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Well-known member
The Asda one was a whole waste of everyone’s time to be honest.
Especially ours as apart from the “coat” lust, (I use the word coat loosely, apologies to anyone who also has this Asda delight but I guess you’ll have the sense to buy it in a size that actually fits you) and slimming into the off the shoulder dress she might have to go back to get there wasn’t much to Tatte about...shame! It won’t be long though until she provides us with a Tattle worthy vlog later on today as Janeychin’s Marchmass plods on!
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Lars Guinard

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And pissing cheese! I hope she gets the shits after scoffing all that which she will
I hope she craps her sen up at Beachy head whilst dogging 💩🐶
I didn't watch the whole of the live so caught a bit with Jane saying "The floors all sticky and you need the toilet"
I thought she'd had to get the spare pants out!
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She,s on admitting She,s comfort eating again, no shit Sherlock !! Face is like a fucking football. Just because you hoard food Janiechins doesn’t, mean that you have to hoard it all in that expanding gut ! The fucking IBS has just got a mention, oh Christ she,s on a Debbie downer for sure and she,s right about one thing, this live is like word 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮projectile !
Had to leave her a comment 🤣🤣
100% been on tattle again!!!!
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this ones on her stories, im watching the youtube vlog now and shaking my head at the general twuntery of them!
I thought she was using the Nutra check ?she showed us my fitness pal with the calorie deficit..I put those 4 sausages in the Nutra check app and their 324 calories count her veg gravy and potatoes your looking a good 600+ cals

he must get the piss ripped right out of him at work......

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View attachment 93897
Willie Nelson come ET what a bloody plonker

She’s absolutely off her head, Jane you scoffed all the bloody food hun 🤣🤣

I reckon you’re right about the flowers, how sad though, god the poor fella works hard and goes out once in a while with his mates and he has to contend with that shit 🙄
Jesus she's even cryin about him buying 2 pair of shoe laces ffs
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Lars Guinard

VIP Member
Tesco terms and conditions are to not talk about customers out side of work
Why do you feel the need to report Jane? Do you think what Jane did is wrong or do you feel upset at her ignoring you on her live? I assume a lot of companies have the same policy and expect employees to adhere to it.
If you are Jane, then the responsibility lies with should be mindful of what comes out of your mouth and you can't preach #bekind if you are being very unkind yourself-that's how I see it.
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Oh god, the Gammonettes are getting worse! someone commented on latest video saying “how can you ever think of yourself of anything other than honest and inspirational” erm inspirational for what hun 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔🤣 the poor cow whoever she is signed off by saying love you JG 🤣🤣🤣

Why on earth did she “pre cook” frozen fish and chips?! She said herself they only take 20mins in the oven, but instead she cooked them hours earlier and reheated in the microwave. Who wants to eat soggy oven chips?? How late were they getting home that they couldn’t wait 20mins for their food to cook?
I thought the same, bizarre!!

Im sure the Yardy Yarley perfume which in her opinion was a bit of a granny scent would go perfect with her wardrobe 😂😂😂
I pissed myself when she said that, the tit!! Oh it would match her wardrobe haha
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Boro Lass

Active member
Not stopping her scoffing their food supply anyway,nor trying to talk Charlie out of sending his mother a card for Sunday (anything to stop him having contact)..she's more faces than Big Ben that 1

iv'e often wondered whether She got on with Charlie's Mum. Has something gone on there? They never seem to visit Her or have any contact. I'd be heartbroken if my son didn't visit Me. Mind you, if she were My Daughter in Law, I wouldn't be happy, and wouldn't want Her in My home.
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Well-known member
Latest vlog...about as interesting as watching grout dry, oh hang about that’s what the vlog consisted of, as well as bragging about her cheese bargains, that 2kg block should keep her going until Saturday. I hope fellow Tattlers you’re not too hurt by the rant she had about us all? 🤣🤣🤣
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Serious question. I'm quite old so I want to know why young women like Jane and Tanya have long hair that they can't look after. Is it because long hair is the fashion? I go to work every day having washed and styled my hair, I couldn't go out without doing this and my hair is short. I have a daughter in law who has lovely long hair, I've never seen her with her hair in a bun like them ( I should maybe ask her this question) she always looks immaculate. What the actual F is with these girls. I wouldn't get a photo taken looking like that much less make a video.
Ancient from Glasgow.
I have really long thick hair that i have to wear up in a bun as a pony or anything else would interfere with work (healthcare - you do NOT want your pony dropping down into anything, ahem lol.) But if I turned up with the buns they wear in videos, which i find very hard to believe they do as they are broadcasting to 1000s of people I would be told off instantly. At home, I wear it in a plait if I am just chilling, cleaning ect. Otherwise its styled and down as I don't get much opportunity to actually wear it down with work. I think it comes down to them wanting to present as relatable and every day life.
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yes... but I bet yours look nothing like those slugs on her brow

..... Also... how she has the bloody cheek
to go on waffling about calorie counting is beyond me
has she actually lost any weight since Xmas cos’ it certainly
doesn't look like it.
Has she even lost any full stop 🤷🏼‍♀️
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