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I also think she’s full of shit and has a minimal closet because the nomadic lifestyle forced her to. Not because she personally wanted to. This is just one of those spiels where she really wants one thing but reframing her thoughts to put a positive, “teachable” spin on it. Totally remember her linking clothes, jewelry from fast fashion brands like Bamboo Blonde and Chinese fast fashion companies. She lives in such vulnerable areas where her luxury goods would be stolen, that’s why.

Let me just say I chuckled when I saw how she’s using the bulk of her money 🤭 She’s not as financially savvy as I thought.

She always brings the 6 figures like it’ll give her more respect and authority. Like no, you’re still a lying and insufferable scammer. Don’t respect you scamming vulnerable people.

The only way I can see Josh having 6 figures is through an inheritance from some wealthy family member loool. Def not from his own doing.
You make a very good point. The Westerners love to portray Bali as some magical wonderland but like everywhere, it has its flaws and robberies targeting westerners is common + luxury goods aren't common. They literally have no choice but to have little possessions. Adapt to survive if you will.

Here's a video from a travel vlogger who got robbed of everything he had and had to stop travelling and making videos for a while to get his funds back. It begs the question of why Jasmine and Josh would willingly choose to live like this, if they supposedly are so wealthy, they could live anywhere of their choosing with security surely 🤔
(Btw I mean to disrespect to Indonesia!)

Also Josh's family are poor working class and definitely didn't give him an inheritance. His dad apparently used to work for gchq which is a security company in the UK. Though the article says "claims" so he's probably lying and unemployed like his son. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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we should report this lying scammer and deport her back to Australia who can deal with unethical little shits like her
I wonder if Josh is on a working visa and Jasmine’s on the worker’s spousal visa and that’s why they have been staying in Bali for this long?

I believe Mr Lipski used to work in a bank or something fancy like that hence their comfortable lifestyle. He then quit to follow his dream of starting a construction company or something along those lines. I remember Jasmine saying her dad taking that risk to pursue his dream is what inspired her.

Can someone tell Jasie that carpentry is an honest job whilst life coaching is scamming and illegal. I guess she didn't listen or want to follow that part of her dad's dream, y'know earning an honest living and all 🙄

Nope unfortunately those parasites are there to stay
Ok just saw this before I posted my last post. Damn…
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They've both had their business partner branding meeting and have agreed that "no to do/goal lists" is the thing they'll be pushing in an attempt to self soothe. Just say that you didn't achieve your goals this year, don't have to make it into a big deal. Or better yet, be like a normal person and just keep it to yourself 😂

"Ditch achievements". Yep. These saddos are probably going broke soon. I know for sure that if they were hitting the big leagues, they (and certainly Jasmine) would be bragging about it to no end like she used to do and call herself rich and sexy (so cringe 🤢) (do you guys remember the $300k cheque she wrote for herself to manifest and how she apparently achieved it and more 🤪🙄).


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Anyone else notice Jasmine replaced her wedding ring recently? I doubt Josh can afford to buy her a new diamond with his McDonald’s salary. Either she bought it herself, or it’s a cheap cubic zirconia, or both 😂
In one podcast ep q&a addressing what we talk about on the forum, she said she has 3 rings if I remember correctly. The ugly red one made by Josh, the pearl one with the diamonds and she said another one that was a gift from her mum. I bet her mum bought her real diamonds cos her broke ass son in law sure as hell can't afford the real stuff.

On that topic, since she's doing more anonymous q&a, can someone ask her what it's like being the breadwinner in their relationship? Josh recently posted about feeling insecure and out of his masculinity when he sees Jasmine's successes. They have a very strange dynamic.

Here's some more great questions asked in the q&a. Her responses are so butthurt it's funny. Yeah they're paying out of their free will cos your clients are idiots who have more money than sense. It's not a flex to be taking advantage of the brain-dead. Stripping on socials and scrapping for any last dollar in your DM's begging teens to sign up for your courses. Definitely a honourable way to live 😂


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Now these are the sort of questions I can get behind 😂
Also I'm absolutely convinced she uses bots to generate questions. You can get bots to use certain words and phrases etc. They're just toooo specific such as stuff about "making friends despite not having mainstream beliefs" etc
Ahahahaha this one is too good. Is this on her last video? I can't find it, she has probably deleted it already 🤣
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I took a break from this forum for about 2 weeks because I was really tired and today I came here and the nonsense hasn’t stop. 🤨
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Wow that's a lot of names and a lot of money 😔...

All I can say is:

It looks like the villa they last stayed in over at Bali is doing construction and not their new place Thailand. So I guess they felt lucky that they were leaving just at the right time.
No it's their new place in Phuket undergoing construction nearby. Josh is using the term "divine timing" in a sarcastic manner 😂
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You guys, I can't shake this feeling that she might have enticed more people to join the retreat then we know. She is so cocky about it! I wouldn't be surprised if she gave people discounts or turned to other influencers to join just so she can save face.

I wanted to see her and Josh preech to just two people and make it as awkward as possible but I feel like we might be robbed of that 🥲


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Here she says she's okay with rejection because she charges extortionate prices. But a few months ago didn't she shame a potential client for ghosting her after they reached out?

And she's bringing up yoga again probably because she found herself comparing to the three victims in the retreat during their one yoga session. And no Jasmine, you didn't leave the yoga class because you were simply "bored," you left because you couldn't bear to see anyone better than you. It's quite sad that whenever she sees women her age she automatically thinks of them as a point of comparison when she could see them as friends instead. She only feels comfortable with people she deems less superior than herself, such as her "good girl" clients. This is probably why she gave up on university since she couldn't stand no longer being the best student, and probably also why she's so hostile towards her own sister.
How is she hostile to her sister? (like when did that happen?) I must’ve missed that
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View attachment 1654804
Looking back to old youtube Jasmine. In just 3 years she changed into another whole different person. I cannot believe how she’s mature not just his behavior but also her looks. Honestly miss the old jasmine, simple, close to family, pure and not money oriented. Now her hair is really looks unhealthy, skin is so tanned not like eurasia anymore maybe she forget spf and i dont know so many change. 🫣
she’s been neglecting basic hygiene and skin-care practices that she used to incorporate in her daily routine. She looks way too mature and older than her age at 24 (can definitely pass as….her mom’s sister rather than daughter)
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Riddle me this Jasmine. If you supposedly don't care about money and income months, why have you been consistently charging more and more? Why do you charge $750 an hour in the middle of unprecedented crisis? Why have you shut out the majority of your former "beautiful community" only for those who pay inordinate amounts? Why is the centerpiece and your main talking point the fact that you run a "six figure empire"?

If you genuinely cared about the women you scam and exploit, there would be no need for this forum. You would lower your prices and be as accessible as possible to help as many women as you can. Because that's apparently your purpose on this earth, right? Its to help women, right? Or is it just to make money off them under the disguise of altruism?
Seriously though! And $8k for a coaching session??


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@Jellyjam_ Could you please copy and paste this into the wiki page when you log in again and have a few seconds? Thank you:

Header: What if you purchased something from Jasmine Lipska and want your money back? Have you had any issues with Jasmine Lipska? or when you've read everything on this wiki and realize you've been scammed?

Body Text:

Please follow these guidelines:

We would like to help you wheter you have been scammed yourself or are a witness. Informing authorities is essential. We encourage you all to report her to the ACC (The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) which is a consumer protection agency. The direct link to the online form:

You can fill out the form anonymously. If you live outside Australia and have been scammed by Jasmine Lipska or are a witness, you also can fill out the scamwatch form above. We further recommend you to report her to a (government) consumer protection agency or even the police in your own country, and you may get your money back.

Because Jasmine Lipska is based in nations other than her own, it is also necessary to report her to immigration. Again, information is essential. Remember to report her whenever and wherever she goes/moves so that the authorities know what kind of person is in their country. Please take a few moments to (anonymously) report her using an online form or email. These are the right contact details for the current country she is based in (Thailand):

P.S. Someone previously shared that her real full name is: Jasmine Mary Lipski (her operating name is: Jasmine Lipska - Australian Business Number: 72 768 847 834).
Correction: *Heading
It would be fantastic if she could add it to her Tattle wiki. It's very useful for someone who doesn't have time to dig through the 3000 messages in the Jasmine Lipska gossip threads.
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Well-known member
Lol that's not Jasmine's style. She is incredibly braggadocious. She would shout it from the roof tops if she had another sign up. Think about her courses. Whenever another girl "signs up", she always says how happy she is to "welcome another queen" and will even name them. When Kelly signed up, she was so happy (although idk why she didn't say anything about Emmy?)
Also the wording she used is very cheeky. "Last remaining spots" yeah. 7/9 spots still empty.

She's a business so she's trying to sensationalise her product. Look at this post about her newest masterclass. It seems she's not happy with the amount of people that signed up so she's "opening doors again" even though the program already started, she's pretending it's a last chance amazing opportunity and don't miss out! Surely a thriving business wouldn't need to reopen sign ups if they had enough to begin with? 🤔

Look at this post for example. She's screenshot her email showing apparently how many people have signed up to her newest course. Look also at this post from her old course femme activation. She literally went so far as to name the girls who have joined. This is all to prove to everyone that she isn't a flop.
“be authentic” and learn to say words like p*ssy, sh*t, f*ck and so on yeah yeah!
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This is such a strange thing to say... "If you can't pay up front right now like my other queens who actually care about their progression, then tough luck broke bitches 🤑" Just extend the early bird, you'll get your money anyway, she's so greedy! People can't just manifest money or scam someone like you easily can, such an out of touch idiot 🙄

When did she had a miscarriage? I had no idea that happened! Did she openly talk about it?

Yes she mentioned it in her podcast titled "how I'm preparing for motherhood" click the link above for a summary of it. It was very unhinged and strange (even more so than usual and that's saying something!) and she clearly didn't get mental health help or lean on family and friends for support during that time.


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Well-known member
Also I'm not trying to be cruel or whether she has lumbar lordosis but she genuinely looks pregnant with that posture
That was my first thought too! She looks sooo pregnant.
Thought she would've faked a bit more of her old persona to her YouTube audience.
That's the thing, I don't think she wants to even pretend to be her old persona even to her old audience because she positively is embarassed or disgusted by what she calls her goody two shoes phase.
Aargh projectile vomit! 🤮 I absolutely hate it when she calls him “sweeeeeeet!!” in that nauseating baby voice. Who the fk calls someone else that? It’s an adjective not a noun for god sakes!
I KNOW RIGHT. I can't stand it. She sounds like a fucking 12 year old.
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Has anyone noticed sometimes the skin around her thumb is raw, peeled and red? I’ll attach a photo of it covered with a bandaid/gauze.

I don’t remember her having a skin picking habit before but it seems like this is a new toxic trait that’s flared up recently. I’m not trying to diagnose but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has this Apparently it stems from stress, anxiety and OCD. The article recommends not growing your nails too long and we know Jasmine’s recent obsession with her nails 🙄

As much as Jasmine loves flexing she’s healed I think she’ll always be prone to have a mental health issue. I think her disordered thinking trickles into why she’s a scammer too. She probably can’t help herself. That’s why she should proactively seek professional mental help.

Also found this pic of a nude JingJing with a sheer veil covering her body as art hung up in their home. Feel like Jasmine is lying saying her parents repressed her. They seem very open and liberal. I think most of Jasmine’s repression was self enabled.
and unfortunately her stubborn self won’t seek a professional, licensed mental therapist for her mental health
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