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I got lost too ! I watched the YouTube one first she was eating the chicken thing,then it was mentioned on here about her sausages? then I watched the Insta she said she done the live yesterday and didn't bother to vlog ( Jesus I'm exhausted)trying to make sense of it LOL

Do those two look like their eating salad ;)
But she counts her calories of her spinnnnnich now 😆
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“Me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,”s ALL about me and don’t forget me!” Gonna send Janeychins a t-shirt within that on! You know Janeychins who is allegedly calorie counting, take away sandwiches, McDonalds, chunks of fat ridden and sugar ridden homemade chocolate mess and chocolate Hobnobs, but please remember she’s not really into chocolit! Boo bloody hoo, now Charlie’s 30th has had to be cancelled she’s sadly lost her goal for losing weight and cried a lot about it at the weekend, so here cometh the excuses as to why she’s so quickly lost the supposed focus and motivation she had last week. Does she think people have memories as bad as hers when it comes to adding up her calories?
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I’ve had my eyebrows done & the beautician pencils the shape on first & then asks if you’re 100% sure it’s what you want before going ahead.
Chinnychinchins must’ve okay’d them lol. 😂
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Must be one featuring her ! she would have to finish work first in order to hit the delete button from all the negativity she'll get..
Yes I was awake early yesterday, at 4:50am because of work committment and when my phone pinged at 5am, I was like what the fudge is that at was a notification for her bloody voiceover shit.
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so are the brows the "big thing" she was so so nervous about in her stories week before last? bloody hell what a wuss....thought the book was going to have to come out again the way she was going on ;)

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If she had nothing to hide she would show the scales like Tan does . When Jane was doing slimming world at the start she had no problem showing her book. Until after the wedding and all the lying started that she stopped doing that and being dishonest.
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I can feel a podcarrrrst coming on, maybe they’ll record it when they’re scoffing Dominos in the car tonight 🤣
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Someone needs to break it to her that the brows look anything but natural 😳 and for some reason she's put #sussexwife 🙄😂
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I thought she was so focused now, er yeah Jane on McDonalds hun 🤣
Yeah focussed on getting back on track whilst shaking her noodle pot....very healthy Janeychins but they’re your calories you can spend them on artery clogging, processed shite if you want. Taking of which that slab of sugar and fat she’d so nicely packaged as a gift, they have the willpower of Imelda Marcos in a shoe shop, will have been vacuumed up by the pair of them by now, it must contain at least 5000 calories, what a deluded, thick and arrogant specimen she is but it’s ok she’s in calorie deficit and losing weight!
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Winkle pickers 😂🤣 not heard that for years!
Her eyebrows make her face look even wonkier than normal!
That risotto looked rank and just when I was starting to get over that I had to endure with Charliebean spilling over his jeans like a cottage loaf - and don’t get me started on those shoes - they look like my nan’s slippers 🤦🏻‍♀️
Omg funny as fuck 🤣🤣

Janeychins!! Found something to replace that stained nighty you wear.... Chock'lit! 🤣


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She'll be earning about £9 an hour at Tesco so getting £633 a mumf. 10% bonus is £63.30 which is just enough to cover one week's choclit 😉
So that's probably what she spends a mumf on shit from B&M and HB so Charlie pays for EVERYTHING else then 😞

Thread suggestion if anyone's on it not actually sure how it even works but here goes
Oooooohhhhhhhdeeeeeeyyyya bean. My chinzzzz are getting biggggaaaa
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Love how she makes out that the nation all depends on her 😂 she sounds like she’s a one man band if will go tits up if she has to isolate ! Do us a favour Jane and bean and just stay at home ffs 🥴

Also she sounds more anxious since maccy ds have announced closing ? Anyone else noticed 😂
And don't forget Nandos is closed too..where is she gonna get her low cal butterfly chicken and spicey rice :ROFLMAO:

Yeah Jane, that new formula 'whatever I can get my hands on'! I have 6 of us washing our hands multiple times a day...I have gone from the nice smelling stuff to dettol to the smellies I got at Christmas and never thought I would be glad for 'Ted Baker soap' .
I can't watch her of recent, skipped through so at least you get the view Jane...Tattlers keeping you in fridge raiders. 😉
I may dust off the "soap on a rope" on top of the wardrobe from the 80's;)

Wow plugging jd seasons lol who the hell is worried about bloody herbs 😭 yes jane we all want to season food ! Food that we ain’t got because we can’t get hold of any 🤯 what a first class Pratt

She's as bad as Liza Prideaux ,she's plans for the kitchen and living room decor nxt😁what planet are they all on 🤨
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shes banging on on her stories like shes some sort of hero for working in retail at this time.....erm isnt she finished not long after the store opens?? so she'll miss most of the chaos and grief in Tesco, she'll be having a nap or on the sofa scoffing a club while its all going on....once again playing the victim card
Did she edit it? I’ve seen the carers / doctor version but not retail. Some people are in professions that are in direct contact with confirmed cases!!!!!!
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I’m sure a whole medium chicken is just under 1100 calories and they half that in one meal she proved that with her so called left over chicken there wasn’t enough left to feed a 3 yr old as usual she shows her so called healthy meals for insta and the rest is fired on that plate when the pic is took I mean a medium chicken is meant to serve 3-4 but serves they 2 grubbers in one sitting, bet she’s sitting but charlieeeee it’s syn free so the calories can’t be that high and it’s high in protein and a lean meat so must be good for you. Yea Jane it’s good for you but not a whole fucking chicken fgs 😂😂. She will never get to grips with portion control she’s too gutsy for that.
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McDonald's closing restaurants, but don't you worry Janeychins, the drive throughs and deliveries are still functioning. Phew!
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I just had a look at what Emma Jade charges. £300!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I know these treatments cost but £300 for those caterpillars!
I would be so disappointed and embarrassed if they were on my face !
Bloody hell Im sure I paid less than that for initial treatment and 4 top ups and probably got enough left in the pot for another top up. And mine are natural looking and even. Its a good job they were a freebie Jane you would have been ripped off if you had to pay.
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