serve her anymore. Remember her posting about masturbating and how liberating it is to be naked? Posting selfies topless to show just how ~ free and unique ~ she is? Now she is suddenly very modest and her body should only be viewed by her husband. Because it is also 'sexy' to do your hair or to provide for your husband. 🤢

I'm not surprised. Right-wing conspiracy nut stay-at-home moms are a strong group that she loves to get support from. The kind of women who's whole personality is being in a relationship. She tries so hard to make it seem like Josh is the breadwinner and the provider and how she is the submissive wifey.
Nail on the head. I think the new demographic she's trying to appeal are the essential oil stay at home conservative moms because that's what she aspires to be. I bet she's desperate for a baby now because then her "gentle mama parenting" phase can inevitably begin and then she will go full woo woo mama insanity mode and her followers will skyrocket. Also I bet she'll show her kids faces online despite what she says right now. The potential likes and engagement will deffo tempt them. They've got no issue exploiting animals for gain so I can see them doing it to their kids too.

It's working as well because her followings are going up like crazy. I think she deliberately makes these stupid posts and opinions like the Barbie movie because she knows it'll rile people up and cause controversy.

It was so funny the way she had Josh pose outside the Coach store and went to a Michelin star restaurant on her birthday to make it appear that he's the one wining and dining and treating her. Anyone who does a few minutes of research can see she's the breadwinner and she's paying for everything. How sad is that? 😂

Anyway Jasie your porn past is on here for everyone to see. Your twerking and lingerie photoshoots live on. I knew she'd regret it and walk it back as soon as that trend died.

Also guys I've seen your recommendations for the wiki. Thank you I will do it when I can 👍
Also new thread name ideas. These are a bit outdated now and I think we should include something to do with her right wing fanatic ideas. Please give suggestions!

Jasmine Lipska: Living her dharma, incoming bad karma, 24/7 drama
Jasmine Lipska: retreat fails, spamming emails, losing sales
Jasmine Lipska: husband an incel, following fell, retreat won't sell
Jasmine Lipska: Botched lip, sinking business ship, about to nip slip
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Once again, I just hate when Josh casually throws the term "narcissist" around. Someone needs to tell them both that it is not a placeholder for a shit bf/gf/someone they don't like.

Plus I feel like he's just saying that so he can be aligned with his clientele. In reality, by his own admission he was a fuckboy who drifted from one night stand to another. He may very well have been the problem. Who knows?

I don’t really understand what Josh is saying a lot of the time? I think he struggles with Jasmine being the bread-winner and it's given his ego a bit of a complex. There's only so much "bag holding/location choosing/buying flowers" your wife can let you do before it gets to you. Couples therapy would be good for both of them. I feel there's a lot of deeper issues that came in waves for the pair of them and they don't manage it in a healthy way.
On the topic of Josh, I really am interested to see where their relationship goes once they inevitably stop being digital nomads and have to join the real world. They don't interact with anyone besides themselves and the only other couples they see are those online so I really don't think they know what's normal and what isn't. Their life is a weird echo chamber


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@Jellyjam_ Another suggestion: I checked the links on the wiki and saw that you linked to three Instagram accounts (Jasmine, Josh, and Jingjing). It's better to remove them because it's just a distraction and not necessary to connect to their Instagram pages.
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I don’t want to detract from Lipscam too much but this person who has signed up to her retreat is seriously unhinged. Like, even more so than Jasie Wasie.
Wait did I miss something? Did someone else other than Kelly sign up for the cult meeting?
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As mentioned earlier, they are craving attention, especially Jasmine. Let's not give in to their game and refrain from sharing those screenshots, including those from their fake accounts. If you think about it, nobody in any of the Jasmine Lipska threads ever came to defend her, and then suddenly fake accounts pop up on the internet to defend her. Lol
P.S.: Hipoo's most recent corrected analysis is OK. Only the comma is missing $10,000+ or $10k+.

In terms of strange reactions to things, that can also be found in other places on the wiki.

@Jellyjam_ Can you also include in the bio that Jasmine dropped out of university or college? It needs to be mentioned that she’s a college/university dropout.
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Yep will do!

Great resource! Thanks for sharing!

All I can say is LMAO! More like "She Is Invisible" 🤪

What does she know about growing your online following when her following has been stagnant/falling for years now. Maybe if she ran this course a few years ago on how to grow a travel YouTube channel, then maybe it would've made sense.

If I wanted to know how to attract "soulmate clients" (already discussed how problematic this term is) I'd actually probably look into Emmy Joy, she had a fraction of the followers with a lively, soulful group of girls at her retreat. Or maybe I'd look into Mariana who had less than Jasmine's followers but has now overtaken her and again, has thriving successful retreats and meaningful interactions with her fans.

And engagement? Don't make me laugh. Her posts gets about 500-700 likes against 48,000 followers, that's about 1.5%. The only posts that get higher engagement are where she trauma dumps and pulls out the whole ED sob story over and over again. She has nothing fresh or organic to offer. When she did try something new like the dance reels, they flopped terribly.

Not to mention the retreat where she only got a third of her goal😂

The worst part is, she's aware of it and very defensive of it which is why she says normal metrics are "outdated".

Let's say we weren't talking about numbers, she says you'll learn how to be authentic and to not preach things you haven't integrated. That's literally exactly what she does! Just talks out of her arse after reading about something for 5 minutes. That's why most if not all of her points aren't fleshed out and seem very juvenile/one dimensional

Unfortunately, at the end of the day there's still going to be girls who buy into this shite 😔

Jasmine's face when she sees another tattle post speaking facts 😂
View attachment 1623033
Oh god and that voice of hers that sounds like she is struggling to taking a shit.
She wanted to be fake polyglot, gave shit study tips, then it was her ED, fake beauty, cooking, x-mas, loa, travel, private stuff, periods and eh ….


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