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Well-known member
I've had to unfollow James. Glad Dr Joshua is still calling him out!

Diren and Olima's 'business trip' looks like a holiday to me. Prize dicks travelling to a different country during lockdown when I can't see my nan who lives 10 mins away.
I usually like Paul Olima but “Paul on tour” is sooo obnoxious
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Yep I’m a mum and love being a mum, hate my mum Tum though (not enough to do anything about it though 🤣). I used to be in JSA and honestly it’s a cult! They desperation to he liked by the leader was embarrassing. I spoke up when he slatted another girl on insta and one member actually said ‘I don’t care what he does, I’ll always support him’ I was like ‘ok hun, he literally does not give a shit about you!’
I have always hated his answer to how to get rid of my mum tum being 'my mum couldn't have children and I'm sure she would love to have a mum tum, just be grateful you can have children.' It's a bit like saying how do I lose fat from my thighs and him saying just be grateful you have legs. Like obviously it is sad that his mum couldn't have kids and that's not what I'm getting one. But 1, it's a mans answer to a womans problem isnt it. And 2, he is a fitness coach and someone was obviously asking about an insecurity and he essentially told her get back in the kitchen and look after your kids and be grateful. And of course the comments blew up from the cult clapping hands and saying brilliant answer, and any mother that spoke up was shot down
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Chatty Member
That’s when I thought he was at his best and I joined his academy. He appeared far more humble back when Layla won the challenge trip.
I really enjoyed watching her win and going on the trip, and seeing him teach her to swim. He seems to have changed quite a bit since then.
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VIP Member
James selling his story to daily fail? 🤔
Selling his academy, more like. This is a very manipulative marketing ploy, IMO. Hit people with this story, at the time of year when the majority of people feel shit about their bodies, due to overindulging at Christmas. People are at their lowest with their body image and willing to part with their money to fix it. In swoops James in the daily fail. Easy targets.
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he must be loving playing up to this “bad guy” persona that he has created for himself. There’s barely any fitness content anymore. Just pure “bants” and lads lads lads. Fucking embarrassing
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They think they are so special, more fool whoever paid them to go there! I’m guessing by the bed set up it’s Paul’s gig and Direns tagging along?
They just seemed off their faces in the story I watched earlier.

As for James, that’s so true, he is always blowing out or restricting and he can’t even see what a cliche he is.
It makes me laugh how all these fitness influencers slag off slimming clubs when they run one themselves. I bet very few of their customers are with them to gain weight. The majority want to lose. They pay a monthly fee, weigh themselves every day and report back to a coach. How is that different to Brenda weighing in with Consultant Kat in a church hall and paying her a fiver?!
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I remember him saying at the time of his first book 'this will end relationships' - such an incredibly immature comment to make and clearly someone who knows very little about relationships.

Imagine thinking you have that power. Very cult like.
I remember that, and the day it was released people were messaging him telling him they left their long-time partners because of what he said and he was all thrilled. I ended up reading it at the start of lockdown but it wasnt great. About 30 pages in and the over use of the word 'myriad' I was done but also wanted to see what the fuss was about so struggled on with it. Absolutely no mission I'll be reading the new one. Also completely gone off him and the whole squad. He does far too much fat-shaming, that unless you are a member of his cult and agree with every word he says, it is extremely offensive the things he says.
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Chatty Member
Agree he was. This is when I liked him!! Haha
He had his personal account running then too along side the current one, he had their pics up, she was so nice.
Yip, remember it was her who introduced him to morning swims in the sea? I wonder if he’s reflecting a bit, he’s had another failed relationship and his life is basically the same... She’s got married and had a baby. I know I would be.
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VIP Member
Did anyone see on his stories... if anyone can find Lord somewhere to live I will PERSONALLY take them out for breakfast 🤮🤮🤮 It’s a no from me thanks
I mean I would much rather go for breakfast with Lord herself thank you very much.
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Well-known member
So frustrating that he is out drinking and dancing. For anyone who doesn’t know there is a recent covid cluster in one area of Sydney after previously being no community transmission since December 3rd, which is now growing quite rapidly and obviously spreading over wider Sydney. That particular area of Sydney has been locked down with the same restrictions they had in March, and the Premier specifically said for all of Sydney if you don’t need to go out on Saturday night don’t. So him and his friends think they are that important that their night out trumps community safety? And peoples Christmas plans? Unless it gets under control in the next day or two I won’t be able to see my mum (who was diagnosed with Cancer this year and lives alone) for Christmas. People like him who can’t follow a basic instruction really irritate me. I really liked him in the beginning but I’ll be unfollowing.
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This is what I don’t like. He was basically getting all his groupies to give a good review which in my eyes is cheating. I’m hoping it doesn’t go best Seller I mean he’s acting like he don’t care what’s actually in the book just that it goes to number one
It also annoys me when he implies that negative reviews are trolls or people out to get him rather than *shock horror* not everyone liking him or what he says
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Chatty Member
I've had to unfollow James. Glad Dr Joshua is still calling him out!

Diren and Olima's 'business trip' looks like a holiday to me. Prize dicks travelling to a different country during lockdown when I can't see my nan who lives 10 mins away.
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Well-known member
He’s just a stream of repetitive bullshit now!

I can’t believe how much I liked him, I’m sure I’ve even preordered his new book, I can’t find an email
to cancel it, 2020 really is the gift that keeps on giving! 😂
I got his first book months ago and listened to all his podcasts after discovering him and now I don’t wanna read it I’ve really gone off him since the fair points lad talk 😂
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Ask me a question:
James what is with the hat?

See he has added sex to his happy list🙄yes, yes we all know you have a gf with no standards.

Did like his point on the mumtum though, some women will never get the chance.
I get where he is coming from with the the mum tum comment but dont necessarily agree 100%. Just because you are lucky enough to have carried a child I don’t think you are then not allowed to be unhappy with how your body looks and not be able to voice that. It’s a little bit more complex than that I think 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So basically he’s saying if you have a bad day then quit???? Does that mean life then aswel? You know ppl struggle for months with their mental health so you should just quit?? Does he realise what he’s saying the fucking bell end. Oh and she totally dumped you 😂
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Well-known member
Did anyone see on his stories... if anyone can find Lord somewhere to live I will PERSONALLY take them out for breakfast 🤮🤮🤮 It’s a no from me thanks
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Wow more blonde, athletic girls in yoga pants....he really does have a type, they are all Shelle's the one that he threw away.
And you just know these 2 girls are young and have thought FREE weekend on James Smith, yeah count me in!
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Fi scot

Well-known member
Lucy Lord has said on her latest insta “what you resist, persists”, I’d bet 10 Aussie dollars that James shoe horns that into an email within the next week and follows it with a mic drop comment!
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