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A girl called Jojo died killed herself I don’t know the ins and outs it’s on tiktok
but one of the reasons was she got into debt by gifting these z listers items and getting nothing back no thank you or a mention on social media !, it reminds me of Jake and Sophie they get all these freebies half the time don’t mention the person who gifted it to them !!! Half the time Sophie gets a free gift and uses it to make money by attaching a aff link !!!

people are saying when this girl killed her self not one of those z Listers reached out and donated to the funeral . One z lister used it to gain likes and attention reminded me something jake would do !!!
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He definitely told her to comment that didn't he, knowing it would make all his wee minions tag strictly 😄 he is so transparent it is pathetic.

And imagine showing how much you have spent on a meal to try and brag on the gram that you have any sort of money when you haven't as much as taken your kids to a santa visit... that's the thing about documenting every mundane moment of your life.. we can then see that he really does the bare minimum with his family and doesn't have the money he likes to portray.
What’s pathetic as well, is he has followers that think it’s normal to tag so many SCD people in a comment and as if by them doing it, it will make it happen 😂
As for the food. £170 for a meal with starters, main courses, sides, couple of drinks plus the service charge in a restaurant in Islington, is hardly ‘hefty’ as he calls it. If he thinks that’s expensive, especially for London, shows the sort of places he normally goes to. As you say when you do fuck all with your family unless it’s free, doesn’t say a lot for you as a person showing off that you’re paying £170 for a meal for two. I bet he wouldn’t pay anywhere near that if it was him & Flappy out though
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No sympathy for her at all. In an attempt to make herself famous she’s actually ruined her looks with all her tweaks; she was a pretty girl but has now morphed in to a trout pout, masculine jawline, fake teeth mess. Her style is so manly and not anything unique.
She’s trying too hard and with that drive to be something shes lost herself. There’s nothing she won’t try to be noticed and relevant.
They'll never manage it.
They have no talent, are unlikeable , not attractive enough & live nearly 100 miles away from Television stations etc in the back of beyond.

Happy to do fuck-all & beg & scriunge. Even food - rather than actually take a paid job.

His 5 mins of fame was over a Decade ago - and he never really even had that, back then.....
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I won’t be surprised if half of them latch on and suggest they’re autistic or have adhd. No way to disprove it and for some of them they try and use it as a get out for their rubbish behaviour.

His teeth are awful. And his dress sense is even worse. He looks like he rummaged around at a jumble sale in the dark.
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@Jessica_Rabbit and @JazzFan 😂 they would both be up there with my highlights for this year to 😂 The whole Maldives content from the pair of them was toe curling 😂. My other personal highlights would be the huge job he had in Liverpool riding on a bike giving out sandwiches and also when he rushed back from his cringeworthy trip to the USA because he said he was ‘presenting’ Soccer Aid, where in truth he was stuck in the Old Trafford car park and getting ignored by everyone he tried to speak to 😂
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And so the Xmas grief narrative begins…. 😴 He’s nothing if not predictable. I’m sure he’ll soon get over it if a TV appearance comes up 🙄 I wondered why Leo was bathed and dressed for bed so early, now it makes sense. She did everything before going out so all he needs to do is get him to bed 🙄 What a hands on dad he is 👍🏻
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It’s painful seeing how desperate he is to be famous. The constant need for validation is strange. So many people who have been famous eventually end up in normal jobs when things don’t work out. I wonder when he’ll come to the realisation that he’d be home more probably happier not having to scrounge for work
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Sitting in his hot tub sprouting shit and of course the dead come out yet again.So boring and tedious is this prick that his ego needs rubbing constantly by freaks online.No one fucking cares about your dead relatives from 12 years ago as this arsehole misses no one.
Let him keep rambling on as it will ensure his Insta engagement will plummet even further. I had 3rd hand embarrassment for him when I saw the Reel of him talking about Maris shitting, ewwwww. All the stupid poses he was making, I was like look at the bellend trying so hard to be funny. Although I don’t know why he doesn’t realise he should be embarrassed the wee boy is still wearing nappies full-time. I still don’t get why they haven’t managed to potty train him as Flapz is home all day. It just proves she leaves him in a corner swirling around in his own mess while she grifts online. Saddos!
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Looks like his money is going on buying ‘likes’ instead of followers at the moment. No way has his last reel now got nearly 20,000 likes where after 2 days it didn’t even have 10,000. I know he’s shared the crap out of it but I’m still calling bullshit
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Can’t imagine they would spend close to £500 for a night and day at Alton towers.Bet he’s walking around being loud trying to get noticed.
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I just can't anymore with this twat. 😂😂

View attachment 2627971
He’s sat on his sofa doing a video of a painting of a cat …. FUCK ME PANTO BOY, there’s FUCKING DULL & then there is YOU.

Spoke to a mate who has her own social media company and deals with YouTube & Google (I think it’s 80% of her work), she started laughing and said no way was it an partnership or brand integration (ps she doesn’t like PANTO BOY, because she is friendly with his ex - through her job) my friend primarily works with sports people & a few other names - no reality though, she said she’d rather leave the industry.

She didn’t think of was another of merit, she said he doesn’t have engagement rate which would make him a commodity for a huge company like YouTube.

He doesn’t have the engagement that would drive why traffic, so why woulf a huge business employ someone directly who couldn’t even shift 1000 views. Ouch.

The initial conversation was about someone I work with who is debating a channel & I said I would talk to a friend & introduce them.
Ps Apologises if the post is laden with spelling mistakes - I’ve lost my glasses.
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How many times is he going to share the same post.What a wanker and can you not take a hint that no one cares about seeing Leo on repeat.Lapland incoming or maybe they were just gifted the Christmas Eve box.
For somebody who has stated on many occasion they’re not bothered about likes on social media, his actions as always, tell a totally different story. Never known anyone on insta reshare the same posts/reels on their stories day after day like he does. He needs to accept that people are getting fed up with these cunts using their kids for likes/content 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I cant believe Sophie has said if your feeling alone this Christmas please reach out to other people.....OTHER PEOPLE.. she didn't say reach out to me she said others. The whole point in being and feeling alone is you have no one to reach out to. Jesus that video is heartless.
I can see it now:

Jake Quickenden: Grief and Me

Perfect title for the self obsessed cunt
Please done give him ideas 🙈
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