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Why doesn't she do the same and travel with friends as well? Yes Jasmine, we remember the solo trip you took when you isolated yourself and had depression. It's kind of sad she doesn't have a core group of girlfriends to travel with and have girls trips.

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I wonder what Josh's opinion on Andrew Tate is? He's all over TikTok right now. I bet Josh agrees with everything he says but because he's a ✨champion for women✨, he can't say anything. That's probably why he's stayed radio silent on him rather than jump on the gravy train and get easy views reacting to him like everyone else does.

This is Andrew Tate for the uninitiated
I can def see Bali expat bros reposting this. Esp those who are into crypto scams, MLMs, incels and Jordan Petersen. Does anyone watch the H3 Podcast? It’s so hilarious. The host, Ethan Klein is always shitting on Andrew Tate 😜

Lmao you hit this right on the nose, this is def Josh but he can’t publicly outright promote this shit bc it goes against his “healing sensitive women” brand. If you look at the people he follows, they’re def adjacent to Andrew Tate vibes.

We all saw the shit content he was posting under his previous Health Hunk brand. Racist skits. Now that he’s finally met Jasmine’s grandparents I hope he realizes how terrible he was to be making fun of asian culture.
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He was saying that as they’re checking out and leaving and such so that’s kind of why I mentioned that he was talking about their place in Bali. Lastly, he said good luck to the next tenants.
Oh wow I clearly can't see or hear haha! I think it's because I use a third party app to view the stories and they got all mixed up with the new Phuket stories so I got confused 😂😂
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I always found it interesting that Jasmine hasn’t traveled to Europe much despite being half Polish. I understand that many people have never been to their “motherland” but for someone who says they like to travel, I do feel like she limits the places she goes to like all of you said.

I don’t see anything wrong with going to the tourist spots especially if it’s your first time going to that place but I think it is important to see more local areas eventually.
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aaaaaaand they've got construction work right next to their new home 😂
The good thing about Josh is that he sometimes shows the real stuff. Meanwhile on planet Jas it's "this view 😍" and blessed magical fake shit.

Let's see if they can break the record for amount of moves in a short space of time. I remember Jasmine bragging about living in 16 places in 18 months as if it was a flex, no babe you are ✨homeless✨ they are just glorified couch surfers lol


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Not Jasmine admitting her business is failing 😂😂😭😭
well it is a risk being self-employed, Jasmine. Noone promised you it would alway be a success. the rest of us peasants who work a 9-5 job have to show up everyday at work too even if our colleagues, clients or bosses treat us like shit.
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Wonder how long Josh is gone on his lads holiday for? She hasn't posted a "my king has returned I missed my angel so much" post? Apparently he gave her some flowers when she got back from her weekend away but I call BS and I think as usual, she bought them for herself because the timelines don't match. How could he have bought the flowers if he had been away? I've also noticed he's increasingly less active these days...

Maybe the intuition post is about Josh not being faithful... Who knows, they're both insane. Maybe it sounds like I'm getting invested but they're so weird and sad it's like a reality trashy show for me 😂

Also just popped into my head, we always put Jade and Mr Lipski on a pedestal just because they're not active on social media but I think they're just as bad and guilty as Jasmine, Jingjing and Josh for being complicit in this shite.

Sometimes I truly fear for her mental state. Next thing you know she’ll self-proclaim she’s a prophet 🙄
I mean she literally said she has psychic abilities... Someone has watched Xmen a few too many times 😆
This girl really is a few cans short of a six pack seriously
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Not her calling us abusers! Can we say "projection"? Only abuser here is animal abuser Jasmine Loopyskam 😂😂💀💀

She's so liberated and free that she admits to reading up on us 😂😂 hey babe!!! 😍

She's been in overdrive recently about how she's lost so many followers yet she's gained so many new aligned ones. All I got to say is "where are they?" The numbers don't lie Queen!
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Yeah the dancing is cringe but it's harmless. Don't deflect from the real reason you have thousands of forum posts, because you're an immoral scammer who'll end up in the slammer.

She's trying to portray us as wacko trolls who want to harm and abuse her to mobilise her cult followers against us. We don't want to harm Jasmine in anyway, I don't even personally know her so how can I hate her? I hate her actions and scamming and wish she would end her unethical business. That's all

Only person triggered here is Jasie razzie. I just laugh at her pathetic nature then go about my day after spending 2 mins writing a post here
even better. she is actually directing people to check out these forums so more people will have their eyes opened to her reality.
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Reading this book called adult children of emotionally immature parents. This passage in particular reminds me of Jasmine. She's so wrapped up in faux self help she doesn't realize she falls into all the exact same patterns. It's sad. She needs real therapy and help.

Also Jasmine and Josh are with her grandparents. Josh is singing his praises saying her family is amazing and so accepting. Such an odd dynamic? I choose to believe that none of her family genuinely know what a horrible racist man he is. They probably take Jasmine's words as gospel


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Omg I just took a quick glimpse at the thumb nail, like it appeared on my youtube home page and on a split second glance, I was like, who is this 45 year old lady and what is she advertising!? Then did a double take and saw it's our Jasie Wasie! Fuck she looks old af!!!!!!! Money (or the so called money she says she has) sure isn't doing her any good. Doesn't even know how to take care of herself!. She hasn't aged 10 years in 2 years, she's aged 25 years in 2 years!

Her Ask Jasmine series is basically her instagram questions in video form. How boring and unoriginal she is.
Guys omg it's becoming more and more apparent recently and especially in that thumbnail but I think poor Jasie Wasie is a victim of bad Botox! I've noticed a lot that her smile pulls to one side when it never used to and it's actually a common side effect when administered incorrectly! I was trying to pinpoint the issue and googled pictures and these people have the exact same smile!


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Any guesses? I know in China there is still travel restrictions and you still need to quarantine… I doubt the U.S…
My guess is Singapore….
Thailand I suppose? With close to zero covid restrictions for unvaccinated lol Is Indonesian allowing re-entry for un vaxxed people now that’s why they can finally leave?
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Well-known member
I always found it interesting that Jasmine hasn’t traveled to Europe much despite being half Polish. I understand that many people have never been to their “motherland” but for someone who says they like to travel, I do feel like she limits the places she goes to like all of you said.

I don’t see anything wrong with going to the tourist spots especially if it’s your first time going to that place but I think it is important to see more local areas eventually.
It's strange, she seems to shed any Asian-ness of her identity (bleaching her hair etc.) yet she isn't that in tune with her Polish side (hell, she doesn't even speak Polish).
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As usual she's chatting utter shit and just trying to conjure up interest. If people were interested in her retreats, they would've attended this one. She has 48,000 followers. Out of those, there's definitely people who can spare some time and money to attend but they chose not to. Not all her fans are poor, vulnerable girls. It's entirely her fault she can't convert followers into paying clients invested in her products. It's shocking that Emmy who has a fraction of those followers and is literally a private account had double the amount of attendees at her retreat. Piss off Jasmine Loopyska. No more friend roleplays for you.

That photo is terrifying omg. Jasmine is absolutely insane
i know we categorized Emmy as the crazy insane psycho but watching her stuff, it is obvious her attendees love her and what she is doing. she might be cleverer than we think.

Just a theory but perhaps her parents allowed for Jasmine to have (and likely paid) for her plastic surgeries as a way to compensate for their guilt. Since Jasmine suffered from ED yet still participated in stuff like the beauty pageant, I wonder if there was concern that they didn't spot the ED signs sooner or that they allowed her free reign to participate because "saying no" had negative outcomes. I imagine Jasmine throwing a fit and blaming them for her insecurities and issues. Yes, Jing Jing had surgeries but we can't say if she was pushing her daughter to do the same.

Of course having a mother do surgery could influence Jasmine's beauty standards, but it doesn't necessarily mean that mom was directly telling her to get work done. My mother had a surgical procedure done and is insecure enough to always need to have a full face of makeup on in public, yet it did not influence me in any way. I like my natural appearance and don't feel the need to cake on makeup to have perfect pores or hide my eye bags every time I'm out in public.

A few surgery examples from people I know:

A friend had an insecurity since childhood, despite nobody in their lifetime pointing it out as an issue of their appearance. They got long-term therapy before confirming that they would proceed with a procedure. After surgery recovery, they felt insanely more confident despite the tweak being so minor that nobody knew that they had surgery (beyond who was told).

Another got a surgery as a graduation present from their parents per friend's insistence that it was necessary for a fresh start college experience. No friends or family pointing out their concern as an issue with their appearance (to my knowledge). This friend thought that the change would make them look like a whole new person and make them more attractive, but they look the same with a slight difference. They were disappointed that the change didn't suddenly make them look different enough to be "more beautiful" in their eyes and regretted the money wasted on surgery. The surgery they got was the one that my mother received and, for both, I didn't see a change that was drastic enough to warrant the desire for surgery.

While your relationships and exposure to influences may alter your view on oneself, people can take steps to work and improve instead of solely placing blame on others. Despite her attempts to appear healed, Jasmine is clearly still suffering.
Her mom did definitely play a role in her having an ED and is also a topic she spoke about often on her ig. To me it was weird how much she had glorified her mum in all her videos and ig posts and suddenly speaking about her difficult childhood and her wounds. Who else did she grow up with other than her parents? also in her travel videos she would travel with her mum and also vlog what she would be cooking. They would not eat any local South Korean food but would buy their groceries and Jasmine would cook her basic vegetable meal as she was vegan. Her mum was very well aware of her ED.
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Is she trying to market flavored seltzer water now 😂 She is so corny af and sounds like an inauthentic Salesperson. I swear she talks to her followers with this flowery bs that just repels people to follow her. If someone talked to me like this in real life, I'd be like what are you smoking? It's like Jasmine took this out of a failed Sales for dummies textbook and copied it.

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She finally posted stories of the villa… but there aren’t anyone???? Wonder where they all (2 or 3??) went? 🤔
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Poor child will become a flat earther and Nazi symphatist and right wing like his/her father. Please don't let this child be born into this family of 2 narcissistic and lying parents 🙏
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