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LOL, I laughed a bit too loud at this. 😂 What a cheap and nasty looking necklace but it's the initials that got me!

L F 😂😂

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So now she reckons she did an 'A Level English Language'.....!!!! 🤡

That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!!!! She is thick as shit and can't even string a sentence together! 😂😂😂

"Quatz-like table anyone?" 😂😂

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Vanilla Ice

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As Fakey would say just a Saturday quickie 🤣🤣

So his big fight was a definite fix
Bit like his defined pack of six
His skinny fake torso has also gone
Same as his dick which isn’t very long
Fight money is already gone from the bank
Fancy scrounging out rooms just to wank
He only wants Flapz up the spout
So another golden child just to flout
A boring pair that do nothing together
He dresses like a tit in this cold weather
His wife face is just a bloody mess
Bit like her outing in that awful red dress
Full Monty is definitely in full pelt
Same as her face will eventually melt
Once FM ends and he has nothing to do
Maybe he will watch everyone doing the “Boo”
CBB is looming and he is hoping for the best
But all we get his him in a fucking vest
Can’t be arsed to read about him no more
Arrogant as fuck just show him the door
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It’s so annoying because on a load of tik tok videos I’ve seen, everybody is under the impression that Jake has given all his money to charity because his dad and brother died. Obviously he’s not gonna correct anyone! He might not have no where near as much money as Paul but surely he could give some to charity, especially when he said so on tv. I hope it’s given him some bad karma 🤞🏼
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That toy duck seems so babyish for an almost 3 year old. My daughter has had that since about 1 year old. Suppose it doesn’t really matter but I’m sure there are more exciting toys. Bet they got him the cheapest one.

poor Fred being used for ADs again.
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Flaps has bad skin, she just needs to accept it. All these treatments really are gonna do fuck all for her. She might get some slight improvement but not much. As a mother of 2 you'd think she'd have more pressing stuff to deal with like looking after her kids. She's obsessed with her appearance. So is he.
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Taking the piss out of your mums Uggs calling them Pugs/fake? The only thing fake is you you cretin, and at least your mum/Doormatt can afford the real thing!
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Did you see that beautiful young boy on this morning who’s got bone cancer🥲He has raised over £30 thousand pounds.I see the sarcoma charity used his story on Twitter.Should hang their heads in shame that Quickenden is a ambassador and yet gives to nobody but himself.Has made a fortune of his dad and brother😡I really hate everything about this fake arse prick😡
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What's this misfit boxing all about? Is their money to be made. I just don't understand it, he's 35, surely he's past his prime. Is he that deluded that because he beat a 41 year old, he thinks he's the next best thing. As for lying on TV about donating money, and also oktagon lying about him donating some, oktagon and sarcoma are both fucking mug's. We knew sarcoma were already absolute dicks from the emails we received back from them, oktagon loiks dodgy as fuck, glad they lost 60k for just over a minute of fighting. 40k is a lot of money for the too slow slowendons, it's not a life changing amount of money tho by any means. He's skint and doesn't wanna do panto so has convinced himaelf that he is a pro. Im thinking boxing route as you see boxers fighting at an older age rather than MMA. How old is the legend Tyson fury? Even look at Aaron Chalmers, he is mid 30s and got a friendly with the goat. Jake's switched because of this.
What's this misfit boxing all about? Is their money to be made. I just don't understand it, he's 35, surely he's past his prime. Is he that deluded that because he beat a 41 year old, he thinks he's the next best thing. As for lying on TV about donating money, and also oktagon lying about him donating some, oktagon and sarcoma are both fucking mug's. We knew sarcoma were already absolute dicks from the emails we received back from them, oktagon loiks dodgy as fuck, glad they lost 60k for just over a minute of fighting. 40k is a lot of money for the too slow slowendons, it's not a life changing amount of money tho by any means. He's skint and doesn't wanna do panto so has convinced himaelf that he is a pro. Im thinking boxing route as you see boxers fighting at an older age rather than MMA. How old is the legend Tyson fury? Even look at Aaron Chalmers, he is mid 30s and got a friendly with the goat. Jake's switched because of this.
What's this misfit boxing all about? Is their money to be made. I just don't understand it, he's 35, surely he's past his prime. Is he that deluded that because he beat a 41 year old, he thinks he's the next best thing. As for lying on TV about donating money, and also oktagon lying about him donating some, oktagon and sarcoma are both fucking mug's. We knew sarcoma were already absolute dicks from the emails we received back from them, oktagon loiks dodgy as fuck, glad they lost 60k for just over a minute of fighting. 40k is a lot of money for the too slow slowendons, it's not a life changing amount of money tho by any means. He's skint and doesn't wanna do panto so has convinced himaelf that he is a pro. Im thinking boxing route as you see boxers fighting at an older age rather than MMA. How old is the legend Tyson fury? Even look at Aaron Chalmers, he is mid 30s and got a friendly with the goat. Jake's switched because of this.
Well past it most have retired by 30 . He would need to win 13 basic fights before even being considered professional and even then he wouldn’t be high up professional. He’s got absolutely no chance 😂
Looks like he's at David Lloyd today, assuming Southampton still. Why not just go to the (very good) pure gym that's right by the mayflower theatre.

Pisses money away like anything
He goes David loyd so it will be free for him he would have to pay for pure gym 😂
I would do more than cry, I'd jump off a cliff. She has COMPLETELY ruined her face by only 30yrs old and is ageing like milk.

This is terrifying! 😮

View attachment 2561119
I can’t get over the change it’s actually really bad she was a good looking girl . She looks late 40s now it’s shocking . I wonder does Jake put her down a lot ? Because she never looked this bad must be a reason she has suddenly started like this
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Bit disappointed to see Jake go train with Steve at P4P. Steve's a great guy and works hard, and loves boxing. Been to his gym before and met him a few times. Also calling jake a 'pro fighter' 🤦‍♂️

What's interesting though is Jake chose a purely boxing gym when Southampton has a few great MMA gyms with strong reputations and different classes. These gyms are also closer to the Mayflower where Jake is appearing. Jake also did a private session by looks of it instead of just joining a class.

A-list star Tom Hardy does jiu jitsu and just turns up to regular classes at local gyms when he is travelling to different areas.

Can jake not hack going against others when camera isn't on him?

Assume he is desperately going to try and go down the celebrity boxing route.
He did a story the other day tagging misfits boxing and said about joining the roster (or roaster as that dickhead spelt it). He’ll basically do anything to try and get in the limelight and if it he keeps him away from his ‘beloved’ family, even better for him.
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This lady that always comments on his posts has got serious issues 🙄
oooh is this the one with hardly any followers & thousands of posts ? I know this as I remember her commenting on a post on OK or something last year.

She’s one of these middled aged women in a parasocial relationship with a man she maybe had a fleeting moment with …. I feel embarrassed for her, it’s beyond sycophantic - it’s pathetic.

WHY the fuck she thanking jaundice ? The reason this cunt is the way he is, she is partly responsible for this grown arse man who can’t even look after his kid unattended. What a FUCKING IDIOT she is & I don’t feel guilty or bad saying that either.
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Chatty Member
Endless clips of Tattie doing the most boring mundane things that kids a year younger than him would be doing. He’s not cute, it’s beyond boring , at this stage I believe he’s trolling us!
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I wouldn’t be surprised if he has ended what little was left of his career. To take 40 grand and pocket the lot without giving a single penny to the charity he is apparently ambassador for is despicable plus he makes it so obvious he spends it all on himself and doesn’t even treat his wife and son.I bet he thought Polly would get him all the interviews about his big win but nobody is interested in the greedy prick he now thinks he is made for life with his new career but KSI won’t sign him to Misfits no matter how much he tags them I’ve seen him being interviewed and he seems like a really decent hardworking bloke he won’t want to be associated with that nasty little shit so enjoy your pennies knobhead it’s the last decent pay packet you are ever going to see
Nobody in boxing will take this pansie on except MMA , Oktagon will probably take him on but have you seen how many fighters they have across Europe 😳 they have oversaturated their own company and they certainly don’t pay all them fighters £40k per fight that’s for sure, majority still have day jobs even the coaches have day jobs and other projects so it shows ‘Oktagon won’t pay bills’ 😂😂😂😂 Should change that tacky neon sign to that! He’s not a boxer, he’s not an MMA fighter, he nearly never was a footballer and hes not a lifeguard, he’s not a brikki, he’s not an actor, he’s not a tv presenter, he’s a nobody! He’s really is just some cunt off x factor! That’s all….
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Fuck me. Her bloody voice again 🤢 She’s got far too much time on her hands if she can use that mask for 40 mins a day. More Amazon crap incoming then 🙄 and as for asking her for Christmas Inspo is she having a fucking laugh. Why would anyone ask her for inspo on anything. She really thinks she’s providing people with a service 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m surprised she doesn’t put a countdown clock on for when she posting another aff link reel. Honestly she’s more delusional than that cunt she’s married to.
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