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In regards to the baby seat…
Shocking. The straps are loose, it’s at the wrong height and she shouldn’t be facing forward until she’s older.
She would only be sorry when it’s too late. And the thing is, you can’t tell her anything. If you were to message her saying I think that’s wrong, just check the straps before you set off anywhere she would block you or use your message to make a story saying “don’t send me messages like this guys, it isn’t nice, if you don’t like it just don’t follow me”. No it isn’t nice, so fix it before it’s even more horrific - that’s the point! And it works both ways too. How about if you don’t like your life being scrutinised and people noticing your mistakes, don’t put it all online. See, it’s the same both ways.
She’s too childish and too obsessed with being adored by anyone and everyone that the littlest pointer is abuse in her eyes. Any normal person would probably message back to a comment like that and say “Shit, I didn’t even notice, thank you so much I’ll check it again”…. And then do a post about the importance of checking the seat and straps, you know, paying the safety message forward to other mums. But not Carys…. love me and worship me or leave me alone is her motto.
She’s a pathetic, self-centred bitch.

I know a lot of people believe she has PND, and she probably does, but the reason (I think) she’s so manic and loud all the time is because she’s fake. It’s quite that simple, it’s a false exaggeration for the camera. She doesn’t have a clue who she is, she hasn’t had any real life experience, so she has no identity and no characteristics. She’s nobody. She has to force a personality and it comes out on camera like this. There was one vlog they did where the editor didn’t quite cut it sharp enough and you could see her counting James in to start filming and she was “normal”, speaking at normal volume and then 3…2…1… HELOO GUYSSSS WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL HERE’S MY TEETH AND MY TONSILS CAN YOU HEAR ME AND SEE ME I’M CARYS AND I LOVE MYSELF. It was the weirdest thing, and from there I haven’t trusted one single thing that she says or does and I never will.
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Oh my god as if they’re doing a ‘bedtime routine’ and taking Amber out in her pyjamas whilst going for a meal. I’m sorry but the way she is with this routine is so ridiculous someone needs to say something to her about it!
Either don’t go out for a meal at 8.30pm if it ruins your child’s routine or have a fucking night off the routine!
God forbid poor Amber should be awake when they are out anywhere. They make it so obvious that they prefer Amber to be asleep whenever they are out like she’d be an inconvenience if she was awake. It’s sad. If she’s such an easy baby like they make out, why not take a night off routine and let her experience the restaurant environment.
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Just watched the vlog and I agree with everyone here saying it's so insensitive to talk about how they don't get quality time. Their "job" is to vlog themself having dinner, going on vacation, working on their house and going on dog walks. How is that not quality time? And on top of that they eat dinner together every night and watches tv.. it's embarassing how out of touch with reality they are.

And also, I think it shows how addicted to their phones they are(or especially Carys) if they have to put them away in a box when they go on holiday. And what a weird birthday gift "i promise to spend time with you and not be on my phone for 24h". It's just ridiculous.. I would be so fed up if I was James..

Did anyone else notice that when the shacket fit on James she seemed so stressed and started saying " that is my size 14 shacket" "It's an oversized fit" and when they were opening gifts she had a pillow over her tummy? I think it really shows how insecure she is with her body and that the body positivity is to convince her more than anyone else.
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What does she think she looks like?! 🙈
View attachment 771154
This is probably one of the worst pics I’ve seen of her in a while! The colour for one is just awful, I don’t find these colours look flattering on many people, some can def pull it off, I can’t, neither can she in this outfit! Also the hat, the hair :/ all just looks awful and those boots should be burned and never see the light of day again! They have to be some of the most hideous things I’ve ever seen!!
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It’s pissed me off to about no time together try both working Monday to Friday doing 12 hour shifts and real jobs like everyone else then you can tell me about time together. We would be lucky to spend quality time together once a month what an un-relatable b***h she doesn’t have a clue about real life when you read here Carys please remember that you are both stay at home parents who just hold a camera up for fun so how dare you make out that you work so much you have no quality time with each other. First of all you sit on your phone all day to please men and not look after your baby just swaddling her to sleep and sometimes produce fake rubbish content for ITS and cheap rubbish clothes that you can’t even market yourself other than soft and stretch so please I beg of you don’t insult us working or stay at home mothers that partners are out all day sometimes doesn’t even get to tell the kids goodnight. When your are living in the real world then talk what stupid dumb ass
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Latest vlog:
carys “I’m gonna stay & decorate the house”
James: “im gonna get some air & take the dog & baby for a walk”
Can clearly see where her priorities lie.

on another note.I used to love them until I found this page & started to realise that what everyone is saying is true & I’m now seeing that. Bit OTT on body positivity. No one is that happy with Their body.
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The insta story post she just did about justifying using the phrase ‘mum life’ for using fucking dry shampoo …
Go and enjoy your holiday instead of spamming your story with a load of shit

Also side note but the redditers have such bad taste. Apparently a bit of ass and tit trumps the most annoying personality of the century.
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I've always thought she liked being friends with Nayla because she's bigger than her 🤷‍♀️ you can see how much more confident Nayla is with her body too, and Carys just tries to leech off of and copy that energy whenever she's with her
Tell me why she couldn’t have had an additional woman there that was a size 8/10 to get a broader size range? Insecurity is loud.
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I cannot believe they did her night time routine then took her out with them! Why not just go out and let her fall asleep when she was tired!?
They're back home now, Amber is awake and looks happy but you can guarantee they will be frantically rocking her in her swaddle with the white noise machine shoved in her face 🙄
I honestly don't know how they will cope with her once she is mobile and throwing tantrums because they poured the milk onto her cereal wrong 🤣
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I’d lose the will to live if my partner couldn’t even leave the house to go on a walk without doing a boomerang and taking pointless photos for Instagram stories 🤦🏼‍♀️
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FFS this INFURIATES me. They are both 24/25, so lucky to have a dream house like that, a beautiful baby girl, go on lavish holidays, have nice cars, and a LOT of money. Yet they still get gifted everything they own and are now practically asking for a free bedroom upgrade I’m so angry

Influencers may as well tell us normal people to F off. They do not (and never will) relate to normal people who have real life struggles
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The trend for balloon arrangements drives me crazy. Terrible for the environment and you can’t even play with them! All they are good for is a photo. What a waste of money….
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I find the relationships these influencers have just so bizarre and very codependent. I couldn’t imagine being with my husband 24/7, living and working together, even making him drive me to appointments, baby classes etc. And never doing anything without him. I don’t see how that’s normal, even having to be up at the same time in the night with the baby? I love my husband but I also love having time apart as I think it’s healthy and normal to have your own interests, friends, work etc. I wonder how long these relationships will last and what they are like away from the gram. It must be miserable and draining.

I actually think James seems like quite a nice guy and probably a great dad, I think Carys is insecure and probably quite controlling and demanding of his time and attention which is a shame. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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