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VIP Member
I saw that, it was awful. Kristin Alsop said she needed putting down. I unfollowed her then. Poor woman just said she didn't like her in the program.

I remember this, the woman hadn’t even tagged TAO in the post! The pile on was bizarre!
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Chatty Member
It was posting the link to the samaritans that gave me face palm, probably never gave a thought about how she made other people feel with her bullying and vile hate which she loved to spew but now poor wee Janey is the victim so she needs sympathy from all her sheep followers

Precisely. And she won't be devestated because she has been revealed as a vile racist and ableist bigot but because she now has to face the consequences, ie. lose work and relevance. Self pity as opposed to genuine remorse. Ugh.
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I've just found this thread by accident and enjoyed reading the comments. I've never found Janey Godley remotely funny in any way. I don't understand her appeal at all 🤷‍♀️
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I unfollowed her on Facebook back in Feb. She had joined in with an awful dog pile on Twitter after a person tweeted the didn't like Tracy Ann Oberman's performance in It's a Sin. A load of blue tick bullies proceeded to drag the poor person and called them an anti Semite.

She's just a nasty potty mouthed thug.
I saw that, it was awful. Kristin Alsop said she needed putting down. I unfollowed her then. Poor woman just said she didn't like her in the program.
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story here

her twitter has plenty of pics of the "wee dug" with the hashtag #mentalhealthmatters

now, I loathe the phrase, "playing the xxxxx card" when it comes to anything, as it can be used so often to diminish people's suffering... but I think it's clear that's how she's attempting redeem herself
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The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
As a Glaswegian, I have to agree this is fair comment. The Glasgow media set are very parochial.

stuff like Dorothy Paul, Francie and Josie, the Steamie etc are and always were trite and unfunny but they were portrayed as being fantastic.

Yup, we did - quite easily as we didn't have to avoid dodging around the bigoted drunks with their "patter" and vomit in the sitting room. Dot was therefore quite easily avoided, much like Glasgow itself as the shopping in Edinburgh and Aberdeen was better class. I'm surprised that you still have a remote or even a TV - hasn't it been pawned or stolen yet?

It's considered a classic of modern Scots literature but, again, overhyped, as we return to the subject of overhyped comedians - who happen to think that verbal abuse is amusing, which is not unusual as has been shown in this thread.
My God. Calm down. 😮
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DP presumably rather than your granny? So she'd be all posh and Kelvinside till she turned the character on and came out like Senga from the Gorbals?
Haha My granny was from Govan…there wasn’t a poker big enough to hide that!
DP on the other hand was a proper diva. Very showbiz, dahling. You’ve got it spot on.
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Godley is out in the papers today. As predicted by many, she’s the victim.
If all the Tweets were fake then I might have a degree of sympathy for her but she didn’t care how Kelly Rowland or anyone else was feeling when she said what she did. She knew what she was doing so she can’t cry now, just because she thought she’d get away with it
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The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)

Couldn’t agree more.
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Nice way to attempt amusing by sounding like a bitchy Weegie type from your post, but it worked as well as Janey Godley's sharn. I enjoyed both Scotch and Wry AND Scotland the What, even if we needed subtitles at times for the Weege.

Dorothy Paul was as funny as a dose of the clap, appealing only to one part of the country yet we all had to suffer her inflicted on us. Mentioning her in the same post as Scotch and Wry does a disservice to the great Rikki Fulton.
In Glasgow, we used to have this thing on the TV called a button - when something came on we didn't like, we could press the button and a different channel came on. Pity they never made it up north. You could have changed the channel and avoided Dorothy 😉😉😉

Now we've got a thing called a Remote Control - I can change channels sitting in my chair. 😀😀😀 You'll love them when they eventually reach the north 👍👍👍

And now back to Janey Godley!!!
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Sideboard Bob

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She still seems very quiet. Does anyone follow her on Twitter? Her tweets are still protected. Is she tweeting?
I’d been following her for ages, then unfollowed her recently when her racism came to light. If I’d known she‘d protected her tweets I would have kept following her to look for receipts!
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I saw that, it was awful. Kristin Alsop said she needed putting down. I unfollowed her then. Poor woman just said she didn't like her in the program.
Those blue ticks always stick together. Dawn French, David Baddiel and Jolyon Rubenstein tweeted in support of Janey Godley 🙄
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hahaha I just laughed out loud so hard, i think i've punctured a lung. Oh, fuck, I need to print that out and frame it.

Dorothy Paul. My granny was a singer/dancer and she was regularly in shows with people like DP. Very posh with a big poker up her arse.
DP presumably rather than your granny? So she'd be all posh and Kelvinside till she turned the character on and came out like Senga from the Gorbals?
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VIP Member
The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
Useless Scottish celebrities that were everywhere - you forgot Fran And Anna (though, I thought they were crap when I was a kid in the 1970s, maybe they had some kitsch charm that I wasn't open to at that age) 😆

Limmy is pretty original and well-respected, though (and one of the few Cookdandbombd untouchables - even if he's not as visible on telly right now, he's usually on Twitch/Twitter). And the Burnistoun lads. I had/have a soft spot for Stanley Baxter, seemed some on the Secret Celeb Gossip thread didn't agree when I mentioned him a few months ago.
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I know generalisations are the root of most comedy but can I just say - I'm Glaswegian and I don't drink Irn Bru, rarely touch alcohol, don't own a chip pan (most fried food makes me feel sick and I'm surrounded by chippies in the city centre!), I'm not into the bigotry thing and don't take drugs.

Wish I could see Janey's Tweets - not that I'm going to comment @ her (as I'd imagine she'd set her brown-nosers on me and my mate might well be one of her Followers :ROFLMAO:), will have to peek at her Facebook.

Maybe this is her dose of self awareness that's been a long time coming. Though these types are too arrogant to be accountable for anything, sadly.
She will have learned nothing from any of this. Irredeemable narcissists can’t change.
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VIP Member
Yup, we did - quite easily as we didn't have to avoid dodging around the bigoted drunks with their "patter" and vomit in the sitting room. Dot was therefore quite easily avoided, much like Glasgow itself as the shopping in Edinburgh and Aberdeen was better class. I'm surprised that you still have a remote or even a TV - hasn't it been pawned or stolen yet?

It's considered a classic of modern Scots literature but, again, overhyped, as we return to the subject of overhyped comedians - who happen to think that verbal abuse is amusing, which is not unusual as has been shown in this thread.
In the words of Robert De Niro - You talking to me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I've tried to have what is known as Friendly Banter but obviously coming from the Frozen North, you don't appreciate it. That's fine because comedy is subjective.

And if I was going to resort to verbal abuse, I would have made a comment about sheep 👍👍👍

And as much as I'm sure everybody else is finding the tensions between Aberdeen and Scotland's Greatest City - Glasgow fascinating - back to Janey Godley 😀😀😀
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