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I am so stunned at her level of arrogance and failure to see things how they truly are.... is she taking the fucking piss in that latest vlog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 her life is busy?!?!?! She doesn't get time with the bean?!?! 😳

I agree with all the comments above.. she is 100% addressing tattle yet again! ... she buys things she doesn't need to review to earn fucking money off youtube, the stupid bitch. Is the penny finally dropping that people only watch her to take the piss? And the ridiculous way she conducts herself, and that gormless husband of hers.. do they honestly think people won't say anything? We can only judge her by what she chooses to show! She does take things for free and skank whatever she can... they totally mislead people with the muscle food plan! They were NOT losing any weight, they were putting it on!!! And LYING!

She's clearly got mental health issues. She craves and seeks sympathy from people constantly. She's always got to be more hard done by than anyone else. She's also a compulsive liar. Just had to get it in there how bad she felt through the height of the pandemic 🙄🙄🙄 she absolutely disgusts me
You're spot on with everything you've said! And what makes me laugh more than anything, is when she was talking about her 'friend' who has suddenly turned against her and the fact that this person said 'others feel the same'. Can Jane not understand that her followers are turning against her because we've built up her fan base and now she's charging us all £2.00 to watch the same crap we were watch for nothing?? There are so many things I would love to say to her, but I'm blocked on every platform she has lol. To be honest with you all though, I'm not a troll. I'm not someone who purposely goes out to make someone elses life a misery. I'm a 60 yr old respected grandmother. But you can't talk sense to her, show her where she's going wrong etc etc, because she just blocks you. I think where she went wrong was when she starting charging her fans to watch her videos. Big mistake! I seriously don't know anyone else who charges, apart from Nadia Sawalia.
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Honestly I think his mum feels conned and heart broken I bet they’ve been down papers in hand trying to get her to sign stuff or sign stuff over. She feels they can’t be trusted and if she’s in sound mind why does Jane talk like she’s unable to make decisions If she is having problems like dementia then you usually have someone allowed to help which means she doesn’t trust Charlie her only child!! I would be gutted if my mum felt she couldn’t trust me I bet she feels shoved in a home very different from what janes says before she claimed she liked it

Did you hear her say about turning his mums front room into a bed sit!! It’s obvious she doesn’t want that why is jabs trying to force her into things and expect her to live in a single room

Jane isn’t an only child so won’t understand but Charlie is losing his family to suit her he will regret his actions 😔
I bet when it her parents turn to need extra care Charlie will have no choice but to agree to her demands ..
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I thought he was heading to the pub until I saw her fingers crossed emogi ,he must be going to persuade his mum to stay put in the carehome😒
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Looking hot Jane ... you might have found the perfect chin filter but there ain't no ig filter for stupid.
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I don’t know why but I was just sitting here and into my head popped something funny! Does anyone remember when chins expewimented and cooked a full English in her slow cooker overnight?!! And she wondered why the egg was a bit hard!!! It literally just popped into my head and I felt compelled to share! Now, for the latest offering!!! Can’t wait!
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Oh my goodness that is so bad of her!!!! What a disgusting cold hearted bitch she is, Where's her bekind now??. Yet chins herself has anxiety 😏🙄 but no-one else could suffer like her evidently. Her mask has well and truly slipped! I feel like punching her fat potato head in 😤
You will have to be behind me in the queue I,m afraid, she is getting more obnoxious by the day !

Yes I think it's daft boys jumper she got him in Primark a while back, must be to small for him now it's probs only and XL so Miss Piggy's claimed it instead of putting on the heating..
amazed it fits her then, not unless she,s cut it up the back to make it look baggy 🤣🤣
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Just pulling up a chair 💺, love the thread title😂😂
Me too. Got my negative callree mowtun' chips ready. Honestly guyzzzzz you eat these and free fousund callrees just mewt away......


Offering £5? Offering £5 what? £5 off? Offering anyone £5 to buy the shit? Offering the pair for £5? Honestly chins, I know you're desperate to flog your often mistaken for cat pish rubbish but might be an idea to start proof reading your adverts before your mistakes start to eat into your 50p per bottle profit and you really do have to start paying people to buy it.
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Yea like a dream that will never become a reality !!!🤣🤣🤣
I love that a heavily filtered picture is captioned Insta reality.

🤣🤣 I’d really miss the laughs she brings us all 😂
Me too. I'd have to start venturing out to that shabby shopping centre I mentioned a while back to people watch and get the same high I get from a good old Gammon troll.

Hi, don't think Gammo will give up YouTube completely when there's members to her channel to be milked. How long she will hold onto them if it is the only, not bonus content remains to be seen!

I have just changed my profile picture to the beautiful Marion Cotillard and it left me thinking, those of you that chose to use a 'gormless gammon' unflattering photo for your profile, do you ever think about what people think on other threads? Most people will not have a clue who she is!

I ask because on a serious thread about a long time missing person, a member who has not (to my recollection) posted here recently was offering serious views with a profile picture of party Gammons. I found it difficult to take her views seriously with her profile picture of Jane, with a moustache and sombrero!
Nope. Aside from one recent comment on another totally unrelated thread, the gammon is the only person I comment on. But trust me when I say I don't give a shiny shyte what people think of me in real life so it's even less so on an anonymous forum. They probably think i'm a multi chinned heffer who can't spell but meh, I'm cool with that.
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Great point to whoever mentioned they buy all the stock themselves to hit targets then have to try flog it on after at cut prices and balloon pops!!!!! That’s exactly how it works!!!!
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I remember the a&e visits, bunch of tits! When my dad was in stage 4 lung cancer he was struggling to get his breath and would not let my mum get him an ambulance at one point! She did so anyway but what im trying to say is my dad had terminal lung cancer and was reluctant to go to hospital whilst these two whoppers rush to a&e with papercuts!
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Jane makes out that Chawlee,s mam isn't all there but I,m thinking she,s just the opposite. By the sound of it she has sussed Miss Piggy out and they have little time for each other and as a result probably wouldn't want that money grabbers fat fingers on Chawlee, s inheritance, so maybe she,s being cruel to be kind. She,s not letting him know anything anymore about her health or her life by the sound of things as let's face it he,s a fanny anyway and about as supportive as a broken crutch. So perhaps she might have changed her will and left everything to the local cat protection league ! ,now that would be fun to see the porkers face if that was the case 🤣🤣🤣
I might even pay the members fee for the video if she does that 🤣🤣 it would be gold to see their faces when they found out

Does anyone else feel this is set up like we never heard of this person before ?

So many people r excited about this book yet her engagement saids otherwise
We Will probably never hear of her again either :/

Well if Jane and Charlie are as much as she can muster as characters wonder 😂
Review on the back
'Yea its alright'
Mr C Gammons 🤣🤣
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I love how she just sits in the car smiling and giggling and making light of the situation, referring to the situation as another "problem" that they need to deal with 😳 Charlie really doesn't see her evilness does he?? He's there, going on about his mother who's in a care home and all she can do is chuckle away wobbling her chins. She shows more concern when they fuck her food shop delivery up 😤

I was disgusted when she laughed about Charlie being paranoid about social distancing when out and how he doesn't want to do restaurants etc just yet... her laughing and taking the piss doesn't seem to fit her deep anxiety about the virus now does it?? I don't think it occurred to chins that Charlie may be stressed about someone passing the virus to his elderly mother in a care home, you know, the most likely group of people at risk from dying from covid??

Oh and your jumper looked utter shite chins. It makes you look huge, emphasised your many neck rolls and you deffo needed a size or two up as the 18 was like sausage skin on you. You look like a giant bottle of mustard with a paper napkin at the neck.
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Following on from the dwarves
liar (doesn't end in y but Doc didn't either)
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Positivity cards? This is the woman who suffered from anxiety, can’t go for a gentle walk on her own unless daft boy’s at her side, in fact can’t do anything on her own at all! She is so needy and dependent on him.....and she regurgitates all this tripe.
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Not watched Jane's stories, no disrespect to others, surviving son spent two days in hospital, discharged(or released as he stated) Sunday evening.

It puts things in perspective. What I know is Jane couldn't tell a succinct, compelling story to save her life, she could bore for England!
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This will be the closest chins will get to weight loss
funniest thing I’ve seen today.... that may as well be anyone.... because it bares fuck all in resemblance to Jane.... who the fuck is she trying to kid we all have eyes... I could understand if we had never seen her we’d know no difference but come on she’s absolutely ridiculous 😂😂

The logo looks good because it looks NOTHING like dame belly pork of beachy head
I bloody love you Lexi 😂😂
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Yes he's living life in slowmotion ,I pity the psychiatrist when he starts explaining his concerns about his mum 😬 they'll have to try and make sense of them both ..
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