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Chatty Member
Isn’t it digital detox day she needs to get off social media it’s making her crazy oh just noticed that’s tomorrow but still this girl is crazy and I think it’s her addiction to Instagram
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Is bet my life on the fact that she capitalised ‘ME TIME’ because she’s seen how much we complain about it on here.
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yeah that's my opinion on them really. I don't want to use them but don't care if other people do (my mum has had 6 kids and we all used jumperoos/walkers, you name it). My original comment was the fact that they were adamant they only used products like the sleepyhead things as recommended and to the guidelines, yet have a jumperoo with cushions under (presumably because they are using it early and amber is too short), and using sit me up chairs that aren't recommended until baby can sit unaided first themselves, putting amber forward facing in the carrier early.

Wasn't hate for her using these products, more just to the fact she's using them incorrectly when previously would be passive aggressive that they follow the guidelines and wouldn't use a product in the wrong way🤣

also saying my baby isn't at that stage yet, when my baby is older than Carys' and she's using these products is fucking funny to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bang on about mum shaming but some of you get so arsy when you think you're being "shamed" and make accusations that I must have a perfect baby that will just lay wherever and she must not be at the moves around stage etc, when she is far from that. I guess if I told you she's been rolling since 3 months and trying to crawl and pull herself up at 5 months would just be me bragging though🙄😴 some people get so touchy about things on here sometimes
At the end of the day this is a gossip thread about Carys to discuss what she does, so I completely get your point about her saying she only uses products to the guidelines even though she doesn’t - I completely get that and I agree with you! But I think your comment could have ended there, and I think other people take offence/feel mum shamed when you then started to project your opinion about those things onto everyone else, and the language you used, for example saying you think they should only be used if a parent “needs” to do something (heaven forbid you put a baby in one for their own entertainment), or using the word ‘dump’ (implies anyone who has used one just shoved their baby in it and left them/doesn’t bother to parent properly). I don’t want to go on and on about it just wanted to explain why your post may have offended some people :)
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VIP Member
Anyone seen Zoe Suggs nursery tour? It’s gorgeous! Makes Carys look even more terrible!! Those bloody stickers 🙈
just had a look, it looks fabulous 😍 Carys' is so tacky, idk what she was thinking with the wall stickers 🤣
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"Let me tell you I'm imperfect so you can tell me I'm perfect."All these women are like narcissistic sponges, only satisfied when filled with social media comments telling them how spectacular they are. Vapid, talentless and proud.

Hmm. I agree. Which is sad really. I started watching carys and James about four years ago just after I had my first child and they were so different then, around the same time I started watching hayley paige. I feel like social media has sucked the essence of them out. Hayley paige I watched crash and burn and it made for painful viewing. I feel like I'm watching the same here. A car crash in slow motion.
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wow her views are shocking on youtube....elle is getting more than double what carys is getting!!
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Chatty Member
Yeah that swipe up to see the outfit thing was horrible so sly and out of order hopefully nobody gave a shit so didn’t swipe I certainly didn’t 😂
I follow a few mums that do the ‘swipe up to see the outfit!’ thing and it pisses me off 🙄
And great a video just to show off her tits and arse
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I for one was not offended by anything you said, genuinely couldn’t give two fucks whether you judge me for using an iPad, jumperoo, baby seat or whatever else, I’m not a remotely precious parent. I was merely pointing out that when our babies aren’t even crawling yet sometimes we make grand statements about things we will never do and further down the line that can change 🤷🏻‍♀️ but apologies, clearly you are more clued up than I am.

Anyway as Carys would say, you do you and all that, I won’t derail this thread anymore 🙄
I'll admit I got a bit pissy about it, but only because I couldn't see how I was mum shaming (and I'm having a bad day so probably added to my attitude🤣). I couldn't care less how people parent, makes no difference to my life, I was just pointing out her hypocrisy at following guidelines, then agreed with another poster at not seeing the point/wanting to use one myself. I apologise to anyone offended. while I don't want to use a jumperoo, I have considered it for many reasons mentioned by others, but decided not to. Like i said, my mum used them and we are all fine. So sorry if people thought I was saying jumperoo = shit mum because that's not what I meant at all. I might be a FTM but I'm not clueless about things, and I won't be changing my mind when she crawls as she's almost there anyway. I might change my mind if we have a second child though, so you never know 🤣🤣

We can just agree to have differing opinions and leave it there. Sorry if anyone did get offended 😩
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Chatty Member
Just seen she's been gifted some bits from jojo maman bebe. I'm surprised they didn't gift her something more girly.
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Chatty Member
Just watched the swimwear video, did anyone notice at 11:22, Carys says: "do you know what James's favourite would be?" And he says "a different wife?" under his breath... to the point where Carys doesn't hear/react 😫 he's obviously joking but I thought it was quite a weird thing to say. He also went really weird when she showed him the model photo and was sitting scrolling through trying to order more swimsuits for her; no wonder she's trying to push how much she loves her new body if that's how he acts.
Omfg I couldn’t sit through the video so skipped but wow it wasn’t even well timed he thought she was going to say what would you prefer and he would of said a different wife but she changes the word to which would be your favourite (a different wife) I don’t think anyone even noticed edited that and I think he assumed it would of been edited out he looks really weird! I can’t tell if he’s fed up of his wife getting her bits out for the gram or if he really doesn’t like her mum body so rather she cover it up. Actually can’t believe that and who would even say it and it implies that he rather the model in the basic swimsuit than a chubby wife in something revealing is that a bit of real James coming through 😮
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VIP Member
Mentioning boobs again on stories for no reason whatsoever just tobensire no one forgets. But she’s totally self conscious about them don’t forget l.
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Chatty Member
I know it’s mostly humour on here saying James is gay but can you imagine if he left her for a man or she knows he has gay tendencies so feels the need to be all arse snd tits to try and keep his attention 😂 actually noticed lately he seems sick of her shit even that photo he’s like ffs put the phone down!!!!!
If only she'd take a leaf outta his book 🌿
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I think they have started to wean Amber! I have the same spoon for my little one
another braggy milestone story 🥴 literally quick Google and it says babies can sit with support from 3 months old, and as they get closer to 6 months can sit with less and less support. I only knew babies can sit around 5 months because my baby was doing it just before then too, but i just thought that was normal, not early🤣🤣 but also because it's one of the requirements for weaning at 6 months. honestly dreading when Carys starts weaning 😭
In her recent post you can see a tommee tippee spoon in front of Amber I reckon they already have started to wean her 🙈 only noticed as I use the same spoon for my little boy 😂
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