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Oriental Magic Vacuum fresheners. You just KNOW that Jane was expecting that to smell like chicken, chips & curry sauce from the local takeaway.. and that she was disappointed when it didn't.
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Ooh ! looks like the MIL has put Charlie in the bad books ,she is in a care home but doesn't like it and when Charlie went to visit she barely spoke to him when he enquired about her health he was told his mum has told them not to disclose any info to anyone including him.Janes making out she's confused and doesn't know what she's saying or what day it is guess is she's seen exactly how they've treated her and is done with them ,she's due to leave the home soon and Jane said she'll never manage as theres steps up to her flat and her mobility isn't great but instead of offering for her to come and stay she's suggested to charlie they could turn her flat into a bedsit and have everything in the one room.She's said Charlie is so stressed out about it and she's told him he has to put his mental health first and his priorities first there's only so much he can do ,,so in other words leave his mum to it :cautious: once again she 's just filled another vlog (members too) with her spin on Charlies mums health and private business ..she's disgusting ..
Once again she’s showing her true colours! It sounds like she’s said to Charlie to take a step back, she’s a selfish bitch. I’m amazed he was allowed to go and see his Mum on his own. As for sharing poor old Mrs Gammons business all over fucking YouTube, she’s totally out of order

Why do they have to travel so far? When I fancy changing my car, I go to the local showroom, test drive a model I like, then I sit down with the sales guy, tell him what extras I want & he orders my car. Job done & I only have to travel 2 miles out of my village to do it....

Nah, I'm sure she said recently she's going back to normal hours. Fucking dopey mare. Its no big deal, I've done it for 10 years. And Fat chops, while your're up wobbling away at 3 am that you're such a fucking trooper, I'm on a spinning bike getting a cardio session in before I start work at 5am. Can you imagine that? actually working fitness goals around a full time working life!! Wow! I bet that blows your mind, doesn't it Jane.......

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One of the great mysteries of the world is how, with auto correct, grammar checker and every bloody thing else on technology these days, there are STILL people who manage to churn out incoherent bollocks like this. Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Marge was frantically typing this to send before the guard realises she has an illicit mobile phone stashed between her arse cheeks?
Poor Marge sounds like she’s demented 🙄
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Maybe it's Jamie I haven't noticed him comment in a while ,glad her sheep are actually seeing her for what she is ...finally..

Why did she say Our week of CC ? Charlie didn't do a weigh in and was still drinking and having chip butties.. tbh I think he's got a drink problem he seems really off and depressed atm 🤔
I,d be suicidal if I had to lie next that Heffer every night and shag her Once a month, she,s an absolute nightmare, 28 going on 68 !

You're spot on with everything you've said! And what makes me laugh more than anything, is when she was talking about her 'friend' who has suddenly turned against her and the fact that this person said 'others feel the same'. Can Jane not understand that her followers are turning against her because we've built up her fan base and now she's charging us all £2.00 to watch the same crap we were watch for nothing?? There are so many things I would love to say to her, but I'm blocked on every platform she has lol. To be honest with you all though, I'm not a troll. I'm not someone who purposely goes out to make someone elses life a misery. I'm a 60 yr old respected grandmother. But you can't talk sense to her, show her where she's going wrong etc etc, because she just blocks you. I think where she went wrong was when she starting charging her fans to watch her videos. Big mistake! I seriously don't know anyone else who charges, apart from Nadia Sawalia.
She went wrong before that I,m afraid, as soon as she became lady Gammon,s that’s when she transformed into nothing short of a moaning self centred old cow and it gets worse every day! Before that didn’tmind her tbh
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Jane makes out that Chawlee,s mam isn't all there but I,m thinking she,s just the opposite. By the sound of it she has sussed Miss Piggy out and they have little time for each other and as a result probably wouldn't want that money grabbers fat fingers on Chawlee, s inheritance, so maybe she,s being cruel to be kind. She,s not letting him know anything anymore about her health or her life by the sound of things as let's face it he,s a fanny anyway and about as supportive as a broken crutch. So perhaps she might have changed her will and left everything to the local cat protection league ! ,now that would be fun to see the porkers face if that was the case 🤣🤣🤣
Would serve those two beggars right ,they'll be waiting to get their trotters on her bank account to put towards a house deposit..

Oh no ! check out her latest stories :ROFLMAO: I'm beginning to feel sorry for Hinch:LOL: she's at her creative best !
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I'm sure there was more of the Lindor choclits found their way into her gob than into her packages ;) can't wait for her next bikini shot 😂 no amount of stretching her neck or anything else will work we can still see the real deal ! They'll be like two dirty old men at the top of Beachy Head hoping to catch the next porno shoot or spying on the doggers ..I wonder what it takes to get monotone Charlie going 🥴:ROFLMAO:
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no time to upload 😂 yet plenty time for nana naps, rurrlaxing, sitting about her office fannying on with stick on bows and chuppa chups and not forgetting drives to beachy head for "date nights" which means stuff your face silly while watching arses go up and down at dogging alley ;)
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Why would you want to go out in the car to watch Netflix instead of the comfort of your own home? Seems madness to me. They really are a daft pair.
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I might be wrong but don't you have to inform your local council if you run a business from home and pay business rates as well as council tax.🤷‍♀️
Not sure but what I do know is that given she is frequently having large amounts of flammable liquid in the form of fragrrintses she may want to check her household insurance cover.....That's assuming she bothers to pay for any. One would assume that the big warning labels she has to put on the parcels might serve as a reminder but we can't assume anything with Chubs.

I was thinking a T-shirt press to put her wobbly gob on her own clothing "merch" :ROFLMAO:
Christ on a bike, if they were going to have her fizog on them, they'd be over sized for sure.

I was thinking a T-shirt press to put her wobbly gob on her own clothing "merch" :ROFLMAO:
I can just see it now. She is incapable of thinking up an idea of her own so her murtch would probably have "you do me" in handwriting font in a selection of pastel colours from her very own 'Janegelle' collection......
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I still can't believe she thinks that roast dinner and gravy is insta worthy.......that belongs on rate my plate! gravy Charwee? one slice or two????
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I reckon Charlie went to the Brighton match yesterday, I saw it on the news that they allowed fans in wearing masks. Let’s face it, that’s normally the only place he’s allowed to go without her, I think he goes with her Dad and Brother doesn’t he. I bet he was made up to get away from chins for a few hours. Plus another excuse not to visit poor old Mrs Gammons as he’s been in a crowd 🙄. He should be visiting her every weekend the lazy fucker, we all know it’ll be Jane stopping him
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Imagine Miss Piggy thought we couldn't see Helen's comments :ROFLMAO: I was waiting for her to say more ,why did that person have to say they could see them😂 Jane's got a quote on her stories too ,something like no matter what you do they always find fault but fuck them we're really getting to her guyzz
I was howling, bless this cookie was ruffled 😂 Jane looked like bet lynch in her awful jumper cooking and thanking people for telling her she looked like she lost some weight, are they serious? she looked as puffy as ever! losing weight my arse! she soon ended the live when she realised everyone was commenting about helen and a lot could see her comments, cocky sods thought only jane could see helens comments, thick as mince the pair of them!!!
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What the hell is “instant profit” I doubt it’s that much and is that before or after tax, NI, packing supplies, sweets?

Her figures don’t add up not that math was ever her strong point but 1.3k this month? What in 3 fucking days Jane? or did ditzy mean last month?
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