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Tried to do some quick research on their visa. I don't know how the hell they fulfilled all these requirements? They're on an index 314 KITAS investor visa from my understanding and going off Josh's comment. Can someone who's in legal make heads and tails of it? I could be completely wrong with my research lol

It says they need to be a director of a company, invested some serious money and have at least 2 Indonesian employees? Josh said he was in debt and had serious money issues before he met Jasmine so not sure how he coughed up the 1.125 billion Indonesian rupiah or roughly $70,000 (as of writing) to meet the investment requirement to get the visa?

Here's Josh's comment again for reference where he explicitly states they're on the investor KITAS for 2 years stay.

On that particular visa, they can also come and go from the country as they please

Hmm, interesting! This should be reported to the Bali immigration office. Let them sort it out. Google is your friend. Even if it's just for the books, so at least she can be found on there, as well as her neo-Nazi and flat-earther husband.
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Hey there. I was searching for info on Jasmine's baby girl she and her husband had posted before on Youtube. What happened to their baby? She doesn't mention her.

I don't follow her anymore since she used to give me free "advice" until her coaching course thing. Since then, she told me, "It was not meant as an attack." No, I was angry because I knew she would no longer advice me because she wants me to pay for her coaching. That was my experience with her on Instagram much before she made her IG private.

So glad I unfollowed her. Sadly, I think she ruined her life. She could have done so many other good things.
This post seems like a direct response to @AmyWitz


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Lmao tmi, she is probably stressed and too confined and tense about her body in the bedroom to climax. I also wonder if she is asexual? Get vibes from her that she may be on the LGbTQiA+ spectrum.
Yeah I got asexual vibes from her too. Also, not saying it applies to Jasmine but in general, people who come from religious backgrounds tend to be repressed and as a result, suffer from conditions that render them unable to perform such as vaginismus. Especially if it's their first partner (don't want to get too into it as it's a bit weird but they're real issues women face and you can Google it). Don't mean to get tmi and start speculating, then again she's the one who heavily implied she has a bad sex life sooo...

It really is a missed trick for her tbh and could've been a real good chance to break that stigma and educate girls but of course she would never. This is all about jasmine and her public diary we are all subjected to!

I mentioned before but Hannah Witton is a very good sex educator on YouTube. She is very approachable and breaks down myths and stigmas.

Btw I found it so weird (but predictable) she had to make the Iran situation about herself. Literally none of those things she listed were "breaking the patriarchy", having posts about her periods, bad sex life and twerking against the backdrop of the Iran situation really didn't sit right with me. Narcissism in it's purest form.
I also get closeted LGBTQIA+ spectrum vibes from her too.

Wonder if Jasmine will speak up about this since she’s planning to go to Thailand
Hmmm probably not... Might be a bit too "morally complex" for her. Plus unlike the Iran situation as I mentioned, she can't spin dead kids into a teachable point centered around herself.


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Now these are the sort of questions I can get behind 😂
Also I'm absolutely convinced she uses bots to generate questions. You can get bots to use certain words and phrases etc. They're just toooo specific such as stuff about "making friends despite not having mainstream beliefs" etc
wow all relevant points made!
i just watched her latest video (on yewtube) and omg her voice is so unnatural, why is she not speaking with her normal voice? does it have to sound girly and cute? also i cannot resonate with her topics anymore. it is clear she is generating the questions in order to talk about her own life. all the advices she is giving are things she has been doing recently like ig detox and scrolling through other peoples comments. ofc everyone will get curious and scroll through other peoples comments, what is that advice anyway? also the advice about not comparing your content to others? she is again clearly talking about herself. we all know by now her ig posts are her personal diary entries, i did not expect her youtube to be her speaking to a mirror.
it is saddening when i compare this to her past videos and and how much they would motive and uplift me. everything about her has changed-even her demeanor.

also when you go to her yt comment section there is an account that commented it was her question- a question for content creators. when you go on her channel, it looks like a bot channel. nothing there, definitely not an aspiring content creator!
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Have yall seen Jasmine on Josh's Instagram, trying to defend his Andrew Tate mindset? Her true colors are really coming out - her retorts are extremely childish and it just makes both of them look bad.

Lol at the woman's response to jasmine in the second screenshot - that's a true definition of actually clapping back at someone.

Also in the 3rd screenshot - Jasmine referred to the commenter as a man, even though it doesn't seem like they identify as a man...shows how much she doesn't pay attention to details.
Omg lol look at these two bitter LOSERS with nothing to do but overcompensating for their lack of intelligence and defending each other because nobody else is on their side. Really shows their true colors and how insecure they really are about themselves.
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Hmm. So either Emmy lied or Jasmine hasn't updated her website because it's still showing 8 spaces available

Well, this is a gossip website, so I'll say it now! I can imagine her coming out later in life as bi or maybe gay. She went to a Catholic school, I can imagine that she were keeping that part of her hidden. So if she were closeted and eventually comes out, we'll know what her type is! Then Josh can finally start looking for his actual type. Poor bastard :ROFLMAO: !

I call BS too. She is again trying to use scarcity to make it look like people are going so others feel encouraged to sign up too when in reality only 1 has signed up. She is a terrible little con artist. And then that picture where she pretends or acts to be fake happy, omg she is a psychopath!! :sick:
Interesting. Maybe that's why she's always so scared to show her "authentic self" and fakes being "authentic" but looks uncomfortable doing it. She really goes in with the whole "my HUSBAND who I LOVE VERY MUCH" stuff to the point where it seems very fake. Probably just picked the first guy to play this fantasy with because no normal thinking woman would pick that idiot as a life partner. Her whole masculine and feminine bs comes across as overcompensation. Plus she went to an all girls school where it's pretty common.

I just think about her whole uber sexual and tendency to overshare, giving us gems like "I twerk for my husband and he loves it" cringe nonsense. Everything she says sounds like she's following a script of what she thinks normal couples act and say


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Jasmine's post is very calculated. I hope none of the naive people fall for it.

Thanks, @Jellyjam_ , for including how to report Jasmine a few days ago. Continue to report her.
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It's Chinese New Years this weekend, what's the bet that trying-to-erase-all-Asian-heritage-Jasie won't even mention it?
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He was saying that as they’re checking out and leaving and such so that’s kind of why I mentioned that he was talking about their place in Bali. Lastly, he said good luck to the next tenants.
Wow that's a lot of names and a lot of money 😔...
View attachment 1698395
All I can say is:
View attachment 1698392

No it's their new place in Phuket undergoing construction nearby. Josh is using the term "divine timing" in a sarcastic manner 😂
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I've noticed her followers have increased massively and seem to be staying. Like I said I haven't been up to date with her but by the looks of it, it seems she's taken a back seat with the super hard sales and constant churning out of shit quality courses. I have a feeling she's probably being less "ambitious" to appease Josh which in typical Jasmine fashion, is a direct contradiction of what she preaches about her man supporting her drive and ambition.

Seems she's more focussing on being an influencer and pedalling basic superficial statements which appeal to wider masses for engagement.

Definitely feel like some frequent arguing is happening behind the scenes because Jasmine went full overdrive in letting Josh be the “masculine” in the relationship.

Josh probably made a comment to her that she is way too controlling and mothering him. I get the vibe that she’s trying to salvage their relationship by taking a backseat in providing financially to make Josh feel better. She also keeps emphasizing she’s stepping into her “relaxed feminine”, which I’m assuming her business isn’t booming as much.
I think you're right. The fact she flipped out on Josh for pouring her coffee for her is alarming. Plus that whole bread crying story... She is dysfunctional af

Just took a look at her account and almost every single post these days is a cry for help about "healthy masculine providing" and "relaxed women". She always posts about her problems. Before, every post was about her "haters" when the forum was busy and thriving. Now she's clutching at straws to justify Josh being a broke bum and her marrying the bare minimum. Just take a look at this post and tell me she's not posting it through gritted teeth and tears 😂 the caption on this post is just a rambling mess about broke men still being valid 😂


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It seems like her business is in shambles that she's resorting to buying followers. Last time I checked she was only at 48.3k and based on her followers list I'm sure many of these individuals don't even come from English speaking backgrounds. What happened to being integral? Being authentic? I guess this is her way of showing us how authentic she is to being a scammer
Yes I spotted it since like 2 weeks ago. Thought it's temporary but looking at the stat it looks like these followers cannot only coming from the ad that she paid for.
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I was looking at that site to see what type of retreats are equivalent to Jasmine's retreat pricing and this sounds way more legitimate than what she's offering. AND it's hosted by mental health professionals. Love the call-out that the mental health professional of the retreat wrote about coaches, mentors, etc. (AKA Jasmine Lipska).

View attachment 1591248

That's what's exactly wrong with what Jasmine is doing. The "inner work", "inner child healing", "subconscious mastery", "self-actualisation" that Jasmine keeps selling upon her vulnerable audience could literally have life or death consequences. The fact she doesn't care and keeps doing things so unethically really is concerning.
I actually love this! Although it's sad that a disclaimer like this has to be made because there's disgusting people like Jasmine in the world who will take advantage of these vulnerable women.

Nevertheless, I'm glad coach sharks are an issue more people are becoming aware of and attempting to somewhat tackle it within the community by making a clear boundary between certified professionals and narc children with God complexes.

The change has to come from within, only so much we can do from outside. Weeding out the scammers and calling them out in this manner is a start.
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I've said it before but not only Jasmine but many women her age have a very idealised view of pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing in general. As usual, Jasmine loves the optics of being a "mama" and she loves making her vision boards of perfect blonde babies at the beach with a perfect blonde muscled dad but it's not all sunshine and flowers.

As you said, they can't even handle construction sounds and we all know how disastrous the whole Angel debacle was. Jasmine proudly proclaims that she hates cooking and cleaning so how can she raise an entire human? They've never once shown maturity, nurturing or responsibility in any capacity.

Josh doesn't even have a proper source of income. Come to think of it, social media in general is not a reliable source of income as they are literally just riding the wave of a trend that could come crashing down sooner or later. They flit from place to place as homeless nomads.

Pregnancy and childbirth can really put your mental health through the wringer. Jasmine and Josh already have existing mental health issues (by their own admission) that if they don't get proper treatment for, will project onto the kids. Not to mention how your entire body is essentially destroyed during the process and Jasmine is still in recovery and most likely has some remnants of body dysmorphia from the nature of her "job".

It's weird because they say they love freedom and want to wait etc yet at the same time, Jasmine is desperate for a baby? She seemed genuinely heartbroken about her miscarriage (understandable) and struggled to process it properly, as usual preferring to consult astrology and spirits rather than a professional. She seems triggered by mothers and women her age who are pregnant. Either way they are both definitely not ready for kids and it's irresponsible of them to want them now when they don't have a proper home, income or stable mental health to provide for kids.

They are both so young, Jasmine is not even 25 (which is when women's prefrontal cortex finishes developing) I don't know why they want to fast forward their life?
When did she had a miscarriage? I had no idea that happened! Did she openly talk about it?
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Jasmine Lipska finally acknowledges the intention of creating her coaching programs were solely for money. We were right, but she would always deny. What a slap to the face to all the people who bought her programs. And ironically of course, she promos a new program to scam people for their money again. I hope people don’t fall for this shit again. Also let’s be real. The additional reason she stopped having group coaching programs is because there were former members who called her out on Tattle for the unethical bs she’s done, which can all be found on this wiki.

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This was something I considered. I think there is a correlation here. They have a bad online and offline reputation. So issues with authorities, canceled or not-extended visas, or a desire to keep their money push these two to relocate. You get to choose. They can rinse and repeat elsewhere.

Stay tuned, @Jellyjam_ . The wiki section "How to Report a Life Coach" must be edited as well.

There were discussions about that last time as well, or something similar to that. If any of it happens to be true, they definitely won't admit it.

I have one simple piece of advice for you all: modify the wiki and report them. I've come across a screenshot, and it's clear that Jasmine takes pride in being a scammer. If I need to search for it again, just let me know. It's absolutely disgusting. We can't allow them to get away with this.
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