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I think this thread may be wanted by a few? At least a few Scottish people on here because she DOES OUR TITS RIGHT IN.

Usual story for me. Liked her, really liked her, started to see a lot of her “poor me” stories as probably straight up lies, she really overexposed herself talent wise during pandemic and also now she’s fucked up majorly resulting in some of the most cringe apologies I’ve ever seen.
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I’ve always wondered. I’m a very sweary woman. Extremely so. Not shy of a cunt. Swear at home, in public, at work. My mum is the same. I don’t think either of us have ever been called out by a man for swearing?! Yet it happens to her like once a week? A few times yeah I’m not gonna question her lived experience. But that often? In Glasgow? Specifically with taxi drivers?!
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Sideboard Bob

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Some Godley backstory, before she found fame as a pro-indy celebrity, she was once a popular Tory campaigner, and was so good at it that Thatcher praised her in person at the Scottish Tory Convention.

Source - her own book, in which she also claims to be the head of a shoplifting empire that she sent out to steal her entire outfit for the convention, exact sizes and all

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If we could get a list of the confirmed sockpuppet accounts she uses that'd be great too, i know of pokeymon5 and TrumpGlasgow

God there's so much stuff. How about when she was so annoying that 50 Cent told her to fuck off? How about her being the single biggest self-retweeter on the site? How about when she claimed her dog was a #metoo story?
50 Cent‘s tweet to her is still there and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen!

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She’s doing the whole victim thing on Facebook where most of her middle aged minions reside. Posting pictures of sunset saying “there is always light”. No one is deid Janey, you just got caught being racist.
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Well-known member
I'm horrified by her racism but I'm also deeply upset that apparently tweets full of slurs against the disabled were considered okay. Something was only done about this vile woman when her racism came to, if it had been "just" her horrible tweets about the disabled that clearly would have got a past.

Even in the world of social justice, disability rights and giving any sort of crap about disabled people at all isn't considered worthwhile enough. Makes me heart broken.
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Chatty Member
Her tweets were racist. There is no context here. Shocking that she thought they were funny or acceptable. She must accept the consequences. People who are calling her brave or justifying her behaviour are just revealing their own ignorance. You cannot be saying ignorant and offensive shit like that. Being a comedian is irrelevant.
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I have someone close to me with diagnosed mental health issues and it bugs the living bejesus out of me the way that it’s dragged out as an excuse for every tiny thing and used for pity parties.
I have mental health problems to the extent that I can't work but I'm not tweeting racist, misogynist, ablist, ageist, sexist, or anti-Semitic sharn.
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She’s just not that funny. And I’m not saying that because I’m a stuck up Aberdonian who thinks Glaswegians and SNP voters are “below stairs” (the vibe on Twitter if you’re anti-Godley and not from Glasgow) I’m saying it because it’s true.

Her “Frank Get The Door” stuff was amusing at a time when many were frightened and worried. But that absolutely can’t be used to justify her getting £12k for the worst advert of all time and NS needs to have her hide tanned for OKing that one.

She also strikes me as the type who’d want nothing to do with you unless she could benefit somehow. Couple that with the “proud working class woman” shtick of hers she’s totally inauthentic.
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No idea who this woman is.
Weird that you felt the need to join the thread then 😂👍🏻

. Her daughter went to Hutchie, well known private school in Glasgow. So clearly has funds as bursaries are v rare.
Doesn’t the story go that her ex (and the daughters dad) is some kind of gangster so maybe that’s how the fees were paid?

I see Loki the Scottish rapper has decided to jump on the Janey scandal and milk it for all it’s worth. Someone told me his back story is also pretty well embellished- his parents were teachers and he was not a member of the young team… Dunno if it’s true but.

I jumped here from the Vonny thread (rest in peace to all the fictional Vonnies)
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I grew up in the 70s and 80s in Aberdeen which at the time was not hugely diverse (this had since changed for the better). My parents weren’t in any way right on, for want of a better term, but we knew not to be racist, homophobic or disablist. People blame the times for historic bigotry but it’s always been bigotry.
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Janey got her arse handed to her by Martina Navratilova! She didn't dare set her gob up to Martina.

I don't know what she tweeted initially, because she blocked me ages ago. (I can't remember what for, but it doesn't take much. I think it was when all those nasty old tweets resurfaced.)
'Have you ever seen anyone trying to redefine what a man is? Me neither.' is an excellent point to make.

Interesting how Janey backed down quietly when it was someone more famous than her. Us plebs would be blocked and probably quoted and attacked into the bargain.
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I used to follow her as well but had to unfollow she is one of those annoying folk who have their opinion and if you don't agree with her she sets her wee lapdogs on you and puts up a big status about being bullied because she cannot comprehend that people have differing opinions and I started finding her page full of hate so unfollowed so all the grovelling apologies are pathetic and she doesn't mean it, these types of folk only ever feel remorseful when it hits them in the pockets
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50 Cent‘s tweet to her is still there and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen!

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hahaha I just laughed out loud so hard, i think i've punctured a lung. Oh, fuck, I need to print that out and frame it.

The Scottish media is very Glasgow-centric so anything that is seen as Glasgow banter is seen to be funny whether it is or not. Kevin Bridges - funny; Janey Godley - 90% not. There was that dreadful Dorothy someone who used to be on the TV at Hogmanay too. Scotland the What from Aberdeen years ago were brilliant but the Glasgow meeja probably couldn't understand them. (Why are we always expected to understand Glaswegians but other Scottish accents are too difficult though?)
Dorothy Paul. My granny was a singer/dancer and she was regularly in shows with people like DP. Very posh with a big poker up her arse.

Did anyone else see JG on the Joanna Lumley travel programme where she toured the UK? She was an utter embarrassment. My sphincter was the size of the eye of a needle cringing at her. At least Joanna had the good grace to smile but i bet she was thinking "who the fuck is this whalloper?" Obviously in a posher accent. ;)
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I initially liked Godley last year during lockdown. But I started to notice lot of sad fishing and pity posts. Lots of screenshots from alleged trolls too. I only followed her on FB so completely unaware of the twitter stuff until I saw her apology and went digging. There are fake racist tweets in her name which have been proven fake. But there are defintly real ones. The disabled ones particularly upset me as I have a disabled child. Some of the awful tweets are as recent as 2017. I don't think she has any excuse. No matter how old the tweets are either. She knew what she was doing. I can see her drunk tweeting too but I don't know if she drinks. The tory stuff has shocked me, I did not see that coming. I suppose she is the type that will always support whoever is in power so long as it benefits her.

I also agree she became more annoying as time went on and her daughter is definitely not funny.

I only became aware of Haggerty through Godley. Definitely toxic. Both she and Godley have had a lot of trauma in life though so I wonder how much of the attention seeking is linked to that.

It seems like one big toxic club. She also made a film with Sanjeev Kohli, whilst I like his acting work, there have been scandals associated with his family (landlords I believe) and of course his brother. It seems very little came of that, I don't recall Hardeep being arrested etc but this was a wee while ago now. I wonder how much Godley knew. Its disheartening and disturbing how much clout they have with media and Scotgov.
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Her tweets were racist. There is no context here. Shocking that she thought they were funny or acceptable. She must accept the consequences. People who are calling her brave or justifying her behaviour are just revealing their own ignorance. You cannot be saying ignorant and offensive shit like that. Being a comedian is irrelevant.
Yep. That stuff was definitely not OK 10 years ago. I’m amazed she wasn’t called out at the time. It never fails to amaze me how many adults are too stupid to keep their racist opinions off the internet. You could mine my MySpace through to my Instagram over 15 odd years and you wouldn’t find anything like that and I’m sure that’s true of most people. Lets give them jobs instead of making excuses for vile behaviour. It’s almost like we have accepted that all people have shady pasts that should be forgiven. Nope!
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Now we are talking!!!
Where to begin with Godley? Firstly, she has never, ever been funny. The voiceovers were “enjoyed” by a particular small demographic of people who would laugh at a closing door, a sweetie wrapper blowing down the street or anything and I mean anything which has a reference to parochial, stereotypical Scottishness.

The shtick was bad to begin with and remained bad. The individual herself milked it for all she could and sought to ingratiate herself with the famous and powerful. It worked.

Her behaviour towards any challenge was extreme. She conducted herself online and a deranged, narcissist bully when she should not have been drawing attention to herself given the skeletons in her digital cupboard.

the downfall is sweet. The apology is not remotely sincere. Sturgeon is left with massive egg on her face with her “these things happen” comment and I say that as a lifelong supporter or independence.

Far too many ratbag charlatans kicking around in Scottish public life and it’s a joy when they are exposed and taken down. They richly deserve it.

I'm stunned.
Not by the fact she's in the shit, she really is vile, but by the racism.
How the hell has she not been called out before now? It's not just the odd tweet. Entire podcasts with racial slurs. Her daughter telling her shut up and she still rambles on.
It was obviously deliberate, set out to shock. A 50something year old woman repeating the P word to describe Asian people. Pathetic.
All her cheerleaders knew, the just hoped that it would magically not become widely known.

Her tweets were racist. There is no context here. Shocking that she thought they were funny or acceptable. She must accept the consequences. People who are calling her brave or justifying her behaviour are just revealing their own ignorance. You cannot be saying ignorant and offensive shit like that. Being a comedian is irrelevant.
The most hilarious was the utterly bizarre Angela Haggerty who spends her life making bizarre claims and also seeing anti-Irish racism in her tea, cornflakes, supper and pudding. “Racism! Call it out!” Is her war cry.

yet when Godley’s racism is exposed we have a tear-stained public defence and a rant about how Godley is being a victim of the usual misogyny.

Earlier in the week during an attention deficit we had claims from Haggerty that a deliveroo driver had sneakily taken pictures of her child when making a delivery. She is insane but also malicious.

Not sure why all 3 of my posts condensed into one post. Can’t see an edit button.
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VIP Member
I'm stunned.
Not by the fact she's in the shit, she really is vile, but by the racism.
How the hell has she not been called out before now? It's not just the odd tweet. Entire podcasts with racial slurs. Her daughter telling her shut up and she still rambles on.
It was obviously deliberate, set out to shock. A 50something year old woman repeating the P word to describe Asian people. Pathetic.
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Active member
I'm horrified by her racism but I'm also deeply upset that apparently tweets full of slurs against the disabled were considered okay. Something was only done about this vile woman when her racism came to, if it had been "just" her horrible tweets about the disabled that clearly would have got a past.

Even in the world of social justice, disability rights and giving any sort of crap about disabled people at all isn't considered worthwhile enough. Makes me heart broken.
She is a vile, vindictive and throughly repellant character, and this has been clear to see for some years.

You are right, she would probably have gotten away with it if was “just” the disabled she was cruelly attacking, and that needs to change.

Those who have stood with her and continue to do so are in full knowledge of her behaviour and their defence of her is entirely tribal. They see her as “one of them” in the toxic soup that is Scottish public life. They also fear her, because they know she has the capability to turn on them. That’s their fault though and their position is a result of their poor values and lack of judgement.

I am so pleased to have found this site, where these charlatans and bullies can be called out and exposed without the risk of them trying to destroy people for the crime of catching them out.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I used to really like her. Those old tweets are horrible though. I know they were from around ten years ago, but even then she should have known better. They weren’t even funny in an “edgy” way or anything, just pure nastiness.

Look at what she said about Kelly Rowland 😬
In a series of tweets written while Rowland was judging the UK X Factor in 2011, Godley describes the singer as “the black horse from USA” and in another states “Kelly does speak like the stereotyped black Aunt Jemima who stands on a stool in the Tom & Jerry cartoons screaming ‘TOM TOM’.”
more here -

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