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Merry Christmas to all you beautiful savages. To all who have their loved ones home, for all who may be missing loved ones, for all who are struggling (we are all here for you), and for all of us being the greatest C**Ts (not swearing on JMJ&TWD night) in 2024. You's are all amazing. Slainte🍾🍾🎄🎄
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Philimena cunk

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I bet he's absolutely fucking seething being stuck at home.....
Even better will be the massive comedown when he's back to the full monty.....

Merry Christmas you friend less cunt.
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(Raise hands above head, quickly claps & stamps feet)

Ole everyone ….

(sorry I couldn’t resist)

The only time PANTO BOY does ANYTHING with his family is when there is a freebie involved. A FUCKING FREEBIE, what a family man you are. You bought yourself or got a dupe Gucci bolero cropped jacket (you looked an utter cunt, I may add) then went to the IVY for drinks & food with the man who soo wish was your true friend, but it feels almost obligatory him ever sending time with you. YOU DO NOTHING for those kids unless it’s a freebie or you are using them for adverts - WHAT A SHITHOUSE you are.

Hope everyone is good today. I am forcing myself to wrap gifts (on no 3 and I am bored and the novelty has worn off) 😂
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Read the room you shallow fucking bitch. Going on about people being lonely at Xmas then prattles on about all they’ve got planned this week and how she’s going to be doing another giveaway to up her engagement 😡 please anyone that starts feeling sorry for her, remember things like this. They have got to be the most unlikeable, disingenuous, self obsessed, deluded, fame hungry, attention seeking cunts out there 🤬
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So apparently that night he was still in Blackpool but didn’t do TFM he had a medical issue. Wonder if it was constipation I mean he is literally full of shit 😂 on another note Andi Peters was on This Morning last week talking about dealing with grief at Christmas looks like fakey was overlooked again then I wonder why could it be that all the years The X Factor was on he chose to go the one year his brother was dying?
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Chatty Member
She looks like a cheap hooker tramp 🤢

More like he’s down because he’s so skint he can’t afford anything
his wife has fucked off out with her friends which by the way how come every time his WIFE enjoys a day off with friends he sulks and becomes “ down “ it’s every single time she goes out the weird creepy bastard !!!

he’s also down because he has no friends no life no money and no TV work !! His engagement is shite and he’s desperate for attention
He's definitely a very manipulative man redtea, can read him like a book. Everytime she is out he is suddenly depressed.

It's 9 days until Christmas and he's on fishing for engagement because he's missing his dad at Christmas time....surely the best way to honour your dad would be to then create everlasting memories with your young family. He's done fuck all with them children, if he was my son id give him a good boot up the hole and tell him to grow up. He must be unbearable to live with, take it Freddie hasn't been about much now that he's home?
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That look on Chris’s face actually says it all this is a screenshot after Fakey insulted him on the way Chris was dressed for the office party obviously fakey didn’t bother to check out his gay matador outfit before leaving home then - fancy pissing off the only person that actually makes an effort to be seen out with the prick
This is exactly why nobody hangs round with him. He only enjoys himself when he’s insulting/taking the piss out of other people. I’m just disappointed Chris didn’t go back about what he was wearing. Probably knows Fakey can’t take the ‘banter’ and it’s bad enough having to socialise with somebody who tries being like a teenager, let alone one who would then strop like one if you dared take the piss out of him 🤷🏻‍♀️
Only just over 3,000 likes on his reel should be telling him something and as for her last reel 🙄 no wonder she’s doing a giveaway today. Not even 100 likes - that’s beyond embarrassing 🤭
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Ah thanks for letting us know you’re at home fake. I couldn’t imagine sitting and filming my kid when we’ve just woke up. He’s such a sad bastard.
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Considering how he shares every 2 min TV appearance he gets, weird how he hasn’t mentioned that the charity footy match he did for GMB a couple of weeks ago was shown on the program this morning. Wonder if it was because they asked scum bag Ashley Cain and Bobby Seagull (I don’t know who he is either) to come on and talk about it and not him 😂😂😂 Fuck me when you’re overlooked for a cunt like Cashley and someone nobody has heard of, it’s not looking good for your morning TV ‘presenting’ career 😂


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So she says they’ve been given a room just to change into but in the room they’ve got a personalised letter outlining their treatments on it, plus a load of free gifts, including even more free skincare products for Flappy 🙄 Another one for ASA. If you’re happy to grift, be fucking honest about it 😡 The fact they’ve gone to Tring which is a 2 hour drive from theirs, when there are so many nicer spas a lot closer to where they live, gives the game up straight away 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Vanilla Ice

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Chris will be screwing tonight 🤮 bit of wishful thinking there eh fakey - maybe he is hoping to be finally let out the closet tonight after a few 🍷🍷🍷 with his bae
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He’s had a sniff ….
On the lad Chris’s stories. Jesus. Obvious as fuck within 2 seconds.
I recognise that instantly.
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Fakey, just because Gail repeats a word, that doesn’t mean anything. And he didn’t even repeat it properly. For god sake get your kid some support. If you spent as much time helping Gail as you do in your piss tub, you’d see some improvements.
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They disgust me how many freebies they get when they work and can pay it themselves

pair of scummy cunts
To be fair I wouldn’t call anything she does ‘work’ 😂 and he hasn’t even worked 4 months this year but the fact he got £40,000 only last month, they should pay their own way and stop being such freeloading cunts
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Zelda gives us the weather forecast as she pushes her hair from her eyes constantly with the witch hands… tells us about the soaps, cuz no one ever has watched them. What her day is going to be!
God sake..get a job, she has too much time on her hands. Gets all dolled up to sit in her kitchen talking to strangers… 🤣🤣
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Well-known member
Aye, you just look 120 years old instead, ya ugly tit. Obviously angling for a L’Oréal ad like the other influencers I’ve seen promoting it lately. He’s so transparent.
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Someone who monetises DEATH to garner press is a piece of SHITE. I am not a fan of JAUNDICE at all, but she lost a son & the way PANTO BOY uses the deaths is FUCKING LOW.

If you need sympathy to get attention, it screams desperate. It’s not empathy he requires it’s sympathy - two very different things.

The route he goes down is people feeling sorry for him ? He’s such a fucking Facebook hu

The sadfishing is last resort - what else does he have to get attention. The kids aren’t working ? Why ? Because there are millions of people with kids & thousands of influencers who do the same - monetising their kids childhoods for fame & freebies.

This is the ONLY thing he is consistent of : sadfishing, it’s his tried and tested thing he knows will get him likes - the death of his brother & dad ?!

Seriously, PANTO BOY …. You feed off PITY.

Pity through external validation of strangers.
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