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Probably the only thing that still fits her. She's expanding by the second.
She is the same height as me and somehow the size of two of me and I have a few stone to lose. She makes me feel slim for sure

And that’s the best top she owns to be fair 😂 I’m hoping the rebel top will make a comeback after taking 8 days to dry on the exercise bike 🙏🏻
Yes it is probably is but it just made me wonder if she had made it from Dunelm curtains haha
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Get yourselves on Tik Tok the Superspy has jyst given that cunt a piece of it’s mind about the Charlie debacle, it’s on the Superspy video, no punches pulled so Superspy told me !
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I have a feeling she buys crap from that esk shop in Eastbourne it’s full of crap and dirt cheap that’s why the products keep changing she literally buys what the shop have I reckon
This is where the biznessss is registered to
That would explain why things often end up out of stock never to be seen again shes no reliable source of wholesale so buys whatever they have when they have it
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Is it usual for customers to comment on how ‘genuine’ the seller is? I’ve noticed it a lot on Chins’ content, ‘oh we love you you’re so genuine’, ‘you and beanflicker are so genuine’. Maybe it’s how people speak these days but it seems a weird theme! Even when buying from small businesses.
Well I’ve never left an eBay review stating anything about the seller as a person as I don’t know them 😂
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Most liked thread title! Who’s gonna do it? I don’t know how 🤷‍♀️
i'll do this quickly now but if someone could re cap i'd be grateful as just heading out on school run and shopping

New thread guys...see you there!

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Don’t really think there is much you can say anyway @lexiloo in the form of a re cap as the thread title pretty much sums her activity up of late !
She eats - fucking more than ever which is why a stint on my 600lb life beckons shortly
She shits - yup, those toilet fizz things that she makes have been seeing plenty of action but down her own bog as imagine it,s rather squiffy in chez Gammons
She packs - fuck me don,t we know it, all of the classic Gammon videos have now fallen by the wayside and now it’s just Jane,s idea of a hard sell to her merry little throng of brain washed buyers.
And yes this is the merry go round of her dull life, she has time for no one or nothing else. Even Charlie after a hard days graft has to come home and cook the tea/dinner depending on where you live, sad cow ! She repeats !!

What about squits ! It rhymes
ive asked for squits instead, good idea!
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She’s on insta chatting about police and trolls 😂 give it a rest ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ go shove a Burger King in that wobbly gob
I think she needs to get it into her rather thick skull that we‘re not actually trolling on here, this site was set up for people to discuss so called influencers and that’s what we do here 🤷🏻‍♀️

when will she and others like her understand that there is a distinct difference between trolling and airing opinions about people on here, trolling is going direct to their inboxes or on their posts, tattle is a gossip site, we do it here because we're not trolls and we don't do it on their socials, im rolling my eyes so much I resemble a slot machine right now! And anyone claiming to be uncovering the real identities of tattlers is admitting to a whopping criminal offence and would be better suited to working for MI5 than fannying on on insta trying to be scare monger folks ***shakes head in despair***
We shouldn't give her plight anymore air time.........stupid is as stupid does ;)
PS - she looks a right old knobber using that filter with fake eyelashes.....just saying as it's my opinion :p :p :p
Great minds, Lexi ma love 😂
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Trouble is if you are constantly on YouTube being an utter dick for all to see this shit is bound to happen wrong or right , most people don’t take it all seriously, like us just have a laugh about it 😅 maybe if chins was a nicer person she wouldn’t keep having to tell us how lovely she is ?
Exactly, you’ve hit the nail on the head!
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I scrolled to the bikini pic 😭 send help!!! to me and her!!
ps - looks like she was on janes FM team
Take a look at the dresser with the Easter baskets on top I'm sure that's mouse/rat droppings in the drawer
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A quick nosey and the account that wrote the first comment earlier today has 16 pages of comments every single one of which is about Nadia ..the only other one was what they posted about Jane today but that's now gone. I will say that the profile pic is very apt too. They have also gone from Member to Chatty member since I looked earlier...
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Doesn’t he have any male friends that he could go to the gym with, and have a sociable pint after?!
I think they’ve given up asking him mummy Janey says no.

Did they only go for one night? I wonder if she still took the chopping board? :unsure:
That looks the perfect spot for a chopping board 😬 it was the vicar in the library with a candlestick lol!
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I bet she’s living out her phantasy of Bridgerton, she used to get off on it 😉
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