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For the truth

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No idea about the above. Her daughter went to Hutchie, well known private school in Glasgow. So clearly has funds as bursaries are v rare.
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Janey also has her daughter tagging along on the comedy circuit, though all I've ever heard is an over-confident, sweary blowhard like her mother (trying to get the family in on the act, I suppose).

I hate the whole WoMeN aReN't FuNnY trope repeated all over the internet (usually by men) - that's not where I'm coming from, but personally I'm not amused by either of them. Comedy is subjective, anyway.

The whole Twitter pile-on because you're too arrogant to take (sometimes) constructive criticism (if that's what's happening, I don't Follow her) is something many comedians do, sadly (Noel Fielding famously went OTT a few years ago with his "Fly, my beauties" pish). But it doesn't reflect well on a person's character, ultimately - seeking out social media drama to puff up a wafer-thin ego.
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I unfollowed her on Facebook back in Feb. She had joined in with an awful dog pile on Twitter after a person tweeted the didn't like Tracy Ann Oberman's performance in It's a Sin. A load of blue tick bullies proceeded to drag the poor person and called them an anti Semite.

She's just a nasty potty mouthed thug.
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She’s doing the whole victim thing on Facebook where most of her middle aged minions reside. Posting pictures of sunset saying “there is always light”. No one is deid Janey, you just got caught being racist.
It was posting the link to the samaritans that gave me face palm, probably never gave a thought about how she made other people feel with her bullying and vile hate which she loved to spew but now poor wee Janey is the victim so she needs sympathy from all her sheep followers
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The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
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she does these kind of posts all the time, but usually about cases of cis men being convicted of csa offences. for instance

View attachment 2389808

she thinks she's performing some kind of balance given how often drag queens and trans women are accused of being abusers

how she could shoehorn letby in there is beyond me
It’s absolutely inexplicable that anyone would see the news about the Letby verdict and think ‘oooh, that’s the perfect news story for furthering my agenda on social media!’
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All I've got is that she gave me a long, hard stare as I walked past TJ Hughes in Trongate a few years ago. Very negative vibes. I was just minding my business - initially I wondered if there was someone else she was gawping at. Nope, me (I am very tall and distinctive-looking, I suppose!). Maybe mistaking me for someone else, but all I got was a prolonged dirty look.

She's (superficially) a friend of a friend, but I think it's more about gathering allies on social media and in RL circles who can bolster her ego (my friend is very well-known in Glasgow).

Good mates with Jerry Sadowitz, who is quite prickly IRL too (though you kinda expect that). Who says Glaswegians are welcoming, friendly people :p (I''m Glaswegian, btw). I know JS is quite problematic for people too, though he's more or less cancelled himself before anyone else does (eg, removing videos from Youtube and doing things solely on his own terms).

From what I remember (she's appeared on a few podcasts I listen to), her husband has Aspergers and other issues (I think), so you'd expect her to be more self-aware, thoughtful and compassionate. Maybe?

Boyf actually un-Followed her from Twitter yesterday, as she gives him the rage. Funnily enough. He's corrected me: he Muted her as someone re-Tweeted her and never Followed her in the first place o_O:LOL:
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Some Godley backstory, before she found fame as a pro-indy celebrity, she was once a popular Tory campaigner, and was so good at it that Thatcher praised her in person at the Scottish Tory Convention.

Source - her own book, in which she also claims to be the head of a shoplifting empire that she sent out to steal her entire outfit for the convention, exact sizes and all


If we could get a list of the confirmed sockpuppet accounts she uses that'd be great too, i know of pokeymon5 and TrumpGlasgow

God there's so much stuff. How about when she was so annoying that 50 Cent told her to fuck off? How about her being the single biggest self-retweeter on the site? How about when she claimed her dog was a #metoo story?
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Janey got her arse handed to her by Martina Navratilova! She didn't dare set her gob up to Martina.

I don't know what she tweeted initially, because she blocked me ages ago. (I can't remember what for, but it doesn't take much. I think it was when all those nasty old tweets resurfaced.)


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My late Grandma went with her friend to a Scotland the What show that was being recorded in the early 80s. It was the time of those huge Deirdre style glasses that they both had. They were sitting in the front row centre of the theatre. When it televised they looked like two giant flies sitting there with the stage lights reflecting on their specs 😂

That’s my Scotland The What memory. Buff Hardie used to write a funny column in the local rag.
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cancer's a shit no matter who you are and I'm sure we all wish her the best for a swift recovery

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Painfully unfunny, genuinely don’t understand how she has managed to get the opportunities she has had. Her daughter is shockingly untalented as well. I can’t believe she seemed to think she would get away with the racist and ableist comments - she’s in her 50s she should know how unacceptable this is!
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Big cry-bully on Twitter. Saw her standup once at the Fringe maybe 10-12 years ago, she was average. Told a very unconvincing story about overcharging Gordon Brown for beers in her pub, she seems like a massive bullshitter.

Tries to push her incredibly unfunny daughter's stuff.

Ego seems to be out of control following making a name for herself with the VoiceOver stuff during Covid, but she seems like a bit of a wank.
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I have someone close to me with diagnosed mental health issues and it bugs the living bejesus out of me the way that it’s dragged out as an excuse for every tiny thing and used for pity parties.
I feel like I say that same thing at least once a week on here - it’s used far, far too often as an excuse for shitty behaviour. I have my own mental health issues and I have never once made a racist comment on any form of social media - or at all actually. Because it’s not in my nature; if I’m having a tough time I’ll cry more, I’ll hate myself more, I’ll worry more - but I don’t ever veer completely out of character.

It may well have affected her mental health now but that’s because she’s been rumbled!
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Guess she is now getting a taste of her own medicine, not so hilarious now are we Janey, I have absolutely no sympathy at all she's just one of those horrible aggressive people that thought she was untouchable, ah hope she is enjoying her wee one woman pity party 🥳
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Janey got her arse handed to her by Martina Navratilova! She didn't dare set her gob up to Martina.

I don't know what she tweeted initially, because she blocked me ages ago. (I can't remember what for, but it doesn't take much. I think it was when all those nasty old tweets resurfaced.)
Martina is an utter legend! 🤩
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VIP Member
The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
Janey Godley is as funny as a dose of the measles but I will not have a word said against Scottish Theatre Legend - Dorothy Paul!!!

I saw Dorothy doing her one woman show 30 odd years ago at the Tron Theatre - the first time she'd done show. I've seen her many times over the years up until her retirement and she was a fabulous entertainer.

Dorothy has been much copied over the years - Elaine C Smith did it quite successfully.

Lately Michelle McManus has also been trying to go down this route - yes that Michelle McManus. One of the funniest things I've ever seen on TV was the look of incredulation on Dorothy Paul's face when she was told that Ms McManus was trying her hand at comedy 😂😂😂 (I've actually seen Michelle's act and she does have some funny lines - but the exaggerated Glesga delivery let's her down - she would be funnier if she just talked in her normal voice)

Also the Hogmanay show - The Steamie - I would also say is a Scottish classic.

From your post you sound like one of those bitter Doric types - Scotland the What wasn't a patch on Scotch and Wry 😉😉😉

But getting back to Godley - to me she was a One Trick Pony with no punchlines (even Michelle McManus has punchlines!!!)

Just unreal how she managed to get do far when her language seemed well known.
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