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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
When the girl could barely walk, Chloe had her walking all over, on the St ect, and filming her for content....

and the poor girl kept on falling and getting bruised.
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she's trying to scare his new interest off with the "we are family talk".

I hope he goes on to have more kids with another ( I doubt it though), that would infuriate Chloe.
I did notice one comment ( before she took the comments off) someone said “ I thought you two had separated” and she responded with “yes we have but we are also a family”. Now that makes sense!!
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Chloe the victim has entered the chat 🙄

We all like to think that our children are perfect and well behaved when we are out, I’m guessing this wasn’t the case and she is trying to gloss over it. She claims that she was repeating MAMA between eating, in what context? Loudly I would imagine.

I’m surprised that she didn’t take a photo of these men as she has a penchant of calling people out on social media 🙄

Plus, Chloe has no problem with men “glaring” over her half dressed photos on Instagram. She has put herself and her daughter in the public eye and continues to do so by posting photos of her everytime she does a post.
Exactly this! Some pubs are not family friendly and that’s fine. Also 9/10 when people are glaring /judging whatever there is usually good reason! She is so high and mighty about everything!
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
I wonder if this "separation" is because Chloe wants a 2nd asap, as she's 37?,

and James doesn't want another.
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Why does she ALWAYS have to write in CAPITALS. Is it just me that finds it tremendously irritating? It’s ALL the TIME.
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Chatty Member
I wonder how many more times she’s going to post that photo of her arse by the pool?
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Chloe probably eye-f'in herself in the mirror or phone and turned her back on her. Can't imagine either of them watch her properly, both completely and utterly self obsessed.
Seems to me it's because they are a pair of desperate attention-whores. They might be talentless too, but I don't really know enough about them.
Wow, is she 37??
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Omg that new, I’m assuming drunken video in the car is sooooo embarrassing! Why don’t these women keep it off the socials.
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Active member
Has anyone done Emma’s commit to 6 ? It’s £215 I wonder if it would be more focused ! I feel she is more professional and I’m not sure I want to do EC method - although maybe 1 round is worth it ! Any feedback would be great x
I have! It’s nearly the same
Has anyone done Emma’s commit to 6 ? It’s £215 I wonder if it would be more focused ! I feel she is more professional and I’m not sure I want to do EC method - although maybe 1 round is worth it ! Any feedback would be great x
i have and it’s nearly the same! Not as many people in the group but same exercises etc. dont waste your money
I have done ECM twice, first time was years ago and I learned a lot. The second round I just pissed about. I don’t use Facebook and did not like having to get an account to join the group and the second time around I found I got lost, too many doing it.
I also did a round of commit to 6. Found it even worse. I may as well have thrown my money down a drain.
I didn’t engage and nobody came looking for me. My own fault I know, but basically again, too many people.
The free content from Sean Casey is great. You can learn loads from him.
Then maybe join a gym or buy some dumbbells instead of signing up to commit to 6
I could have written this myself!!
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When will he (and other men) realise that this whole David Brent/Alan Patridge type of belittling women in the name of “comedy” isn’t funny or attractive? It’s like he’s peacocking to other men what a “macho” man he is, and actually it’s repulsive.
Omg I thought he was mega partridge in the show. Wasn’t sure if anyone else would see it !
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Chloe can’t be happy with James’ latest squeeze, she’s done one of those “old” fitness posts again! She always does this 🤣
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