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Her cancer diagnosis, which is very sad indeed, has sure allowed her to uncancel herself.
Has anyone ever wondered whether she really has it? I mean: She was diagnosed about a month after being cancelled, her hair was pretty obviously a wig before, and she keeps tweeting for sympathy with "remember, I have cancer" posts. It's just all so convenient.

I'm aware this is pretty rude for a first post so feel free to chase me away!
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Found his thread today hilarious as he spouted on and on advising young artists not to align themselves with politics… didn’t he write an article claiming support for Scottish labour this year? Absolute zoomer.
Honestly a lot of his Twitter patter is narcissistic pish, he certainly views himself as a spokesperson on everything despite not being an expert on anything, much like Mistress Vonny 😂
Over the last 5 years it’s been Labour, SNP, Green “I’m politically homesless waaaah” and even a little dabble with RISE.

So glad I’ve found this site.
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I'm still blocked on Twitter 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I'm not bothered - I wear it as a badge of honour 😉😉😉

But I honestly wouldn't wish cancer upon my worst enemy. So I hope Janey fully recovers.

And maybe improves her act by incorporating some punchlines.
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Ah, then I guess I owe Janey an apology. There's just something odd about the whole situation and I can't put my finger on what. I usually have a pretty good BS detector.

Best wishes to your friend.
She does have it , but I do understand your feeling something feels odd to me too and I'm not sure what.
I understand the fear etc and sharing her journey....I have two friends in similar situations but with different cancers.its awful to live with that situation.
I know its her page and she can share what she wants but I wish , she would share awareness or how to check for symptoms more. To be frank I've forgotten what cancer she has , the newspapers always share her updates from social media and it be great to see an awareness or symptoms post.could help others.
I know its not her job nor should she feel obliged etc but I'd see that as a more positive impact.
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Has anyone ever wondered whether she really has it? I mean: She was diagnosed about a month after being cancelled, her hair was pretty obviously a wig before, and she keeps tweeting for sympathy with "remember, I have cancer" posts. It's just all so convenient.

I'm aware this is pretty rude for a first post so feel free to chase me away!
I think she has it as I know someone who was getting treatment at the same place.
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She is only sorry she got caught. I’m disgusted at the FM.
Sturgeon like most SNP politicians cannot admit when they make a mistake

By allowing herself to be potrayed in a comedic light by Godley it allowed some people to forget how much of a cunt she was making of the pandemic.
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is the daily posting on trans rights genuine or just trying to cause conflict?
I used to believe they were her true feelings but now I feel they are forced , in an attempt to get reactions
i think it's a reasonable reaction from someone (especially a very outspoken person) who supports trans rights when the overwhelming message in the media is very anti trans right now
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For the truth

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I think the anti semetic ones were fake, but it seems Baddiel has no problem with her anti black racism 🤔
Godley admitted responsibility for most of the tweets but maintained some were fake. From what I saw she disowned the most offensive. Has anyone proved they were in fact all her own work or she was actually being truthful?
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Now we are talking!!!
Where to begin with Godley? Firstly, she has never, ever been funny. The voiceovers were “enjoyed” by a particular small demographic of people who would laugh at a closing door, a sweetie wrapper blowing down the street or anything and I mean anything which has a reference to parochial, stereotypical Scottishness.

The shtick was bad to begin with and remained bad. The individual herself milked it for all she could and sought to ingratiate herself with the famous and powerful. It worked.

Her behaviour towards any challenge was extreme. She conducted herself online and a deranged, narcissist bully when she should not have been drawing attention to herself given the skeletons in her digital cupboard.

the downfall is sweet. The apology is not remotely sincere. Sturgeon is left with massive egg on her face with her “these things happen” comment and I say that as a lifelong supporter or independence.

Far too many ratbag charlatans kicking around in Scottish public life and it’s a joy when they are exposed and taken down. They richly deserve it.

All her cheerleaders knew, the just hoped that it would magically not become widely known.

The most hilarious was the utterly bizarre Angela Haggerty who spends her life making bizarre claims and also seeing anti-Irish racism in her tea, cornflakes, supper and pudding. “Racism! Call it out!” Is her war cry.

yet when Godley’s racism is exposed we have a tear-stained public defence and a rant about how Godley is being a victim of the usual misogyny.

Earlier in the week during an attention deficit we had claims from Haggerty that a deliveroo driver had sneakily taken pictures of her child when making a delivery. She is insane but also malicious.

Not sure why all 3 of my posts condensed into one post. Can’t see an edit button.
If no one posts in between your posts, they get merged. The Edit button is in the dotted line dropdown to the right of Report on the left side of your post for a certain time (30 minutes?) after you've posted it.
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Janey Godley makes me ashamed to be Scottish. I’ve never thought she was funny. The Government’s reaction of “These things happen” is disgusting. It wouldn’t be that if it was a certain football club!
Correct. Hypocrisy at its worst with that lot.
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I think she has or at least said the thought it was ok at the time because it was part of a comedy routine (I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist).
Even though I'm not keen on JG, and I would never condone racist slurs, it is possible some stuff has been taken out of context.

Maybe she was portraying a "bigoted person on the street", but either way, the world doesn't need to hear it. I'd move tables if I heard a racist or aggressive person next to me in a pub/restaurant - social media doesn't need these voices either.

Either that or she's trying to be a female Jerry Sadowitz, shocking people - he apparently got blackballed from TV. His act is a very hard sell in today's world - his stream of consciousness chatter would make a typical TV audience/TV executives very uncomfortable.
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This article lists her offensive tweets.
WTF, and Janey's front-and-centre in a "KICK THE TORIES OUT!" demonstration (picture contained within that article) - though it looks like it might be an SNP rally

(I get that the previous comments about her being involved with the Scottish Tories was about bringing them on side to achieve her aims - I think - so I'm not sure about her true political affiliations - maybe it's whatever way the wind blows/whatever best suits her).
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I went to one of Janeys free festival shows a good few years ago. Her show was OK but her attitude with the audience as we all left was shocking. She asked for donations and stood at the door and was rude and mean to anyone that dared to utter a word her way! She also ended the show talking about the Glasgow bus crash that seemed odd and making it about her. Weird behaviour.
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She unlocked this morning, yes. She's already back to posting about unseen people giving her grief, normal service will be resuming soon.

Anyway, her unlocking her account has given me the chance to post screens of the most cynical twitter thread i've ever seen, a real Godley classic
Janey come on! Pics or it didn’t happen….

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I haven't checked recently but she was locked for ages, and her recent posts (before today) have no retweets, which suggests she's only very recently unlocked.
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