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Why on earth does she use masterclass? I always find it so deceptive when people who are not experts or do not have university-level (MSc) knowledge start talking about a masterclass.

Now I am also responding to Jellyjam's comment on page 12. I do not doubt that she has doctored/edited it. Well, Jasmime, these people here on the forum will not stop warning others of your deceitful scams. If that is what you are aiming for with those posts. Your aim is also to deceive girls into buying your stuff with those doctored posts. Nasty.
Lol that's not Jasmine's style. She is incredibly braggadocious. She would shout it from the roof tops if she had another sign up. Think about her courses. Whenever another girl "signs up", she always says how happy she is to "welcome another queen" and will even name them. When Kelly signed up, she was so happy (although idk why she didn't say anything about Emmy?)
Also the wording she used is very cheeky. "Last remaining spots" yeah. 7/9 spots still empty.

She's a business so she's trying to sensationalise her product. Look at this post about her newest masterclass. It seems she's not happy with the amount of people that signed up so she's "opening doors again" even though the program already started, she's pretending it's a last chance amazing opportunity and don't miss out! Surely a thriving business wouldn't need to reopen sign ups if they had enough to begin with? 🤔

I would not be surprised if Jasmine Lipska also manipulates us here under a pseudonym. Master manipulator plays her mind games
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Bloody hell some people have more money than sense. $42,000!! I didn't realise Jasmine was that wealthy. Just hoping it's a fake number 🤞

She must need to make that money disappear for tax purposes. Why else would you spend that? Also encouraging others who are less fortunate to sink their finances into something that is proven to not actually work unless it's coupled with professional help... just sick

"I don't advocate shaming" yet Jasmine constantly bullies and pressures and DM's unassuming girls to join her courses 🤔

And I really cannot believe she's encouraging girls to go into debt! Yes seriously. I had to read it a few times. She says she doesn't encourage it but then a line later, she says "depends on how you feel" and whether it's aligned with you or not. She's being deliberately vague. I mean, how hard is it to say "DON'T GET INTO DEBT FOR A COACH PERIOD"
Idk about you guys but it sounds like she's encouraging people to go into debt for her/coaches. UM WTF?

Jasmine, I know you read here so just tell your followers the truth. You are so wealthy and successful because you had your old YouTube following to fall back on and boost your business. The girls you are leading into this lie do not have the same financial or social media backing and won't achieve the same as you no matter how much alignment and manifestation they do.
I think it would be wiser to go to college/university and get a legit degree.

Also I want to add that if she is gay, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It would explain all the things you mentioned:

“…the combination of attending an all girls Catholic school (high level of lgbt in same sex schools, especially Catholic from anecdotal evidence), quickie marriage to a deadbeat man, unable to form friendships with women, constantly trying and failing to "find herself", being highly strung and having to tell the world how much she loves c*ck”
She always gave me lesbian or bisexual vibes for some reason.

I think she'll stick with Josh for a long long time, if not forever as she wants to be a "one man for life" type of woman.
If there are women out there that can have only one man in life that’s great but realistically this does not happen in most cases.
I know of an old lady that was happily married for many, many years with her first, the one and only and surprisingly 2 years after her husband passed away she met an old man through these old people’s groups that they go to and he was also a widower who was happily married for a long time and they got married.
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And again! Damn who has upset her this much? "Gossiping friends" lmao maybe someone in her inner circle found out what a cunt she is via this forum and cut her off 😂😂

She just comes across as completely deranged the way she entertwines her personal dramas with her online audience and "work". The second to last paragraph is just straight self soothing and nothing to do with benefitting her clients. Just ridiculous. Coupled with the distorted, condescending smile she does when she's being called out, mental illness at its best.

Also what's with all the dramatic "goodbye mother Bali" posts? Have I missed something? Are they leaving Bali forever or just for a holiday?

Just shut up and leave everyone alone. Go on your stupid holiday and don't come back. Thanks. 🙄
Ok mother!
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Also, I think they won't reveal their new destination anytime soon. Suggestion for a new thread title:

Jasmine Lipska: Right-wing fanatics Jas and Josh: First 2,5 years misbehaving in Indonesia, then 9 months in Thailand, where to next?

On the wiki post above, that sentence says, "Fast forward to 2022–2023, when Jasmine's pricing skyrocketed to $10,000 or more."
can be changed to "Fast forward to 2023, when Jasmine's pricing skyrocketed to $20,000".

I checked and it’s $20,000. Sick!
  • Sick
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It used to be 5 spaces remaining for the “triple room” so Emmy must have changed her mind LOL.
There were 6 spaces for the triple rooms. 3 girls per room (one of the girls drawing the short straw and having to sleep on the window pane)
2 spaces for double rooms
1 single room (which was sold)
All equalling to 9 and notably, thieving Jasmine said it's non refundable so I guess time will tell who is actually attending (if it goes ahead at all)
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The video is hilarious because once again, they're living with pests in Bali. In this case, it's a rat.

Can you imagine these pests literally sleeping with them? Probably walking on their faces when they're sleeping. For people interested in Jasmine's retreat, they should see this video and it might repel them from joining Jasmine in Bali for the retreat lol. Poor Kelly.

Also why are there always pests where they are living? Are they just dirty and unhygienic? They live in nice villas with enclosed doors. So wtf is happening?

When Josh says in the vid "For fxk sake mate, you're not paying rent!" I LOLed because same can be said about him 😂 Also Jasmine cursing she can't read her fave book anymore 🤣 They have such stressful living environments.

Here comes Jasmine to the rescue paying for Josh's medical costs...I swear he's always sick, getting himself injured.

View attachment 1545641
A book about fertility is her favourite? Wtf 😂

And about being unhygienic, it's pretty well documented how gross and smelly they both are (leaving public toilets unflushed, not wiping sweat off seats, encouraging drinking/touching bodily fluids, I could go on but don't wanna disgust anyone any further lol. For reference, I've spent time in south east Asia and have never ever had any of these sorts of problems.

He's saying those fingers are broken from CrossFit... Or maybe from DMing one too many unsuspecting women 😂😂

I wonder how Jasmine felt with Josh on holiday with a woman in the group...

Also more fake ass acting... In the video before this one, she literally makes eye contact with the camera (which josh literally sticks straight out of the curtain) and Josh is literally trying not to laugh. She literally looks into the window! These idiots 🥴


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    Found this photo of Jasmine from her pageant days and wow...

    Her lips were a lot thinner and her face was cute, soft and rounded. Can't believe her parents facilitated a beautiful teenage girl to get fillers and Botox, compare her to how she looks now. Incredibly sad.

    However the biggest thing that I'm looking at is the very different nose. It was a lot more pointy and projected out. I've always had a feeling she tinkered with her nose however there wasn't any clear photos. Tbh it's still up in the air, what do you guys think?


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    Her arms are rail thin, bald spot and red raw chewed thumbs. She's even getting grey hairs on the front at only 24 (you can tell the difference between the grey and dyed blonde). Yep definitely looks like a happy, healthy and aligned young woman who definitely isn't stressed by her illegal scam business and funding her husband!

    I found this picture from years ago, her hair was so much thicker. She was a really beautiful girl. I also really think she's had more done than just the filler and Botox she's admitted to. I think she's done something to her nose and I'm looking more and more and I've noticed these strange eyelid scars she has, her eyes also tend to look droopy and unequal from time to time in photos these days. Could be an upper blethroplasty or maybe I'm just being crazy and watching too many Lorry Hill videos LOL 😂
    What do you guys think?

    Yes, she had work done period. That picture where she's wearing that red top looks heavily filtered too. I thought she already had her eating disorder when she started YouTube because the first thing I noticed was the bald spot on her head. I still remember that.

    Btw I checked and she removed a lot of her videos
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    Here’s a fun fact: Jasmine used to follow @amzicles who’s now pregnant. As soon as she got pregnant, Jasmine hit the unfollow button 👀 That would have been a great opportunity for Jasmine to bond and understand pregnancy clearer.
    what a stinky smell of jealousy.
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    Ok, I added the bold text.

    3. Biography: Jasmine Lipska / Jasmine Campbell
    Jasmine Mary Campbell (née Lipski) (born July 19, 1998), known online as Jasmine Lipska, is an Australian former YouTuber and current Life Coach. Originally hailing from Oakleigh, Melbourne, she began her YouTube journey in her bedroom at her family home. Jasmine dropped out of college/university after just one semester and launched her YouTube channel in 2017 to share her experiences, connect with others, and gain online validation.

    From January 2020 to October 2022, Jasmine resided in Bali, Indonesia, while continuing to maintain her online presence. On February 26, 2021, she uploaded a video announcing her retirement from YouTube, citing her desire to dedicate more time to her life coaching business among other reasons. Despite quitting YouTube, she still maintains an online presence and uses other social media channels to recruit clients.

    In real life, Jasmine's CV, or résumé, comprises only one short and casual part-time job during her semester at university. She has little life experience and decided to be a life coach and make money her priority.

    On July 1, 2022, Jasmine briefly returned to YouTube to promote her struggling coaching business. However, the attempt did not garner much interest. Subsequently, in February 2023, she confirmed that she would not be returning to YouTube.

    Currently, Jasmine is based in Thailand, but she plans to relocate to a new undisclosed location on or around July 28, 2023, keeping it a secret for the time being.
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    "just a couple of spaces left" - I call BS. More like still 7 spaces left after spamming the world on multiple social media platforms :rolleyes:
    "a chance to make life long sisterhood friendships" - friendships with who? Scammers like her and lunatics like Emmy Joy? ew no thanks lol
    i mean wouldnt Emmy Joy joining repent every sane person from joining? i know i wouldnt want to join a retreat with a loud ass person. that would be anything but calming to me.
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    It's pretty normal. Im from the UK and when I fly to the far East, I usually stop over in the middle east
    Sorry for the confusion. I tried to say that flights with stopovers are often more affordable than direct flights. So, it is likely that they chose to take a flight with a stopover to save money on their travel expenses.
    New thread title:

    Jasmine Lipska #4 Scam Alert! Coaches Jas and Josh: Visas Not Renewed, Forced to Swap Dirt Cheap SE-Asia for 'Posh' UK!
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    Hey peeps, my "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" post at the top of this page had nothing to do with the work they had done to their face, but was a response to these posts....

    It really sits weirdly with me that her family are actually completely okay with her and Josh and seem to be getting on like a house on fire?
    Like if a family member was doing what they do, I would either distance myself or politely speak to them/have a discussion. Ofc I wouldn't bully/ostracize them but I'd let it be known that it's unethical and not okay.
    What are your thoughts?
    my thought?
    the apple doesn`t fall far from the tree.
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    Hey guys thanks for the suggestions on the wiki. I do it myself whenever I get time because it doesn't let other edit it for some reason lol. What do you guys think the order should be? I think I put so much emphasis on Josh because he's integral to her brand and is a terrible person lol
    Also I think the newest issue is that she is very controlling and smothering in their relationship which is causing strain on the marriage. Before it was her sexual dysfunction and inability to perform. Then it was her insecurity in Josh looking and talking to other women. Now it's this. How about just get a fucking divorce lmao stop beating a dead donkey you're both clearly unhappy with each other. You can't fundamentally change someone no matter what. Jasmine will always be uptight and controlling. Josh will always be a right wing bum with no ambition. You're both young so cut your losses and move on.
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    And she's talking about that comment yet AGAIN! Literally post after post about how she's not a good girl anymore and she's a bad bitch. What is she? 13? CRINGEEEE

    She clearly gets very upset and triggered about people saying she's changed for the worst which by her own logic, means this is a sore topic for her because she knows it's true. As usual, that whole post just seems like self soothing, just a page out of her own journal to comfort herself rather than being of use to anyone else.

    And this price just has to be a troll omg 🤑😂 the devils number? She's doing it to bait us at this point lmaoo "this price will go up" bruh if it goes into 5 figures ill lose my mind 😂


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    I still remember that story she shared where she met a random man at a cafe when she first arrived in Bali and said he was psychic. That dude was a quack and probably creepily hitting on her. But Jasmine was wide eyed and bushy tailed saying her fate was told by this random dude in Canggu 🤣
    That’s so weird, who in their right mind would say that on the first meeting.
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