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Ginger drink

Chatty Member
DP presumably rather than your granny? So she'd be all posh and Kelvinside till she turned the character on and came out like Senga from the Gorbals?
That reminds me of my Gran but the other way round. She was a bit snobby and would put on this fake la de da voice when speaking to certain people...... especially on the telephone. Honestly at times you would think she wouldn't even call the queen her auntie 😄 Her surname was Dewar and the family joke was that she had delusions of Gran Dewar 🤣🤣
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Ginger drink

Chatty Member
Something about her just grates on me. Maybe it's the fake 'I'm just like you guys act' or maybe I just don't find her funny, I don't know.

Sorry if this has been posted before.

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JG had some sort of issue with a lassie I followed on twitter. So there was a general discussion regarding her, if we thought she was funny etc. I posted that I thought her premise was good but she needed better punchlines - I think fair comment for a comedian. Anyway, I found myself blocked by the lovely Janey 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I think Janey is suffering from that old Showbiz adage - be nice to people on the way up, cos you'll meet them on the way down!!! She sure had peed off loads of people who are quite happy about her demise.

But its amazing that all that stuff was public knowledge and the Scottish Government still picked her to do an advert!!! Suppose being pals with Nicola has its compensations!!!
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That daughter btw. Is there a single bigger case of nepotism in the entire country? Never heard a single nice thing about her and never seen anything indicating any kind of talent, yet she'll get tv spots and pundit gigs for the rest of our fucking lives
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Some Godley backstory, before she found fame as a pro-indy celebrity, she was once a popular Tory campaigner, and was so good at it that Thatcher praised her in person at the Scottish Tory Convention.

Source - her own book, in which she also claims to be the head of a shoplifting empire that she sent out to steal her entire outfit for the convention, exact sizes and all

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If we could get a list of the confirmed sockpuppet accounts she uses that'd be great too, i know of pokeymon5 and TrumpGlasgow
God there's so much stuff. How about when she was so annoying that 50 Cent told her to fuck off? How about her being the single biggest self-retweeter on the site? How about when she claimed her dog was a #metoo story?
I want to be liked too much. :unsure:

Going well, then... :LOL:
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Her appearance on HIGNFY was the worst attempt at comedy in the shows history.

There's a girl I am friends with on Twitter who suffered badly at the hands of Godney, alleging Godney was harassing her and painting Godney in a near to insane light.
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Big cry-bully on Twitter. Saw her standup once at the Fringe maybe 10-12 years ago, she was average. Told a very unconvincing story about overcharging Gordon Brown for beers in her pub, she seems like a massive bullshitter.
Tries to push her incredibly unfunny daughter's stuff.
Ego seems to be out of control following making a name for herself with the VoiceOver stuff during Covid, but she seems like a bit of a wank.
Surprised she hasn't tried playing the "oh, but I'm a character", card by now.
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Is there a reason she's obsessed with trans people? I'm fairly sure they wouldn't want to be likened to baby murderers, and the only person doing that is Janey.
She’s just trying to stay relevant, picking a ‘hot topic’ and mindlessly tweeting about it.
Wish she’d stayed cancelled :(
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I’m sorry to hear this and wish her a full and speedy recovery.

I’m sorry if this sounds nasty under the circumstances but I personally wouldn’t have put a potentially triggering photo on social media to make people aware of why my shows were being cancelled. Just my opinion and my well wishes are genuine.
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I was looking at the comments on her Facebook page and she's got her wee army of angry hateful followers all saying well she has apologised so everyone needs to move on 🙄🙄. They really don't get it and it does show what type of people they are, also anyone that doesn't agree, they all get jumped on for daring to have a different opinion.
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Ginger drink

Chatty Member
My late Grandma went with her friend to a Scotland the What show that was being recorded in the early 80s. It was the time of those huge Deirdre style glasses that they both had. They were sitting in the front row centre of the theatre. When it televised they looked like two giant flies sitting there with the stage lights reflecting on their specs 😂

That’s my Scotland The What memory. Buff Hardie used to write a funny column in the local rag.
I'm visualising that in my head and I'm lying in bed laughing to myself 🤣🤣
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For the truth

Well-known member
Should preface that I’m a cancer impacted family but Janey (and daughter) are def using this as a way of non cancelling. I wonder how her desperation to monetise the experience may end up possibly hindering her recovery. I really do hope not but not sure she can help it.
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Has anyone ever wondered whether she really has it? I mean: She was diagnosed about a month after being cancelled, her hair was pretty obviously a wig before, and she keeps tweeting for sympathy with "remember, I have cancer" posts. It's just all so convenient.

I'm aware this is pretty rude for a first post so feel free to chase me away!
Nah, I don’t like her one iota, I think she’s a poisonous turd, but I 100% believe her and wouldn’t wish that diagnosis on anyone. Living knowing you’re going to die a (probable) painful death? No.
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He completely makes an arse of himself on a regular basis.

Complete hypocrisy normally followed up by stuff along the lines of “hey, I’m human”. Hypocrisy from others though is unacceptable to him.

And ridiculous hubris normally followed up by a contrived acknowledgment of his own hubris and ego, intended to disarm.

The latest narrative to escape from his hypocrisy is “I’m older now, I’ve changed”.

Revels and delights in his social mobility to middle class status but tries to temper it with little references to how the middle class will never truly accept him and how he’ll never really be at home among them. Enjoys the trappings but pretends to be embarrassed.

Comical to watch.
Found his thread today hilarious as he spouted on and on advising young artists not to align themselves with politics… didn’t he write an article claiming support for Scottish labour this year? Absolute zoomer.
Honestly a lot of his Twitter patter is narcissistic pish, he certainly views himself as a spokesperson on everything despite not being an expert on anything, much like Mistress Vonny 😂
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She is trending on twitter this morning. Not exactly sure why though. Her new tour promo I think. She says she's been getting abuse but she's not exactly a reliable narrator.
Some people were asking her for proof that she has cancer :oops:

I'm not a fan of her, I think she's a massive attention seeker. But that's going too far.
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