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Here's a run down of the video

First 3 mins is an ad for dog food and describing the vid, answering the first 10 questions. Carys is so weird and manic in this part🤣 they make a big point that videos can't be edited, seems weird and maybe a dig to Tattle when they 100% can be edited.

Q1: favourite things about each other
James says Carys is too good at sex🤢 (blatant lie considering the amount of times they say how vanilla they are). Carys says she loves how caring James is. James says he loves how Carys is a lovely loving person, so positive and sees the good in everyone (yet gets so passive aggressive at people telling her nicely about unsafe car seat, baby carrier etc🥴). Carys' least favourite thing about James is his practical ways getting in the way of fun quirky things like taking a bowl of spaghetti bolognese to the beach to eat it in the car boot just for an insta pic (yep, she actually said that). James hates her chaoticness (couldn't have guessed🤣)

Q2: was it love at first sight?
both said no. Carys said it was intrigueness at first sight, they chatted a bit, and when they met for first time she felt it was underlying love at first spending time together

Q3: specialty dishes?
Carys says toast (because she's useless). James said spag bol, steak and chips. they agree it is steak and chips he does best

Q4: where/ what was first date?
James picked Carys up at 9pm, they stayed in his car, drove around, got a mcdonalds, kept driving until 3am. Carys goes manic weird and sings "you're my bestie, bestie, you're my bestie" 💀😂

Q5: plans for another baby?
Carys says its annoying to be asked this question and she wants to say don't ask me, but then admits she does this to others (cue manic act of her saying when's your next baby, when are you trying, you look good with a baby do you want one etc for a minute). she says they would love babies closer together but also would like a big age gap. they do want another baby and kept saying another baby is on the cards🤔

Q6: how many children would you like?
James says the questions are in a nice flow while Carys says she frantic and wondering if her overactive thyroid had come back. before she wanted 5 or 6, she thinks in the future she will be like this but right now can't imagine having another and loving them like amber.

Q7: if you were to have a boy, what names?
Fin/Finley, Harrison, Grayson. says they really struggled with boys names so asked people to leave comments 🤔

Q8: highs and lows of parenting?
Carys said having an angel child you love ridiculous amounts, everything and every milestone makes them smile. Low for Carys is anxiety around having a child - am I doing enough, am I good at this, sticking to a schedule to keep her happy and at her best. then said is she going to choke on this, oh no she's weaning soon, will she choke? is she too hot is she too cold? James says low for him is the guilt when they have to go away, and that they have to stay an extra night for amber so she isn't in the car seat for most of the day, but she's such an angel and wouldn't mind that, they just take an extra day break. Carys adds she is grateful they both get to spend loads of time with amber.

Q9: would you think of starting parent meet up/ online chat?
basically says she is too busy and wouldn't be able to do it properly etc so recommends baby groups, free local meet ups or peanut app

despite both going to uni for maths they answered 9 questions not 10 🤦‍♀️😂
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Oh my god as if they’re doing a ‘bedtime routine’ and taking Amber out in her pyjamas whilst going for a meal. I’m sorry but the way she is with this routine is so ridiculous someone needs to say something to her about it!
Either don’t go out for a meal at 8.30pm if it ruins your child’s routine or have a fucking night off the routine!
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They’re the most repetitive Vloggers I have EVER come across.

She explains the layout of their house every other fcking VLOG. Give it a rest.

Why not be honest in your VLOGS and show us what the 9000 calories of food consist of a day, that you eat #Gunt
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omg looks at these cute mum outfits guyyyys, she really tries hard but sometimes this is just her mum outfit, who has the time, right?🥺🤪 oh wait, these pics are from 2018, 2019, and 2020, before she was a mum? 🤯 THEY ARE JUST YOUR NORMAL OUTFITS CARYS 🤣🤣🤣
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Also not being funny, you’ve just taken your kid abroad and then she gets the sniffles having been in airports? if I was them I would have isolated for a bit.
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I am astonished by these two “parents”. Carys knew that her baby is poorly, which is no surprise after returning from an aboard holiday in the middle of a outbreak. But anything for the gram right? 🤣

A mother with morals and natural caring values for their child, would spend some days in their home with their baby after their holiday (almost like an isolation period), interacting, playing and most of all cuddling their little one.

But no, instead drags their poor little one around bloody garden centres, play dates with babies younger than amber, and treating her like a doll, dressing her up for her Instagram feed!!

So morally wrong, poor little amber. It’s not like they have a day to day job, they could have easily isolated in their home with no complications with time off work, finance implications, etc?

I am astonished that her parents are GPs yet she is so dull!!
As much as people don’t want to admit it, we are still in an pandemic. Protect your child carys, cannot believe how deluded some people are!

Yet today, everyone has to act shocked when she brings another diabolical clothing range with ITS, when in reality she wears tatty cycling shorts, with crop tops everyday…

Having outsiders come into her home, photographers, make up artists, etc,. All for this stupid photo shoot, when your baby already has a cold? Any morally decent mother would cancel the shoot and rearrange for another day, but no we are suppose to have sympathy cause she didn’t sleep well, boo-hoo 😂 Luckily she doesn’t have to go to work like a normal person!

Anyone else just had a guts full of her and how she exploits amber for her engagement! 100% blocking her Instagram, I couldn’t stomach seeing that god damn, awful pony hair extension and manky white toe nails 🤮🤮

I know Elle can be controversial but at least she’s showing reality at the moment, by sharing her struggles with her postpartum body. Take note carys, not everyone loves their stretch marks and rolls and neither do you, your convincing no one Carys!
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Stop lying! You’ve read and received feedback of how fucking stoooopid and selfish you are. Now, you’re trying to do damage control.
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Why address it? No one would’ve thought ‘look at her nose’, but since she’s pointed it out, now we have🙄 tell you what is “bloody exhausting” you constantly pointing out your insecurities. Just stop it’s too much now

Stop claiming you “love” every part of your body. YOU CLEARLY DONT


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I could get on board with Carys’ body positivity stuff a bit more if it was less frequent and the odd post as it would seem genuine whereas because it’s constant it just feels like she’s forcing it to make herself try and believe what she is preaching to others. Idk it just feels like she’s doing it to seek validation and compliments from others for her body rather than it to be genuinely to make others feel good about their own bodies.
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I've always thought she liked being friends with Nayla because she's bigger than her 🤷‍♀️ you can see how much more confident Nayla is with her body too, and Carys just tries to leech off of and copy that energy whenever she's with her
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why fucking bring attention to your nose then? just post the picture and say look how nice my hair is and leave it at that 🤣
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Jesus, I would love for my day to day struggles to consist of finding the perfect pumpkin placement and mukbangs. But no, I’m here working my bum off saving as much money as I can before my maternity leave starts and worrying how I’m going to look after baby without the support of my parter as he will be back at work after a week.
LITERALLY made my skin crawl when carys said in a previous vlog she can’t find time to go on the daily dog walk
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